Chapter 93 Strongest Level 4.

Su Chen soared into the sky with his wings vibrating, and soon landed at the steel plant.

He returned to Jiangcheng and rested for a while.

He started to do business again.

Collecting energy, becoming stronger, upgrading guards, and fortresses are his biggest business at the moment.

Today, after feeling his divinity, he had an inexplicable feeling.

He felt that even if this divinity was on the other side of the erosion gate, the terrifying life in the purgatory world would be watching.

The so-called human skin paper and the so-called wrath of the purgatory monarch would probably be interested in this thing.

"Become stronger."

"You must become stronger faster."

"Otherwise, everything I have now will be lost!"

The monsters in the steel plant have been cleared, and his guard corps is stationed here.

Flying guards, gun policewomen, crossbow women warriors, etc., even the pig-headed monster and Gangzi, two level 5 lives, are here.

In the steel mill, there are various weapon styles piled up like mountains, among which the most eye-catching ones are the heavy trucks selected by Su Chen and the Rolls Phantom.

The warehouse door of the steel mill has been opened, and hundreds of tons of steel are placed here.

"Detected suitable materials, 100 tons of steel + heavy trucks, can create lv0 guards, heavy truck warriors!"

"Detected suitable materials, 1 ton of steel + Rolls car, can create lv0 guards, car guards."

"Detected suitable materials, 100kg steel + machine guns, can create lv0 guards, machine gun shooters."

"Detected suitable materials..."

In the field of vision.

Dense information flows emerged.

As long as Su Chen is willing, he can easily pull out a terrifying steel army with these hundreds of tons of steel in the steel mill.

Su Chen waited for a while, and a car full of crystal cores drove over, and the driver was Xu Fan, the leader of the Self-Help Association.

"My Lord, please forgive me."

"At present, we have only cleared the warehouse of the Yang City Self-Help Association and obtained so many crystal cores. The crystal cores hunted by zombies in the city are still on the way."

Xu Fan wanted to show off in front of Su Chen, but with the Guard Corps, he was not even qualified to enter the steel plant.

The Centaur Knight, like a monarch walking out of the red flames, left the Self-Help Association team behind Xu Fan.

The Yang City Self-Help Association was completely destroyed from top to bottom, so she naturally had no reason to stay there.

In the final analysis.

The Jiangcheng Self-Help Association is just an external organization of the fortress.

"Well done."

Su Chen encouraged him.

Afterwards, the heavy sword warrior carried two large boxes of crystal cores and walked into the depths of the steel refinery.

The gate of the steel refinery slowly closed.


Xu Fan sighed.

He knew that his extraordinary level was still too low, and he could not keep up with Su Chen's pace. The number of these crystal cores did not satisfy Su Chen.

Otherwise, he should have stood inside the steel refinery instead of being locked outside it.

At that time, in order to gather the hearts of his men, he relied on the monarch of wind and fire to break through the Yang City Self-Help Association, and immediately distributed most of the crystal cores of the Yang City Self-Help Association.

Crystal cores are hard currency.

In the future doomsday, it is definitely a representative of currency, because this thing can make people evolve their bodies and become stronger.

Even people with abilities will have a demand for crystal cores.

The Yang City Self-Help Association, after all, came out of Yang City, and there is no shortage of high-level crystal cores of level 2 and level 3, and his boxes of crystal cores were temporarily looted.

There are many.

But there are few high-quality crystal cores.

"One wrong step, all wrong steps."

Xu Fan felt a little regretful.


"Successfully created heavy truck warriors, car guards, and machine gun shooters."

In a flash.

One-tenth of the steel disappeared from the warehouse of the steel plant, and three huge figures were born.

Like a small high-rise building, a ten-meter-high figure, a terrifying steel body, exuding a dark color.

This is a huge monster. Judging from its momentum, it even feels like it may be a level 3 monster.


This is just a level 0 guard.

There is no doubt that the size of a heavy truck warrior is placed here.

Even if it is only level 0, he is undoubtedly a BOSS template. A level 0 guard can easily beat a level 2 monster.

Even without any characteristics, it can still touch a level 3 monster.

In the early days of the doomsday outbreak, if Su Chen could get such a boss template guard, he would have killed like crazy.

Next, it is the car guard, whose prototype is a super luxury car, the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Its combat power is far inferior to that of the heavy truck warrior, and it can even be said to be the weakest guard under Su Chen.

