Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 92 is about to be released

Chapter 92 is about to be released~

Amid the complaints, Pigeon is now on the shelves. Without further ado, I will no longer entertain. After get off work, I will put down the bricks and code, and at work, I will touch the bricks to think of the plot. I will never update, and I will report to the readers and fathers with full sincerity.

Turnips and greens are either salty or bland.

I hope readers and fathers who like this book can give me a first order support. Thank you so much.

Order 500 for the first time and start the 8000 daily update mode.

The first order is 700, and the 9000 daily update mode is enabled.

Order 1,000 for the first time and start the 10,000 daily update mode.


There are about 7,000 collections on the shelves. It is impossible to order 1,000 for the first time and 700 for the remaining 700. Therefore, there is little chance of 9,000 daily updates and 10,000 daily updates.

The first order of 500 is somewhat hopeful, but it still seems like a dream.

However, I still have to dream.

What if the dream really comes true.

Touch it.

in addition.

There are some emotions that I can’t express and feel unhappy about.

Gege graduated from college five years ago and worked full-time for a while. She suffered severe beatings from her parents and her life.

I have been working for two years now.

Thanks to the editor Da Laolao.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have a chance to re-enter the industry.

Because it was the first time I wrote an article at Qidian, I didn’t grasp the direction of the writing style well, so some readers didn’t like the content of this book very much.

I saw it too.

There were indeed some problems, but there was nothing I could do about it. When I discovered these problems, I already had 30,000 saved manuscripts in hand.

This is what Pigeon Pigeon has gained in exchange for several rest days.

There is no choice but to be reckless.

No days off.

When I wanted to revise the previous plot and refine some of it, the book Gege had already published 30,000 words, and I had 40,000 manuscripts in hand.

Once the changes are made, it’s hard to say what the results will be.

Pigeon himself will definitely be scrapped.

I have an external website, and I also have Yuewen Chuangshi, and the manuscripts I have written together total more than 9 million words.

I still know how to write in a pretentious and slap-in-the-face way.

When I wrote this book, I didn’t think much about it. I just felt that the starting point was the leading platform. Popular books are very different from pretentious and slap-in-the-face novels. Some cool articles were chased and criticized, so I didn’t dare to follow those lines. Write.

Honestly write the upgraded plot around Goldfinger.

This is my first time writing an apocalyptic article.

I don’t dare to write too much, and I don’t dare to write anything that exaggerates the apocalyptic atmosphere, for fear that I won’t be able to get the full attendance benefits from the starting point.

no way.

You must find a way to recover the contract money.

The data is poor.

There are many complaints and comments.

The performance of this book should not be very satisfactory.

So I don’t have the nerve to ask for further reading or data.

Let’s talk about this much first.

Say no more.

Moving bricks.

Bricks are so hot today.


And one more thing.

Because the novels written by Ge Ge in the past were all fantasy novels with male protagonists, and the protagonists were always single until the end.

Think about it carefully,

We can't go on like this, so this book will have a female protagonist, and we will also accept female protagonists, one in the main harem, and the number of harems is tentatively determined, but there will not be any transitional descriptions. Please rest assured, Pigeon knows that you are all gentlemen, and so does Pigeon. (righteous words)

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