Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 96: The Kingdom of Evil Spirits

next moment.

Jiang Feng saw the perspective of the evil ghost inside him. It was not that the evil ghost's ability was not activated, nor was it affected by the artifact.

But it keeps launching.

The dark and strange power, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, surrounds the two people on the Iron Throne.

However, an even more terrifying light burst out from the two of them, instantly melting away the dark and strange power.

In Jiang Feng's eyes, the life levels of the two of them were already extraordinary, far above level 4 beings.

Level 5 life!

The two people in front of me turned out to be level 5 extraordinary!


How can this be!

You must know that the powerful leader of their Wangting organization is only close to level 5, approaching level 5, and entering level 5 life.

All of this relied on cannibalism, cannibalism in various ways, to reach this level in Yucheng where the apocalypse broke out for three months.

Not only did Jiangcheng have Level 5, but two more appeared at once! It was downright terrifying.


There are only two level 5 lives in Jiangcheng.

The next second.

The shadows in the fortress hall boiled.

A dark shadow that blurred the light to the point of covering it with a layer of drowsiness walked out of the darkness carrying several bloody heads and paper figures imprisoned in shackles.

"My lord."

"The Self-Rescue Society wants to defect."

"All of them have been executed! We also captured a level 4 evil spirit user from the Yucheng Royal Court Organization."

The person who came was none other than the dark assassin, Gangzi, who was also a level 5 being.

This scene frightened Jiang Feng to the point of bursting into tears.

Level 5 life.

Another level 5 life.

When did Level 5 lives become so worthless and wander around in a small fortress like Jiang City?

"I surrender!"

"Sir, I surrender!"

"I am very aware of current affairs. If you want to ask anything about Yucheng, you can ask me. I am the leader of the assassination team. I know everything about the Yucheng Royal Court organization."

Just when Jiang Feng was extremely frightened and was about to say the words of surrender, an even more frightening voice sounded in his empty hall, and it came from that gloomy paper figure.

A group of level 5 beings had long frightened the two bullies from the Wangting organization, the leader of the action team, and the leader of the assassination team.

Three level 5 lives!


In addition, the flames shining in the sky of Jiangcheng, the monarch in charge of wind and fire, are four level 5 beings.

The paper man thought so.

Even, they feel.

Even if a few more level 5 beings appeared in Su Chen's fortress, they would not be surprised at all.


They are wrong.

When a few more Level 5 beings appeared, they were all shocked, surprised, and frightened.

The floor tiles in the fortress hall were trembling slightly. This was the return of the pig-headed monsters and heavy-truck warriors who led the army of guards to search for zombies and hunt monsters.


"Is there still a level 5 life?"

"It's endless, isn't it? This Jiangcheng is more than just Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! With so many level 5 beings, shouldn't the master of this Sky Fortress, Su Chen, be a level 6 being?"

The two of them were both well-informed and powerful level 4 extraordinary kings who had participated in suppressing the wave of disasters. At this moment, they were really scared out of their minds.

So many level 5 lives! I'm afraid that even if the top strength of the Wangting organization were to increase three to five times, they would still end up on the street.

The birth of a Level 5 being made the Wangting Organization feel that they could sweep across the two districts and three counties within Yang City, build a supreme kingdom in the apocalypse, and create an extraordinary paradise on earth belonging to them.

6 level 5 lives!

How the hell did he do this?

How can their Royal Court organization compete for territory with the God of Salvation who has six level 5 lives?

Is it possible that there really are gods in the world? !

The two of them were frightened and began to doubt their lives.

"What do you answer when I ask you a question now?"


Jiang Feng, who was still unruly just now, showed the most humble smile. The ghostly and weird paper man just now, for fear of scaring the people in the fortress, the bloody grimace was actually replaced by a flattering one. Smiley face.


The two told everything about Yucheng in detail.

There are six level 5 beings sitting in charge. Even if the leader of the royal court organization, that level 5 king, is twice as powerful, he cannot be his opponent.