But its comfort level is absolutely top-notch, because it is an auxiliary, and it cannot be said to be an auxiliary guard.

"Meet my lord."

The car guard, transformed into an Autobot, came to Su Chen and asked respectfully.

"Excuse me, do you need a ride?"


All the talents are on defense. This is a real guard car.

No combat power.

"Da da da!"

The machine gun shooter, holding a machine gun, with a steel body like a military and police soldier, stood in the steel factory.

It was average, not strong, but definitely not weak. It was no problem to fight a level 2 monster alone.

Afterwards, Su Chen began to absorb the energy of the crystal core.

There are more than 6,000 level 1 crystal cores.

When the level 2 crystal cores were reached, the number began to decrease sharply, with only a sparse 100 or so.

There are only a handful of Level 3 crystal nuclei, only three or five here and there.

Even a lot of level 0 crystal cores were stuffed in to make up the numbers, which looked quite spectacular.

"Xu Fan has the ability to do things, but he is too capable of doing things. So in order to win the hearts of his men, he probably hurriedly plundered these crystal nuclei."

Su Chen shook his head for a while.

This is where it’s difficult for outsiders to use it.

It’s better to rely on your own people.


He will let the guard army, monsters and zombies sweep across Jiangcheng to loot all the crystal cores.

When the Yangshi Self-Rescue Association was established, wasn't it under the banner of regaining Jiangcheng and saving mankind?

Su Chen will do what they have accomplished, and Su Chen will also do what they have failed to accomplish.

"Dissolve energy to gain energy 7500."

"It's pretty good."

"Now the energy is 10,500, and I still have a decent level 5 life crystal core in my hand. I finally have some confidence and can click on the lv4 upgrade interface to lv5."

lv4, two characteristics, two states.

A career was also born.

Wait until it’s time to upgrade to lv5.

There will definitely be new changes.

But when Su Chen clicked on the interface and rubbed his eyes, it was a little unbelievable.

"How much energy?"


"Three...thirty thousand energy? Plus a level 5 attribute crystal core corresponding to the attribute to upgrade to a lv5 guard?"

Su Chen took a breath of cold air.

lv5, can hit level 6 health, this energy price is not expensive.

It just takes him a long time to save.

"never mind."

"Let's get two more level 4 professional guards."

Su Chen shifted his gaze, moved back and forth on the bodyguard, and quickly determined the new upgrade candidate.

Regarding the third professional guard, Su Chen chose the majestic centaur female knight in mid-air, surrounded by flames.

In the teachings of the Savior Cult, he is the monarch in charge of wind and fire.

"lv3, centaur female knight, characteristics: charge, body of fire, status: fire status → (0/3000) lv4, can obtain wind status, do you want to upgrade?"



Su Chen's energy balance has changed, with only 7500 left.

Instead, the centaur female knight, who was already majestic and majestic, like a terrifying flaming lord, was surrounded by thousands of strong winds.

The strong wind rolled back, like a blue dragon, wrapped in endless rolling fire, soaring straight into the sky.

This scene is like the birth of a god.

The flaming body of the centaur female knight quickly surged with the incoming wind.

Wind helps the fire.

The terrifying power surged tenfold at this moment.

With this scene now, he can barely deserve the title of the Lord in charge of wind and fire.

"I have an audience with you, my lord."

Centaur female knight, no, now she is like a knight-monarch in charge of wind and fire.

It is so powerful that it is difficult to look directly at it. At a glance, you can tell that it is a terrifying monster-like boss at the end of the level.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Su Chen vaguely felt that the body of the centaur female knight seemed to be stained with a divine halo.

"Let me see, what is the occupation of the centaur female knight?"

Su Chen clicked on the three-dimensional image of the centaur female knight's guard, and soon saw that her guard title was changing.

Vaguely, you can see strange titles such as Wind and Fire Knight, Flame Lord, Law Enforcement Priest, etc.

Finally, the title was settled.

【The Divine Knight】

"What profession is this?"

Su Chen was a little stunned.

next moment.

With the advent of her profession, the Centaur female knight, who had mastered the two states of wind and fire, became extremely terrifying, and her aura surged again.


Vaguely visible.

Her original metal body split rapidly, and fresh flesh and blood sprouted out. At this moment, she was no longer a metal life, but a life of flesh and blood.

The long crimson hair was burning with flames, floating behind him, and the cold blue eyes seemed to be enveloped by the terrifying wind.

Bright silver metal armor is attached to her centaur body.

