Su Chen knew it very well.

Su Xiaoyi was just an ordinary person. The level 2 combat power she had before was obtained by relying on the characteristics he sent to her.

Now, Su Xiaoyi has become an awakener and has her own abilities.

The ability fragments that Su Chen obtained, no matter how many times they were upgraded, were all ordinary blue-white luster.

This was the first time I saw a golden color like Su Xiaoyi, and her ability was simply terrifying to the extreme.

This is definitely an ability that stands at the peak of transcendence.


It is impossible to do it. In just a few days, Su Xiaoyi pushed herself to the level of a level 5 life.

The Chosen One.

What is the Chosen One.

This is called the Chosen One!


Su Chen looked at the name of the golden ability and narrowed his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking.

That's right.

Su Xiaoyi's ability is called God-making!

What is God-making!

Create gods! Follow gods! Shape gods! Even become gods!

Each ability will go to different paths with the initial choice.

If Su Chen was Su Xiaoyi, he would definitely choose to use himself as the foundation and create himself as the god of this world.


Su Xiaoyi chose the path of serving the gods, and she chose him!

She regards him as a god in this life!

Su Chen thought that Su Xiaoyi would definitely know how terrifying the potential of this ability was if she followed him, but she still chose to make him successful.

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Su Chen's heart, which had been sealed for three years, beat for the first time.

He seemed to really like her.

At first, he just occupied her body and wanted to take responsibility.

But now, who can refuse a person who is full of him and for him?

In a trance.

Su Chen seemed to see the night when Su Xiaoyi awakened her ability through the three-dimensional image of Su Xiaoyi's guard. In the fortress, she made a pious wish.

"I follow, I look up to, I am fascinated, please don't abandon me."

"I will create you as my god."

"Please stay with me forever."

[Creating God]: In a desperate world, create hope and shape a living god. The more faith you have, the faster your ability will advance.

There is no doubt about it.

This is a choice to move towards auxiliary horror ability.

The god that Su Xiaoyi chose to create was Su Chen.

"You won't blame me for the things of the Savior God Church."

"I did these things on my own without telling you."

In Su Chen's arms, Su Xiaoyi was as docile as a kitten, and her green fingers scratched Su Chen's chest.

Su Chen picked her up by the waist and walked towards his bedroom in the fortress with an angry look.

"I am very angry."

"So I have to punish you."

So what if she is the chosen one.

She still has to be pressed under him.


There was an untimely sound in Su Chen's bedroom.

It lasted for half an hour.

During this period.

Su Chen could clearly sense that the blood of lust in his heart was moving and trying to spread to him.


In a flash.

A burst of light with a godly aura burst out from his body, crushing all negative states.

Including the power of hunger and filth, and the evil and filthy power hidden in the deeper and almost untraceable.

Su Chen's body was refreshed as never before, and he felt that he had broken free from some shackles and peeping.


He could also clearly sense.

After having sex with Su Xiaoyi once, a circling light and shadow appeared in his body.

With a slight sense, he felt the voices of countless people praying to him.

"Is this the benefit brought by Su Xiaoyi's creation of gods?"

Su Chen was a little unbelievable.

The three kinds of filthy power were his biggest worries, but there were more dangers in the old city world, and he didn't care to find a solution.

Originally, Su Chen planned to wait until he left the old city to see if he could get some useful information from the human skin paper.

After all, he had stabbed the monarch of hell in the back.

As a horrible life of level 7.

He must have some means in his hands.

It was too dangerous to trade with a high-level weird life of level 7, so Su Chen still had concerns.

Unexpectedly, it was solved on Su Xiaoyi.

"What an incredible ability."

"Create a god."


"Must continue to create."

"All the survivors in Jiangcheng should believe in me, the savior god! Become my believers."

At this moment, Su Chen saw the horrible future of Su Xiaoyi's ability, thought a lot, and immediately made a decision to vigorously develop the Savior God Church.

Religion and everything else are cults.


I am the god worshipped by the cult.

That's fine.

What cult? At first glance, it is a righteous church that promotes sincerity, kindness and beauty, and must be strongly supported.

On the bed, Su Xiaoyi hooked her toes around Su Chen who was getting dressed, and couldn't help but say.

"If it were peacetime, you would have to go to jail. I just became an adult a few days ago..."


"In the old city, did you hook up with other women? Something is wrong with you. Every time you go out, you bring back some women. Why didn't you do that this time?"

"Tell me, what did you do in there?"

Su Xiaoyi crawled into Su Chen's arms like a docile kitten, asking softly.

Su Chen's hand, which was buttoning his sleeve, trembled, and he actually felt guilty for being caught cheating on his wife.

His eyes flickered violently.

In the old city, he had a big fight with a female swordsman from a survivor's base.

I swear to God.

This was all because of the dirty blood of lust.


The blood of lust did not break out at that time.

Damn it.

It didn't break out.

"Xiaoyi, you know me too. I only have you in my heart. I swear to God."


Su Chen screamed.

At his waist, the soft flesh on his waist was twisted into a dough twist by Su Xiaoyi, who was puffed up like a pufferfish.


He was kicked out of the bedroom and bumped into another girl who was peeking through the crack of the door.

Su Xiaoyi just turned 18, holding her head and crying in pain. Su Xiaoyong, who was wearing a maid and housekeeper's clothes, was even younger, only 17.

If you count carefully, add the female zombie Xiao Xiaoxiao in her early 20s, the female high school student Feng Yao from Chiyang High School, and the 30-year-old queen Fang Xiaoya who had offended him before.

He hooked up with a female swordsman outside and hasn't brought her back yet.

No wonder Su Xiaoyi kicked him out like a scumbag.

"Boss, you're back."

"I also contributed to the founding of the Savior God Church. The doctrine and the portraits of the gods were all painted by me."

"How is it!"

Su Xiaoyong ran over, like an obedient puppy, with his tail up, wanting to hear the master's praise.

He also stretched his head forward, as if expecting something.

"Not bad."

"Well done."

Su Chen touched Su Xiaoyong's head and praised him. Then he fluttered his wings, rolled up the wind and waves, rushed out of the fortress, and jumped into the sky.

He stood in the sky, overlooking the entire Jiangcheng. In the streets of Jiangcheng, there were hunting teams wearing homemade leather armor.

They were hunting weaker zombies and monsters.

Su Chen looked down on level 1 crystal cores, level 0 crystal cores, and even level 2 crystal cores.

There was no way.

1 point, 5 points of energy were too little, and it was too troublesome to collect them. It was just right for the Jiangcheng Self-Rescue Association formed by Xu Fan to collect them.

It could also train the extraordinary people of the Jiangcheng Self-Rescue Association.

As for the crystal cores.

Of course, they had to be offered to Su Chen.

"At this rate, it won't be long before the entire Jiangcheng County area, except for the largest township area, can be recovered."

"At that time, we must vigorously promote the Savior God Religion. All survivors, whether they like it or not, must believe in the Savior God."


Su Chen had a feeling.

The role of the Savior God Religion in the later stage will be particularly great for him, even to the extent that it is second only to his two abilities.

Jiangcheng New District.

Government New District, Office Building.

The original flag of the Yang City Self-Help Association has long disappeared, replaced by the flag of the Gods of the Savior God Religion and the flag of the Jiangcheng Self-Help Association.

The flag of the Gods is the outline of Su Chen and the shadows of the guards, full of the majestic aura of the gods.

The flag of the Jiangcheng Self-Help Association is a miniature city, and there is a pattern of a suspended island above the city.

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