Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 76 Awakening from a Dream

In front of the villa.

The three guards rushed in without hesitation and had a fierce fight with the three monsters.

They wanted to take Su Chen out.

But these three monsters were too strong. Two of them could suppress them, let alone three.

In a flash.

The three guards retreated.

"We must find a way to rescue the king!"

The pig-headed monster said in a muffled voice.

In the villa.

Su's father and mother, as well as Shen Linlin, came back and the family gathered together.

In the kitchen.

Su Chen was cooking lunch. He hadn't cooked for a long time. The last time he cooked was in the fortress, so he just made do with it.


What is the fortress?

Su Chen put the freshly made garlic chives fried meat on the table and frowned.

"You are Su Chen, happy and perfect, this is your home."


"Your parents, and the people who love you, are right in front of you."

"You have all the good things."

The rotten old woman whispered in Su Chen's ear, making a harsh sound.


Fortresses and such.

It doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that I am happy now, with my parents above me and my loved ones beside me, all of which is enough.

"Mom and Dad, come and eat."

In the dark and bloody villa, Su Chen stood in front of the dining table full of human remains and shattered bodies, waving at the three hideous monsters coming towards him.

At this moment, there was no guard protecting Su Chen anymore.

Gloomy villa.

Three bloody monsters came, together with the two weird monsters hanging on Su Chen's body, a total of 5 monsters stared at him, their eyes full of desire and greed.


"Now I can enjoy the food."

The dark ghost baby showed a mouthful of sharp teeth, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the roots of his ears.

The rotten old woman, with two rotten heads, one on the left and one on the right, leaned against Su Chen's ears, grinning, and made strange sounds again.

"You feel a little dizzy, you want to rest."

"Go to sleep."

Su Chen looked dazed, everything in front of him changed, and it turned into a bedroom scene, with a bed in front of him, and he couldn't help but fall on the bed.

Drowsiness came.

He lay on the dining table, sleeping on the bloody remains on the dining table, like a delicious banquet about to start.



"I want to eat! Eat!"

The monster with fangs all over its body could no longer withstand the deliciousness of flesh and blood. Hundreds of huge mouths all over its body were shouting hunger, and it opened its mouth and bit Su Chen.

Then, there was the figure of a rotten blood bubble.

The blood bubble figure's way of eating was somewhat special. It actually wanted to leave Su Chen's chest behind, drill into it, and eat Su Chen's organs.

The monster covered with eyeballs was even more special.

It dug out its own eyeballs and forced them into Su Chen's body.

"Don't grab them!"

"We brought them here."

"We should eat the first bite first! Leave the brain for me."

The rotten old woman and the black ghost baby were anxious.

One on the left and one on the right, they were about to tear Su Chen's head apart.

At this moment, Su Chen was almost dead.

Even if he woke up and burst out the monster characteristics of his whole body, it would be difficult to resist these more than 5 level 4 upper monsters, and the weird division.


There was a dull vibration sound.

It was not Su Chen's beast heart that was beating.

The beast heart was just a weak level 3 characteristic. Even the warning function could be suppressed in front of these 5 weird and monsters, and it was beating even more.

On Su Chen's body.

The strange blood-colored lines that spread rapidly and almost reached the whole body and rushed to Su Chen's mind were trembling violently.

A terrifying pressure emerged.

The five powerful monsters and weird ones on the scene roared in fear, and their bodies were twisting, deforming, and afraid.

The blood vessels peeled off Su Chen's body.

In mid-air, it turned into a terrifying head that was completely condensed by cold blood.




None of them.

The level of life that burst out of this terrifying head far exceeded the so-called monsters and weird lives, completely surpassing them, a bit like the blood eye in the sky at the beginning of the doomsday.

"This is my prey..."


"What are you doing?"

The voice of the illusory terrifying head seemed to come from the distant purgatory world.


"Evil Lord!"

"We don't know, we don't know..."

The rotten old woman is a strange life that came out of Purgatory. It naturally knows what the existence in front of it means.

The Seven Lords of Purgatory.

A life level above the rank.

Compared with it.

These so-called Level 4 lives are nothing.

Strangeness can't be killed?

It doesn't exist.

This existence above the rank is the real god of Purgatory. Whether it is strange life, monster life, or more powerful and terrifying beasts like demons, they are just created by them.


Five monsters, and strangeness, all exploded in an instant.

The ground is full of blood.

And black air.

This eerie villa is still eerie and terrifying, but there is no danger anymore and it has returned to peace.


Something on Su Chen's body broke apart, and a ball of dirty blood and a dark mist came out from the container and spread over Su Chen's body.

Lust. Desire. Dirty blood.

Hunger. Dirty blood.

In a flash.

The strange veins on Su Chen's body spread, and finally disappeared without a trace, hiding under the skin, as if nothing had happened.

The Seven Lords of Hell.

Gluttony, Wrath, Lust.

Three of the Lords chose Su Chen.

"This purgatory is for him."

"In the distant future, he is destined to become a god."

"When he ascends to the throne, it will be the time for us demigods to steal the godhood."

There was a murmur.

With the villa as the center, all the monsters and weirdness nearby showed fear, and were distorted in an instant, and then exploded one after another, without any trace of crystal cores or characteristics left.

An hour later.

Three guards noticed the movement here and rushed in one after another.

Then he saw Su Chen waking up slowly.

"Where is this?"

"Didn't I step into the world of the old city?"

"What happened?"

"Why are you lying here?"

Looking at the gloomy villa full of broken limbs and fragments, where a feast of flesh and blood had once erupted, Su Chen's face sank. Even a stupid person could sense that something was wrong.

"Where are the prison car guards going?"

"Pig-headed monster."

"What happened?"


Su Chen's face became more and more gloomy as the pig-headed monster narrated in a muffled voice.

Shuttled through the strange blood-colored mist.

He lost consciousness instantly.

A skeleton bird flew high, grabbed him and threw him into the strange campus, and then two strange things grew on him.

One blindfolded.

One rewrote his mind.

Then, like a puppet, he was controlled by these two strange things and came to this monster's nest where three powerful monsters were entrenched. The last scene of his memory was the kind faces of his parents.

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