Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 74 The World of the Old Town [Part 1]

In Jiangcheng, land finance has been very hot in the past three years.

The land is getting higher and higher.

The wages in Jiangcheng have not changed, and they are all at the level of two or three thousand monthly wages for workers.

However, the housing price has been raised from 2,000 per square meter to 8,000 per square meter, which is terrible.

I haven't been here for just three years.

Originally wasteland, the suburbs of the village are all high-rise buildings rising from the ground, and they are made of reinforced concrete.

Let the people in this originally peaceful small county town no longer see the morning sun.

As for why.

In order to pay off the mortgage, there are many people who work all year round. Who can see the morning sun?

After his parents passed away, these high-rise houses were all unattainable for Su Chen, and it would be difficult to earn real estate in his lifetime.

But now.

In the new urban area of ​​this city, close to the old urban area, there are only broken walls and ruins on the ground of the high-rise buildings.

"This community seems to be called Heshun Garden?"

In front of the gate of Heshun Garden Community, Su Chen was a little dazed.

At that time.

The first house his parents bought for him was here, if there was no sudden change and no doomsday.

At his age, he should have married in the new house in this community.

Looking forward.

Su Chen looked towards the old city.

Endless blood-colored fog, since hundreds of thousands and millions of zombies came out, has enveloped the entire old city.

The streets separated by dozens of meters are like two worlds. In this new city, you can hear the roar of monsters.

There are also the sounds of zombies wandering.

The old city opposite is dead silent, without any movement, as if it has already become a dead place and merged into another world.

Su Chen pondered for a long time.

He has not taken the first step yet.

If the two kings of Yang City, the powerful king, and the wind king are still in the self-help association, he can rob them of the level 4 and level 5 crystal cores.

Even if he can't beat the level 4 extraordinary king, he can create more level 3 guards in time to participate in this beating.


They, along with the high-level crystal cores in their hands, were trapped in the old city, and there was no movement for several days.

Behind Su Chen, the pig-headed monster, Gangzi, and the giant tiger guards were on full alert, and they also realized the danger of this trip.

"Let's go!"

The giant tiger guards led the way.

The first to step into the old city world shrouded in bloody fog.

Su Chen was in the middle, stepping on the shoulders of the prison car guards, ready to escape at any time.


It was Gangzi and the pig-headed monster who covered the rear.

Including the prison car guards.

And Su Chen himself.

A total of 4 level 4 extraordinary kings.

In this old city world, it should be considered to be invincible.

"It should be... I think so..."

One step in.

Like falling into hell.

The spider-web-like bloody evil lines on Su Chen's body spread rapidly, and soon spread all over his body.

In an instant.

The world spun.

Su Chen felt weightless and truly stepped into the old city, which was another world.

A world bordering the purgatory world.


"Wake up."

"Su Chen, why are you still sleeping? Lao Fu is going to call the roll. If you don't come, you will be late."

"Failure warning!"

Su Chen felt someone shaking him. Soon, he woke up, jumped up, and looked around cautiously.

This was a classroom, a tiered classroom in a university town. It seemed that the class had just ended, and the students were in a hurry to go to the next class.

"Why is this old city so weird?"

Su Chen was shocked.

He thought a lot.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Countless human heads piled up into a small mountain, and there were corpse kings roaring. Once you enter the old city, you will face a million zombies.


The old city, broken walls, doomsday scenes, and the erosion gate descended on terrifying creatures, overlooking the entire city.

But I never thought it would look like this.

"Monster armor, possess me."

Su Chen summoned the flesh and blood fibers in his body, as well as various monster characteristics.

The heart of the beast, no movement.

The bone-eroding eye, the petrifying eye, and so on are all the same.

I can't feel its existence at all.


The short fat man in front of him laughed honestly and patted Su Chen on the shoulder.

"You are obsessed with reading novels."

"You can't even tell reality from reality, and there are still online novels?"

"Let's go."

"If you don't leave, you'll really fail the exam."

A huge amount of memories came and eroded Su Chen.

The British Commonwealth.

There was no large-scale real estate company crash.

Jiangcheng was not affected.

Land finance is still in its heyday.

House prices are getting higher and higher.

It's like a flower in bloom, a fire boiling oil, a prosperous appearance.

His parents are still alive, and he is still a contractor. Relying on the relationship of Shen Linlin's family, he contracted some construction work for Jiangshang Developer.

The final payment went smoothly.

His family's savings also exceeded one million, and he was engaged to Shen Linlin, and bought a lot of real estate at an internal price.

In the small county of Jiangcheng, it is considered a middle-class and slightly wealthy family. He also graduated from Yangshi High School and was admitted to a local university in Yangshi.

His future is bright.

As long as he graduates successfully, he can use the relationship of Shen's parents to enter Jiangshang Group.

Use connections.

Get a small middle-level cadre.

One hundred thousand a year is easy in Jiangcheng.

"Have you been so fascinated by online articles recently?"


Su Chen looked dazed, then slapped his head and became energetic. He picked up the fat man next to him and started running.

"Lao Fu is famous for being ruthless."

"I can't let him fail my exam."

"Leave quickly."

"Don't be late."

old Town.

In a campus full of blood and mutilated limbs, Su Chen was running with a rotten level 3 short, fat, deformed zombie.

On Su Chen's body, there was a deformed dark baby covering his eyes, and a rotten old woman with two heads, lying on Su Chen's back, constantly saying something in his ears.


The short, fat, deformed zombie let out a strange scream, and bit into Su Chen's hand with its fangs.

It bit something as hard as iron.

It was a terrifying giant knife that looked like thick blood flowing.


The roof of this teaching building was lifted off, and a hideous pig-headed head was roaring.

One hand lifted up the roof, and the other hand held a terrifying giant knife. Without any hesitation, he smashed the short, fat zombie into pieces with one blow.

The shadow at Su Chen's feet stretched out a shadow hand from among the shadows, not forgetting to dig out the level 3 crystal core in the brain of the short, fat zombie.

The giant tiger guard swung the hammer of flesh and blood, trying to knock down the rotten old woman lying on Su Chen's body.

But no matter how many times he swung the hammer, it was like hitting liquid, causing the rotten old woman to ripple for a while before finally returning to her original shape.

far away.

There were two figures covered in bruises, hiding like frightened birds. They looked here from a distance, their eyes full of horror.

"Who is this?"

"You're so brave, you didn't bring any props, and you were suddenly targeted by two level 4 superiors. You're still alive."

"What's the situation with the lineup around him? Three level 4 extraordinary kings who are not affected by strange things?"

"Where did this powerful dragon cross the river come from..."

These two figures were the two kings of Yang City who stepped into the old city and threatened to close the gate of erosion and restore the land in the old city.

Their bodies were covered with wounds, and both of them had been infected by high-level zombie viruses.

It’s just that I don’t know what means to use, but it hasn’t turned into an irrational alienated zombie yet.

When they rushed in, the lineup they led was not to be underestimated. Among them, there were as many level 2 peaks as dogs, and level 3 extraordinary ones were everywhere.


Still alive.

There are only two level 4 extraordinary kings left.

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