Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 94: Rain City Royal Court

The Knights of the Cult of Wind and Fire, and the Mountain Guards who were as majestic and terrifying as mountains, consumed a total of 7,600 energy.

10,500 energy, it looks like a lot, but it is actually not enough. Now there are only 2,900 left.

"The energy is still not enough."

"The strongest monster born in Jiangcheng is only level 3. Level 4 monsters and level 5 monsters can only be hunted in the world of the old city..."

"However, the zombie king is probably still waiting for me there with his level 5 zombie army."

"I don't know if he can control the life of a level 6 monster?"

Thinking about it.

Su Chen decided not to risk entering the world of the old city, which had been pulled into the purgatory world.

When Su Chen thought of the boundless darkness representing purgatory, he was horrified.

He closed the door of the warehouse.

Compared to the vast number of weak guard corps, he preferred the elite guard corps.

Looked at the time.

It is already August 25th.

In the past, this was the day when he got his salary, but now, no one paid him anymore.

The order collapsed, the country was destroyed, and now, the doomsday has been 25 days, and he is the new order, the new ruler of the country.

Su Chen decided to recapture Jiangcheng. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they can't stand the large number. As long as there are 10,000 level 1 zombies, he can still get tens of thousands of energy.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to develop the Savior God Church."

Su Chen is not very good at playing tricks.

Fortunately, after experiencing the despair of the doomsday, as long as you show strong strength and make their lives a little better, even if you dominate everything about them, they will believe in you like a god.


Under Su Chen's order.

The guards, all of them, even level 5 life, are on the list, washing away all zombies above level 1, as well as monsters.

"This is the oracle issued by our Lord. Recover the fallen Jiangcheng and create an earthly kingdom controlled by our Lord."

"You should kneel down devoutly."

The Centaur Knight is very good at playing tricks. She is wrapped in a raging wind and swept with endless flames, covering half of the sky of Jiangcheng. Her melodious and cold voice spread throughout Jiangcheng.

Afterwards, all the survivors in Jiangcheng saw that no matter how powerful the monsters were, no matter how turbulent the corpse tides were, they were all crushed into powder under the impact of powerful metal creations.

There was a level 3 upper monster, with black flames burning all over its body, rising into the sky, trying to escape from the urban area of ​​Jiangcheng and go to the township area.

The cold rusty arrow pierced it.

Level 3 characteristics, a black lotus fire emitting scorching heat was picked up by Su Chen.

Such scenes can be found everywhere in Jiangcheng.

Monsters above level 1 will be killed without mercy.

As for the ordinary zombies, and the level 0 zombies that had just entered the mutation, no one paid any attention to them.

This thing is too weak. A fully armed normal person has a chance to kill it without injury.

After killing it, the crystal core energy can only give a few tenths of it. It is too wasteful, so I am too lazy to do it.

Under the leadership of a group of level 5 life guards, Jiangcheng, which was a desperate doomsday, quickly recovered.

Even the dark clouds that had shrouded the urban area of ​​Jiangcheng for a long time were dispersed a lot on this day.

The guards did not go to the township area, but only cleared the new urban area and the industrial suburbs.

If all the dangerous zombies were really cleared, Jiangcheng would really become a paradise and restore normal order. How could the Savior God Church preach and rule Jiangcheng?

That's right.

Su Chen's original intention was not for the people of Jiangcheng, but to develop the Savior God Church, rule Jiangcheng, and have a base for survivors to grow vegetables and food for him, raise cattle and sheep for him, and give him production value.

He gave these survivors a safe place to live and enough food to fill their stomachs, and he would control everything else.

He was much more hateful than any capitalist.

However, there were also benefits. They didn't have to face dangerous zombies, and they had cheap houses that didn't require half a lifetime of mortgage payments. This was much better than the doomsday.

Su Chen passed on the idea, and the Savior Cult started to operate rapidly. In just a few days, the Savior Cult's extraordinary people built stone and earth walls in the city.

As the leader of the Self-Help Association, Xu Fan sensed the crisis. The Savior Cult did everything, so what else did he need to do with the Self-Help Association?

Could it be that he was used to kill all the people of the Shen family and the people of Yang City, and then thrown away like a rag?

Having enjoyed the right to dominate the survivors of Jiangcheng, once it was lost, even if Xu Fan was willing, the Level 3 extraordinary people under him would not be willing.

They also wanted to get the means to the path to the Level 4 Extraordinary King from Su Chen.

In the past few days, Xu Fan has repeatedly asked to see Su Chen, but Su Chen always avoided him.

The crystal core is very important to him.

