Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 88 The Church of the Savior

"What's this?"

Su Chen was on the metal throne. After taking a moment to feel it, he found a hollow book made of metal placed next to his right hand.

What catches the eye are the big words on the cover, The God of Salvation!


"Wherever the evil cult comes from, it has spread to my fortress. It's so desperate."

The end is coming, order has collapsed, and desperate people need faith the most. Cults like this will definitely emerge one after another in the future.

Su Chen just didn't expect that there could be such a terrifying cult that could penetrate into his fortress.

For a moment, Su Chen became murderous.


"See if I don't uproot this cult."

Su Chen in Jiangcheng has long regarded it as his base, like a back garden.

Even if the Yangshi Self-Help Association was established, he would have to uproot it sooner or later. How could some unknown religion get involved.


Su Chen has finished reading this pamphlet.


His expression became extremely strange.

The first page introduces the gods believed in by this salvation sect, with wings that cover the sky and the sun, and look like monsters.

You can still vaguely see the divine light shrouded behind you, looking down at Jiangcheng with cold eyes, still like a god.

Isn't this him?

"After working on it for a long time, I discovered that this cult is actually me..."

Su Chen was speechless for a while and continued to read.

Next, there is the doctrinal purpose of Shen Shen Nao Dao, which tells the story of the end of the world coming to punish the guilty.

Only by believing in the God of Salvation can we have a slight chance of escaping from the sea of ​​suffering and reaching the other shore in this sea of ​​disaster and misery that is coming at the end of the world.

The God of Salvation is not a mortal, but the Lord of Gods who came to the world and was born in the British Union.

Under his command, the Lord of Wind and Fire followed him to the world, with the so-called portrait of the Lord of Wind and Fire attached to it.

She looked like a centaur female knight who had reached level 4 and achieved the state of fire.


It should now be called Lord of Wind and Fire.

It's just that this portrait is a bit too exaggerated. Not only does it control wind and fire, it looks like a terrifying fire spirit that controls wind, rain, and thunder, and can destroy the sky and the earth.


"Who wrote this..."

The booklet is full of praise for him, as well as boasts about the coming of a god and the savior of the world.

Before the end of the world came, when he was born, there was thousands of miles of red clouds covering Jiangcheng.

In the normal human society where the extraordinary had not yet appeared, the extraordinary appeared, came to the world, and followed Su Chen.

"Is there a supernatural being following me?"

"Why didn't I know? If there was Chaofan, I would have killed the Jiangshang Group and turned Jiangcheng upside down."

Su Chen looked at it and used his toes to push out the three rooms and one living room.


There are also several picture albums.

They are one of the slave gods depicted by the God of Salvation, who came to the world, transformed into the body of a monster, and protected the God of Salvation.

The monster master in charge of killing!

It looks vaguely like a pig-headed monster, but the pig-headed monster in the album stands tall on the ground, and the city under its feet is like a tiny model.

The huge pig-headed monster's body was dripping with sticky blood. It was like a world inhabited by countless evil Shura ghosts. It looked more than a thousand meters high.


"It's getting more and more outrageous!"

Su Chen continued to flip through, and then saw the second picture album, which was a depiction of the Lord of Punishment in the shadows represented by the Salvation Cult, who represented punishment and extermination of evil.

He controls darkness, wanders in all evil places, takes on thousands of incarnations, and is everywhere. He is the most terrifying existence among gods.

"Does anyone really believe it?"

Su Chen laughed dumbly.

Holding the album in hand, he left the throne, summoned flesh and blood fibers, and transformed into a monster armor. His wings vibrated, and he was ready to go to Su Xiaoyi to ask about the situation.


As soon as he appeared, he met a group of maids, among whom there were some vaguely familiar faces. They were clearly some of the female survivors he had rescued casually.

When these women saw Su Chen, they immediately knelt on the ground, made gestures, and performed church etiquette that Su Chen couldn't understand.

"Meet the God of Salvation."

Even with his head lowered, Su Chen could clearly feel the trembling bodies of these people and the suppressed fanaticism in their hearts.

Like a fanatic.

These people seemed to have been brainwashed. They really believed in Su Chen and thought that Su Chen was a god who came to Jiangcheng.

In the doctrine, the God of salvation is described who brings light and hope to this end of the world! Lord of the gods!

"Keep your head up."

Su Chen spoke.

Suddenly, these young maids all raised their heads and looked at Su Chen passionately, as if they were looking at their own gods.

Su Chen had no doubt that even if he asked these people to die, these people would do it without hesitation.


"There's something wrong with their loading, as if they were under some kind of influence. Why are they so enthusiastic in just a few days?"

Think about it.

Su Chen aroused the memory of a beautiful maid closest to him.


This beautiful servant misunderstood his meaning, and her face turned red. She undressed and took off her belt on the spot.

"Please enjoy me, the God of Salvation. I am willing to give birth to a son of God for you and save the world."

Looking at this situation, Su Chen doesn't even need to beckon his finger, these maids who are like fanatics will take off their clothes without hesitation and make love with him here.


Su Chen coughed violently and fled.

He had never experienced such a scene.


He found Su Xiaoyi on the roof of the fortress, and Su Xiaoyi was smiling at his joke.

"How is it?"

"What does it feel like to be a god?"

Su Xiaoyi walked to his side and fell into Su Chen's arms. Su Chen looked at Su Xiaoyi's head with some surprise.

I don't know when.

Su Xiaoyi, the cursor on her head turned into a gilded color, lv4, which was particularly dazzling.

When she left, relying on the characteristics given by Su Chen, Su Xiaoyi was only lv2, but now, she is already lv4.

You know.

LV4 guards are not just level 4 lives, but terrifying existences whose combat power can bombard level 5 lives.

Su Chen fought hard in the old city world, stirring up the storm, and only with the help of the Fire Skull did he get the lv4 cursor.

Once the Fire Skull left his hand, he would immediately drop to lv3.

Su Xiaoyi, unexpectedly, had surpassed him and reached the level comparable to level 5 life.

She jumped two higher levels at once, and this progress was even more incredible than his.

It was only a few days.

"What happened during this period?"

Su Chen clicked on the guard image representing Su Xiaoyi, and saw that Su Xiaoyi had awakened her ability.

The special gold-plated mark and the rapidly rising level were also due to this awakened ability.

"What kind of ability is this..."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the girl in his arms who was as docile as a kitten, and rubbed her black and smooth hair, revealing a little strange color.

In his eyes, the top of Su Xiaoyi's head in his arms was extremely special.

Even rare.

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