Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 95 Overestimating one's own abilities

"It's not easy."

"However, I need population and territory. In peacetime, the population of Jiuyou in Jiangcheng was more than 2 million. Even if the doomsday breaks out now, there will definitely be no less."

"Such a piece of fat meat can produce so many population resources. If I eat them all, I can advance to the level of Level 6 weird life."

The head of the royal court was almost impatient to break the city and taste the lives of the people in Jiangcheng.

The entire royal court organization started to move rapidly, waiting for the wall of time to melt and attack Jiangcheng.

At that time.

They will have new slaves and women.

That's right.

After the order collapsed.

Yucheng, a world wrapped by the wall of time, returned to the feudal order, no, it should be a semi-feudal and semi-slave social order.

The defeated here became slaves, and women were playthings. Slaves and playthings can also be traded as a currency.




In Su Chen's bedroom, Su Chen, who had just fallen asleep after exercise, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

"Someone will come to replace you tomorrow. Go to bed early and come back to see me tomorrow night."

He glanced at Feng Yao who was sleeping beside him, kissed her, then hurriedly put on his clothes and walked out the door.

"Well, okay."

Feng Yao's body trembled slightly, and her fair body was stained with a blush.

Who is Feng Yao?

A female high school student from Chiyang High School who has a lot of capital.

Why is she in his bedroom?

After fighting monsters for so long, can't he enjoy himself?


He, Su Chen, broke the law.

Now the order has collapsed, and what is illegal or not is illegal. Now everything is based on morality. Only he has no morality, so no one can kidnap him.

Don't say a female high school student.

In the end times, he wants to open a harem, if there is one, he will take one, if there are two, he will take a pair.

After suffering for more than 20 years, it's time to reward himself.

"Xiaoyi, why are you here? I thought..."

As soon as he walked out of the bedroom door, Su Chen's heart tightened, and his hands and feet became stiff, but he quickly covered up these unnatural feelings.

"You seem very nervous."

Su Xiaoyi, wearing a gorgeous papal robe and holding a dazzling gemstone scepter, looked at Su Chen suspiciously, approached Su Chen, and sniffed him lightly.

Su Chen, who had just done something wrong, didn't dare to let her continue to sniff like this, so he quickly changed the subject and asked.

"The Jiangcheng Self-Help Association is now frequently making abnormal moves. I thought Gangzi was back from inspecting the Self-Help Association."

"Xiaoyi, didn't you go with the Centaur Knight to conduct a new round of female believers' initiation ceremony? Why did you come back early?"

Su Chen picked up Su Xiaoyi and walked all the way. He sat down on the iron throne at the top of the empty hall. After a while of rubbing his ears, he got to the point.

As the Pope, Su Xiaoyi discovered several hidden Level 4 supernaturals among a group of female believers who were joining the church during the initiation ceremony. They disguised themselves as ordinary survivors to join the church.

As a guard-exclusive profession: Pope, Su Xiaoyi has the right to check the ranks of believers, which cannot be concealed by any level of concealing props, and can even read the memories of believers.

She calmly took several Level 4 supernaturals into her feet and developed them into believers. After reading their memories, she found that these believers were actually strong people from the Yucheng Wangting Organization and the Mucheng Military Association.

The purpose of the Wangting Organization is to infiltrate the Savior God Church to spy on intelligence and stir up the situation in Jiangcheng.

As for the Military Association, it is much simpler. They are looking for a notebook, a notebook that records the data of monster transformation experiments.

Su Xiaoyi once sent the people of the Mucheng Military Association to the ruins of the laboratory, where some experimental data remained.

However, these people are not interested at all.

Their purpose was not to get the experimental data, but to get the notebook itself.


"That top-secret notebook."

"Logically speaking, the Military Association can easily send out a Level 4 extraordinary, which obviously means that there are beings close to the Level 5 rank, or even have Level 5 life itself."

"The experimental data can at most create a Level 4 monster, and the cannon fodder army is only a Level 3 monster. It is normal for them not to be interested, but it is strange to be interested in the top-secret notebook."

After pondering, Su Chen called a maid to take the top-secret notebook back. After touching the material, it was actually a bit like human skin.

In the past, Su Chen's rank was too low, and he was attracted by the weird information on it for a while, and did not notice these.