Even if the people of the Shen family are not killed and the people of the Yang City Self-Help Association are not strangled, Xu Fan should not be perfunctory about the crystal core.

Suddenly, there is a Savior God Church that can not only bring him power, but also expand rapidly and gain countless fanatics who are almost brainwashed. The Self-Help Association seems to be somewhat dispensable.

Once you join the Savior God Church and pray to him devoutly, you will be captured by his divinity and gradually become a fanatic with devout faith.

In the fortress, the first batch of believers in Su Xiaoyi's experiment are the group of female survivors rescued by Su Chen before.

The experiment was very successful.

The weaker the extraordinary rank, the more terrifying the influence of divinity. Belief in gods is much more terrifying than loyalty to the master.

Those maids are a good example. Just one look at him and they are willing to devote themselves to him, even willing to die for him as a god.

This is more terrifying than the crazy star-chasing girl in reality.

"With the Savior Cult, self-rescue seems a bit redundant. Where should we put them?"

Su Chen was a little confused.

The God of Salvation is his direct force and is absolutely loyal. The Self-Rescue Society is a peripheral force. There is no guarantee of loyalty. Everyone has their own thoughts, even Xu Fan, who he personally rescued.

It's the end of the world, the order has collapsed, and after seeing the darkness of human nature, who will still be loyal to you?

Su Chen's words, somehow, were known to the level 3 extraordinary people of the Self-Rescue Society.

They decided against it.

"Are you sure, the Lord of the Fortress, the God of Salvation, intends to deprive us of the rights of the Self-Rescue Association?"

Under the lights, dark shadows flickered. They were all level 3 extraordinary people from the Self-Rescue Society, currently the most powerful group of people in Jiangcheng.

There are women, luxury cars, and mansions.

With the God of Salvation behind them, their life was more prosperous than that of the extraordinary king of Yang City at the end of the world.

It was the extraordinary people from Yang City who were the ones who dominated Jiangcheng before, but now it's them.

The change of power has always been like this. Once you get comfortable, you will think about enjoying it, and then quickly deteriorate.

not to mention.

They haven't made any contributions yet, all they have fought is crushing battles, and with the puppet army behind them, they don't have to do anything, they just need to pick up the fruits of victory.

They also knew very well that they had done nothing, so they were even more afraid that Su Chen would take away the rights in their hands.

They heard that the Savior Cult had already given birth to its own level 3 transcendent, which made them even more panicked.

Their self-rescue club seemed even less important.

"That's right."

"Su Chen wants to depose you, but we in Yucheng are different. Our leader of the Wangting Organization wants to rule Jiangcheng and expand his territory, but he just wants to advance his rank."

"Our Royal Court organization has no interest in ruling Jiangcheng. When the time comes, why don't we authorize you to manage it?"

"Why don't you think about it carefully? In peacetime, a beautiful woman who you wouldn't even look at can now be abused and humiliated at will, and you can choose luxury houses and cars at will..."

"You are all people who are expected to become level 4 extraordinary kings, the chosen ones of the doomsday. Su Chen doesn't treat you well at all, and wants to take back your rights. Isn't this a heinous crime?"

"Our Royal Court organization is different. Our leader is also a genuine level 5 being, and he has mastered the existence of level 5 evil spirits. Even if he is placed at level 5, he is absolutely powerful and top-notch."

"Everyone should know that weirdness is superior to monsters, so you should know how to choose between the level 5 weird and extraordinary leader of my family and the extraordinary level 5 monsters under Su Chen?"

In the center of the fire, a paper figure was crumbling. The red lips painted in red were opening and closing, and a ghostly voice sounded in the room.

For a moment, the weak flame of the oil lamp not only did not bring any warmth to the room, but instead swept over the cold ghostly air.

no doubt.

This envoy of Yucheng who stirs up trouble is a powerful ghost master, at least a fourth level of extraordinary rank.

Change to before.

He is an extraordinary king who can control half of Jiangcheng.

"Let me think about it."

Under the firelight, there was another dark shadow, speaking silently.

"Jie Jie Jie."

The paper man smiled ferociously.

"President Xu, I didn't expect you to come. It seems that your loyalty to this savior god is not as strong as expected."

"How does it feel to gain rights and then lose them? Only by cooperating with our Royal Court Organization can you continue to be your master..."

"Do you have any choice?"

"Su Chen has the Salvation Religion established by Pope Su Xiaoyi to control Jiangcheng. He has his own creations. The Metal Legion is sweeping across Jiangcheng. The Self-Salvation Society is just the product of his whim."

