
"Damn it!"

Su Chen was furious.

If these monsters and weird ones were still alive, he would make sure that they died without a burial place.

"Monster debris detected, more than ten types of level 3 broken debris, more than ten types of level 4 broken characteristics, two types of level 4 weird broken characteristics, 300 energy can be consumed to make weird evil guards, lv3, stitched monster corpses."

Su Chen lacked level 4 combat power.

What's more.

It was a weird guard.

300 energy, he only needed to kill a level 4 monster to get it back several times.

This deal was not a loss at all.


Energy balance, 1440.

In an instant.

The bloody debris in the villa, the black mist floating all over the ground, and some other miscellaneous strange things disappeared.

Replaced by.

It was a creature with two heads, no facial features, and a body made of various corpse fragments. It only had one baby arm, holding a paper lantern with eyeballs and a fanged mouth dripping with blood bubbles.

"fanged mouth."

"Blood dripping lantern."

"Hundreds of eyeballs."

Su Chen was silent for a while.

He had some guesses as to why the five terrifying monsters and the weirdness disappeared.

Probably dead.

It turned into a pile of broken things.

But here comes the question.

What kind of life could wipe out such a terrifying lineup of monsters in one go? It seems that the rotten old woman and the black ghost baby were not spared.

"Level 5 life?"

"Corpse king, monster, or something else?"

Su Chen's scalp tingled.

This place cannot be stayed, it is too dangerous.

There must be a terrible monster lurking.


It is impossible that he killed these five monsters.

"Let's go!"

Su Chen didn't have time to test the ability of this new level 3 weird evil guard, and fled with his four guards.

The prison car guards are still missing.

On the desolate streets.

There is no human figure.

In this old city world, there is no thick blood mist. On the contrary, it is very clear here, so clear that you can see the outline of the blood moon in the sky above.

The huge blood moon always stands here, connecting the world of purgatory.

Outside the old city.

There are also the roars of monsters and the movement of zombies.

Here, there is only a dead silence.

There is no sign of life.

There is no sound of insects.

Su Chen and the four guards behind him are particularly eye-catching here.

"It was a mistake."

"If I had known that this was the situation inside."

"I would never have come in even if I was beaten to death."

"I haven't hunted even half a level 4 monster, and I almost lost my life here."

Su Chen frowned.

Looking in the direction from which he theoretically came in.


It should be adjacent to a shopping mall in the new city, and there should be thick blood mist there. As long as you pass through the blood mist, you can return to Jiangcheng and the old city.


There is nothing there.

No shopping mall.

No blood mist.

Only the wilderness shrouded in darkness.

In the wilderness.

From time to time, a scarlet eye flashed.

In an instant.

Su Chen understood.

I'm afraid that the old city, in theory, still exists in the territory of Jiangcheng, but in reality, it has been pulled into the purgatory world.

Is it the same in the two districts and three counties of Yang City?

Su Chen didn't know.

But this old city, where he was, was already in purgatory, the world inside the gate of erosion.


The creatures in Purgatory seem unable to enter this city.

At present, there are only the original monsters in the old city and the weirdness that has grown.

"With such an outrageous Purgatory difficulty, how many of the 1 billion people in the Commonwealth can survive now?"

"Or is it that only Jiangcheng is the most special?"


"Why is Jiangcheng so special?"

Su Chen did not dare to stay in this empty street for a long time. After observing for a while, he led the guards into a dilapidated residential building.

There are zombies here.

In the current monster system.

Zombies are already the lowest level.

Whether it is a mutated monster or a terrifying weirdness, it is far more difficult than zombies.

There are zombies.

On the contrary, it means that the danger here is not high.

In the distance.

The powerful king rubbed his eyes in disbelief, watching the man who walked out of the villa alive and full of energy, not only was he not injured, but there was another powerful weird creature behind him.


"What happened inside?"

"Five level 4 superior life forms, special and strange, cursed monsters, all of them."

"With such a lineup, let alone a small level 4, even the only level 5 corpse king in the old city world would probably have to drink a pot of wine. How did he get out alive?"

After being shocked.

The powerful king had a distorted expression.

This kind of monster.

The human skin paper actually asked him to intercept and kill the other party. No matter how many means he has, he can't beat the 5 terrifying lineup.

In the golden box.

The human skin paper came out and stuck behind the powerful king, as if staring at Su Chen, watching which dilapidated residential building Su Chen entered.

There were words on it.

"Have the three monarchs noticed this new god that Purgatory is pursuing?"

"What a pity."

"It's too late to meet him, otherwise he will be the best carrier of my will, and then it will be a natural thing to steal the future throne."

"What a pity."

"I thought that this new god that Purgatory is pursuing should be in a more prosperous urban area..."

The words disappeared without a trace.

The human skin paper went back into the golden box.

In the residential building.

The flesh and blood fibers on Su Chen's body came out again, turning into the appearance of a monster's flesh and blood armor, leading 4 guards to hunt the zombies here.

A lot of energy was consumed.

It has not been replenished yet.

Although these are just some shriveled Level 2 zombies and Level 1 zombies, whose special features cannot be used, a mosquito leg is still meat no matter how small it is.

"You are just a Level 2 zombie, but you are hunted by several powerful Level 4 creatures."

"You, a little zombie, deserved your death. I am honored."

Su Chen threw away the hideous zombie head in his hand and dug out the crystal core.


There was a movement.

Although it was very small.

But Su Chen turned around instantly and stared at a door behind him. The house number on it was 1204.


"Are there any survivors in this old city world?"

Su Chen became excited.

In his heart, the blood of lust and desire was firmly entrenched. This time, no matter how hard Su Chen tried to expel it, it would not be so easy to expel it, and even discovering it was not so easy.

Without hesitation.

Su Chen broke into the door.

The metal door was nothing at all.

Today's Su Chen.

Even the concrete wall can be collapsed.

If he could go back to the beginning of the doomsday with this strength, he could hunt down all the monsters and zombies born in Jiangcheng by himself.

The bright sword light shone.

They were indeed survivors.

They were also a team.

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