He no longer cares about low-level weirdness, so he noticed the strange material of this top-secret notebook.

With Su Chen's physical fitness comparable to that of a Level 5 life, he could easily tear even a Level 4 extraordinary body apart with a strong tear.

But now, it has no effect on the paper of this top-secret note.


"The things that can make an organization like the Mucheng Military Association cross the wall of time and rush to Jiangcheng to find them must not be ordinary things."

After thinking about it.

Su Chen took the Fire Skull on his waist and burst out a white flame.

In an instant.

It burned towards the top-secret note.


The white flame stopped.

It was not that Su Chen stopped, but that there was an inexplicable force on the top-secret note that was blocking the invasion of the Fire Skull's power.

"Even if it is a Level 5 power, can it resist? So, who has such a strong power to tear up many of his pages, which is suspected to be brought out from the capital?"

Su Chen became interested.

Originally, he thought that the broken pages on the notebook recorded some incredible secrets, so the powerful king tore them off, and then threw the data recorded in the notebook to Dr. Monster.

Who would have thought that the things recorded on this notebook were not important at all, and the notebook itself was really important.

The powerful king was a dead man who had only been at Level 4 at his peak, so he was not qualified to damage this top-secret notebook.

"Have you controlled the person?"

Su Chen looked at Su Xiaoyi.


"But it's almost done. I asked the people from these two organizations to go to the Centaur Monarch together."

"Three Level 4 extraordinary people can't make any waves in front of Level 5 life."

"It's no different from being imprisoned."

Su Chen nodded.

He had some knowledge about Mucheng. At that time, Yang City exploded and the tide of disaster broke out. The top extraordinary people in Yang City led the survivors across the door and jumped over the wall of time to escape.

The three kings and twelve apostles basically all fled to Jiangcheng, preparing to establish a self-help association to interrupt the outbreak of the tide of disaster in Jiangcheng, rule here, and be domineering in Jiangcheng to become the best.

As for why Jiangcheng was chosen, it was probably because the outbreak in Jiangcheng was just a zombie apocalypse, at most some powerful monsters were born, there were no difficult weirdness, and the difficulty was lower.

Moreover, Jiangcheng has a large population, comparable to the population of Yang City. In the apocalypse, women are also a kind of material.

Money and beauty.

With so many "materials", they plan to rule with dominance. If not here, where will they come?

As for the remnants of the army stationed in Yang City, together with Yijun, that is, the zombie tyrant who retained humanity and memory, they fled towards Mucheng.

This military association is probably the name of the organization formed after they took control of Mucheng.

As for the Yucheng Wangting Organization...

"Prison car guard!"

Su Chen shouted, and in the darkness, a metal autobot holding a large box rushed over.

"My Lord, you summoned me?"

No more words were said.

Su Chen waved his hand, and the only prisoner in the box in the hands of the prison car guard was released.

As a result, in an instant, the eerie ghost aura filled the air.

A person who was eaten beyond recognition but successfully controlled an evil ghost appeared in the empty hall of the fortress.


"Damn it, I have successfully controlled the evil ghost and have become a 4th-level extraordinary rank that coexists with ghosts."

"Don't say that you are only a suspected 5th-level life. Even if you really reach the 5th-level rank, I am not afraid of you at all now!"

The evil ghost figure roared.

A ghostly shadow lingered over him, and his ghostly eyes, filled with death, coldly scanned everything in the hall.


"There is a ghost!"

In the hall, many night shift maids shouted in fear, staggered back, and fell to the ground, obviously frightened.

They were all the female survivors that Su Chen had taken in before. They were frightened when they saw ordinary zombies, not to mention Jiang Feng, who now looked even more terrifying like an evil ghost.


"Are you scared?"

"I am now symbiotic with ghosts, plus my own level 4 supernatural ability, even a double-level supernatural, even a peak level 4 supernatural king, can touch me, and I have strange characteristics, which makes it extremely difficult to kill."

Half of Jiang Feng's body was eaten by the evil ghost, and his appearance was completely unrecognizable at this time, but he was laughing arrogantly and looked at Su Chen provocatively.

After being detained by the prison car guards for such a long time, he finally figured it out that Su Chen could never be a level 5 life.