"Do you think that the Jiangcheng Self-Rescue Association can stand at the pinnacle of power because of the extraordinary efforts of you Level 3 people? By the prestige achieved by destroying the Yangshi Self-Rescue Association?"


"None of that bullshit."

"You are as weak as scum and ants in life. The reason why you have everything you have now is just a word from Su Chen."

"Now that he wants to take it back, only by standing here in our royal court can you continue to dominate Jiangcheng, enjoy the beauties, and the sacrifices of the survivors..."

After saying this, the Paper Man is waiting for the answers from the leaders of the Self-Rescue Association.

not only that.

In the shadows of the room, Gangzi was also waiting for the leaders' answers.

As a level 5 life.

He lurks in the darkness and walks in every corner of Jiangcheng. Wherever there is darkness, he is there. It is not surprising that he appears here.


"I promise to cooperate with you."

Xu Fan hesitated to speak, and then his eyes were bright. After speaking, he had already made up his mind to stand on the ship organized by Wang Ting.


"In this case, we will create a better future together."

"As for the conversation, don't worry. There is a corner of the ghost cave that my Lord personally gave us. This place is not located in Jiangcheng. Unless a strange 5th-level life descends, no matter how many 5th-level life rushes here, they will not be able to find this place."

"God of Savior? Haha, according to our intelligence, he is just a 4th-level life. I don't know where he got a 5th-level flame monster as a vassal, and he started to play tricks, and even tried to dig out Jiangcheng from my Lord's future map..."

"Haha, he is simply ignorant of life and death."

The paper man is sneering.

"That's good."

"A corner of the 5th-level ghost cave, such a safety guarantee, we can still trust it."

Although they didn't know what the 5th-level ghost cave corner represented, the leaders of the self-help association who didn't know what it meant still nodded, pretending to understand it.

The next moment.

The darkness boiled, and the shadow turned into a sickle, fiercely slashing at the heads of these self-help association leaders.

"A level 5 ghost den, even if there are more level 5 monsters, they can't invade? So, when did I become above level 5?"

Gangzi walked out, his hands full of bloody heads of the leaders of the self-help association, including Xu Fan's.

He stared at the screaming paper man, and without hesitation, a dark shackle was put on it, making it unable to escape.

"Level 5 weird life?"

"You are definitely a level 5 weird life!"


"Why is Su Chen so weird? Before he went to the old city, my lord paid a price and personally asked the ghost cabinet for information. Jiangcheng didn't have a level 5 life at all."

"As a result, in just a few days, including the monster man who controlled the wind and fire a few days ago, how come there is another level 5 life?"

The paper man was horrified.

There was only one level 5 monster life, and their royal court didn't care at all, but if there was a second level 5 life, it would be dangerous.

But it didn't expect it at all.

Behind Su Chen, there are not only two, but also the third and fourth level 5 monsters.

The intelligence from a week ago can only represent the combat power of Su Chen a week ago. Now, a week later, the combat power of Su Chen's puppet army has doubled, which is normal.

The distant Rain City.

In the newly built temple, a statue of an arrogant man was erected here. Hundreds of survivors were driven in with fear on their faces. They picked up the prayers tremblingly and began to pray to the statue.

As time passed.

People's spirits were constantly drained, their bodies shriveled up, and they fell to the ground like a dried corpse. All their blood, flesh and spirit turned into a wisp of green smoke and were absorbed by the statue.


"This is the evil god!"

"Damn it."

"We just ate a few meals of food aid organized by your royal court, and you actually want to pay us back with our lives?"

"Let us out!"


Some survivors saw the miserable state of the mummy and screamed in shock and anger, bursting out with strength, trying to break through the temple guards and escape from here.


The long spear of the temple guard pierced his body and stabbed it hard on the wall.

"Jiang Cheng?"

"Hehe, there is something, and I was sent out to provoke civil strife. All the messengers were killed."

The statue felt something, frowned, opened its eyes, and it was alive.

The next moment.

The statue opened its bloody mouth, shook off the mud and turned into a huge evil ghost, eating up all the survivors in the entire temple.

He is the head of the royal court.

Not a level 5 ghost control.

But a level 5 evil ghost life itself.

He is different from the Level 5 extraordinary life that controls Level 5 weirdness. He is a real Level 5 evil ghost, bursting out the true full power of Level 5 weirdness.

This is why, even though they knew that Jiang Cheng Su Chen had a Level 5 Fiery Monster Life under his command, the Wangting Organization was still so confident and did not take Jiang Cheng seriously at all.

As Level 5 life, the weirdness is stronger than the monster, and it is also unkillable. Their Wangting Organization has long been invincible.

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