"Please crown me, my God! I will always be loyal to you and follow you forever, my God!"

The centaur female knight, carrying the violent wind and fire, came to Su Chen, knelt down, and kissed Su Chen's palm like a loyal slave.

What's happening here?

Su Chen raised his eyebrows. This strange profession seemed to have appeared in Jiangcheng with the Centaur female knight, and with the establishment of the Salvation Cult.

"I accept your allegiance."

Su Chen nodded.


The coronation is complete.

In Jiangcheng, the first batch of believers who were praying devoutly at the newly established headquarters of the Salvation God suddenly felt a voice exploding in their minds.

"I am a knight of the divine religion, a minion of God. I will fight for God in all directions. We will remember my name as the Lord of Wind and Fire."


The Messianic Cult is manifested!

“Is this an answer to our prayers from God?”

"Oh my God!"

"Gods! The Salvation Cult really has gods!"

The messianic church was filled with excitement.

There were also a lot of frightened expressions among them.

They are the extraordinary people from Yucheng and Mucheng who hid in after hearing about the Savior Cult.

They didn't take this cult and its doctrine seriously at all. They thought it was just a Level 4 extraordinary pretending to be a god.

Who would have thought that such a method of responding to the believers' prayers, and the sound of explosions, as if the terrifying scene of divine power, shocked them deeply...

"Is there really a god?"


"How could I have such a ridiculous idea? I was actually affected by it. Damn, this cult is really something..."

They all looked different. Some of them noticed something wrong and were quietly preparing to retreat and go back to report the news.

If it weren't for the powerful awakening ability of the Level 4 extraordinary, I'm afraid that this weak Jiangcheng would have given birth to a Level 5 life.


Su Chen checked the three-dimensional image of the guards and found that Su Xiaoyi was the only one who upgraded to Level 4, that is, Level 5 life, by her own ability.

Her three-dimensional image, after he crowned the Centaur Knight with his own hands, gave birth to a profession.

Profession: Cult Leader!


Su Chen was about to create the fourth lv4 guard, and his eyes wandered again, locking on the newly born heavy card guard.

The heavy card warrior of the level 0 guard, with his innate size, can touch the level 3 monster.

And, there is a high probability that he will win.


The profession of the meat tank monster of the pig-headed monster is more suitable for the heavy card guard.


Su Chen took a look at the eight wheels under the feet of the heavy card warrior, and felt that the meat tank monster was a little unprepared.

With both speed and size, which guard can match this violent impact?

"Let's see how powerful the boss template I selected can be."

Su Chen started to upgrade again.

lv.0 [Heavy Card Warrior] (0/100) → lv.1 (Available Features: Unlimited Power)

Rubbed his eyes.

Su Chen confirmed again and again that he was not mistaken.

For a normal guard, the energy from lv.0 to lv.1 is only 5, but this heavy truck warrior has a 20-fold increase.

It is worthy of being the BOOS template that Su Chen values, and can fight against a level 3 monster as soon as it is born.


In a flash, the eight wheels of the motionless heavy truck warrior began to spin rapidly.

This terrifying speed made Su Chen feel that it could speed up to 100 yards.

100 tons + the volume of a heavy truck, plus a speed of 100 yards, this can kill a level 3 monster.

At lv.1, it has the absolute combat power of a level 3 monster, which is equivalent to other normal lv.2 guards.

"lv.1 [Heavy Truck Warrior] (0/500) Feature Unlimited Power → lv.2 Obtainable Feature: Savage Charge."

500 energy, this is ten times the normal lv1 to lv2.

"Continue to upgrade."

In an instant.

The terrifying roar of a car sounded.

The already sturdy body of the heavy truck warrior showed uneven marks, like a protective layer of car armor.

It rushed forward fiercely, and the house collapsed. It was better than any bulldozer.

The whole steel plant was trembling under his size and collision.

Now, the level 3 monster was no longer enough in front of him, but it was hard to say whether it could reach the level of level 4 monster.

lv.2 [Heavy Truck Warrior] (0/1000) Features Unlimited Power, Wild Collision → lv.3, can obtain the armor state.

lv.3 [Heavy Truck Warrior] (0/3000) Features Unlimited Power, Wild Collision, Armor State → lv.4 Mountain State

In a flash, a brand new heavy truck warrior was born, and a terrifying pressure like a mountain came, and half of the steel plant was shrouded in the shadow of the heavy truck warrior.

The strongest lv4 was born.

His profession is Mountain Guard.

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