At most, he is a special summoner with special awakening ability and can create magical metal life.

As we all know, awakening ability is the extraordinary of summoners. The summoned creatures are extremely powerful, and he himself is a weak chicken.

Decapitation tactics, one kill is accurate.

"Are you talking to me?"

Su Chen glanced around and found the direction where Jiang Feng laughed arrogantly. After confirming that there were only him and Su Xiaoyi, he asked with some doubt.

Where did this little level 4 have the courage to challenge him and Su Xiaoyi, two level 5 lives.

Under the same rank, the level 4 weird faces the level 4 monster, and the level 4 extraordinary is indeed immortal and cannot be killed.

The level 4 extraordinary can only use the golden container to contain and seal these tricky weird evil ghosts.

But try it against the level 5 life, and see if the level 5 life can weaken him.

The strange tool obtained by the puppet king Xu Yifeng was originally a level 4 evil ghost that was accidentally stepped on to death by a level 5 corpse king, and then exploded into a strange tool.

Although he can use methods such as reviving a ghost and resurrecting a demon, a Level 5 life is a Level 5 life, and his dignity cannot be offended.


"If it's not you, who else could it be?"

"You are just a Level 4 summoner, and you dare to pretend to be a Level 5 life, playing tricks, haha, I will punish you."

Jiang Feng spitted disdainfully, glanced at the hall, and found that none of Su Chen's powerful monsters were there, and he immediately showed a grim smile.

Without summons, summoners are useless!

He is now a double Level 4, ridiculously strong, a blessing in disguise, and now he is different from the past. I hope he won't chop off Su Chen's head!

What's more.

Even if Su Chen's monster subordinates were there, he was not afraid at all. In his eyes, a group of level 4 monsters were just weaklings and could be killed at any time.


"You're done! See how I kill you."

Jiang Feng sneered, and blood kept flowing down his half-fleshed skeleton body. The curse power of the evil ghost was activated.

His evil ghost curse power locked Su Chen, and then Jiang Feng broke one of his fingers.

His evil ghost ability is a curse. As long as he locks on someone, the damage he causes to himself will be fed back to the locked target tenfold.

Jiang Feng now broke one of his fingers, and the curse damage fed back to Su Chen would turn into ten fingers being broken!


"Giving me the opportunity to activate my ability is the most wrong decision you have made!"

Jiang Feng was still grinning.


One second passed.

One minute passed.

The scene was a bit dead silent. Su Chen was unharmed. Su Xiaoyi, holding the Pope's clothes in her arms, sat high on the iron throne, watching his performance with interest, just like watching a clown performing.


"What happened?"

"Didn't I lock it just now? Damn it, it must be like this. My finger hurts so much. Didn't I break the finger just now for nothing?"

Jiang Feng cursed, locked Su Chen again, and activated the curse ability again. This time he chose to stab his heart lightly.

He was possessed by a strange power and was half dead. Stabbing his heart was not a fatal injury to him.

But under the tenfold feedback, Su Chen in front of him would definitely have his heart crushed to death!

"See if you don't die this time?"


Jiang Feng laughed triumphantly.


The next second.

He began to panic.

Because he could clearly feel that the evil ghost in his body, who had reached an agreement with him to live and die together, was extremely frightened at this moment, and even wanted to escape from him frantically.

It was as if he was doing something crazy. The sleeping evil ghost woke up instantly after knowing it, and was so scared that his soul was out of his body, shouting loudly: If you want to die, go and die by yourself, don't take me with you.

"What's going on?"

"This is an evil ghost, how can it be afraid? It must be an illusion, I must be hallucinating."

Now, it was Jiang Feng's turn to panic.

You know.

He just stabbed his heart. This is the heart. If the evil ghost escapes, the heart will be damaged. Even if he is a level 4 life, he will die without the loading of the dead body.

"What kind of trick did you use? It actually made my evil ghost out of control."

Jiang Feng looked at Su Chen in fear.



"Your evil ghost is much more perceptive than you. When it knows that you dare to use its power to offend two level 5 lives, how can it not break away from you, a stupid guy who is looking for death?"

Su Chen was laughing, with a mocking laugh.

It would be great if the people in the Yucheng Royal Court Organization were all idiots like Jiang Feng.

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