At the same level, Weird is indeed stronger than monsters and harder to kill, but it can't withstand a group fight with only two fists.

No, two fists are no match for twelve hands.

Rank crushing is king.

If that doesn't work, then fight in groups of the same rank, which is particularly effective.

All the time.

Su Chen also did this.

"Among the two districts and three counties, Yucheng is the most special. It was normal at the beginning. The apocalypse broke out, and there were zombies and monsters. But in the later stage, the wave of disaster broke out. Is it directly a wave of strange disaster?"


"Now, except for the territory of the Royal Court Organization, it is completely unsuitable for ordinary people to survive. It has long been reduced to a kingdom of evil spirits and a weird paradise."

"The strongest leader of the royal court is already a level 5 evil ghost! He has completely controlled the evil ghost and has the complete power of a level 5 evil ghost. Among level 5 beings, he is also an absolutely powerful existence. "

In order to please Su Chen, the paper man revealed a lot of information, even the ten bullies and other level 4 team leaders were betrayed.

Unlike Jiang Feng, who offended Su Chen several times, he still had a lot to do and had a chance to escape from the rotten ship of the Royal Court Organization and successfully land in the Savior God Church.


He underestimated Su Chen.

In fact.

Except for his own guards, he never trusted the rest of the people, even those who had received his great kindness and sworn allegiance to him.

"Are you done?"

Su Chen smiled at the crystal cores piled up in the hall, and then looked at the two level 4 extraordinary kings of the Royal Court Organization.

"Crystal core."


"There are a large number of crystal cores in the Wangting Organization's treasury. There are very few extraordinary people who can control the evolutionary route of Yucheng and the route of controlling the characteristics of monsters."

"But the weirdness is rampant, and the monsters and zombies have been cleared out again and again. I have the key to the treasury. I am willing to follow you to kill into the Wangting... organization..."


The next moment.

In the hall, two blood flowers exploded, and the mountain guards retracted their extended fingers.

There are two less level 4 extraordinary people here, two more corpses, and two weird tools.

A broken black rib came from the evil ghost in Jiang Feng's body.

Another one came from the paper man. This is a scissors, which can be used to cut paper people into clones.

In theory.

This is just a clone of the paper man. It doesn't matter if he dies, but the person who killed him is a level 5 life.

The level 5 rank is above the weird rules he controls, so he died here.

If even a Level 4 Superhuman killed him, it could live well in a corner of Jiangcheng, but who made it provoke a Level 5 life?

"Old rules."

"Start collecting the crystal cores."

Su Chen pulled his hand out of Su Xiaoyi's leg and came to the crystal cores scattered on the ground in the hall.

The crystal cores were dark and deep, and were stained with the smell of blood and rot. There were more than tens of thousands of them.

Su Chen did not expect that this new urban area and industrial suburbs of Jiangcheng would produce so many Level 1 or above mutant zombies.

"It really deserves to be Jiangcheng. Before the order collapsed, it was a county town with a permanent population of more than 2 million..."

"With such a number of crystal cores, the Guard Corps should have been involved in the townships and towns, and confiscated a lot of crystal cores..."

"Good guy!"

"I'm afraid that all the Level 1 or above mutant zombies and monsters in the whole Jiangcheng have been killed by me."

Crystal cores melted in Su Chen's hands and successfully transformed into energy for Su Chen to use.

The crystal cores like a hill kept disappearing.

Finally, Su Chen picked up the last crystal core, and the energy he obtained was finally calculated.

"More than 13,000 level 1 crystal cores, with a total energy of 15,000."

"More than 500 level 2 crystal cores, with a total energy of 5,100."

"More than 100 level 3 crystal cores, with a total energy of 5,000."

Su Chen's original energy was only 2,900, and now it has skyrocketed again, reaching a terrifying level of 28,000.

And these energies were exchanged for killing through the monster map of Jiangcheng.

At this moment in Jiangcheng, except for the copy of the old city that was pulled into the purgatory world, the rest of the monsters have been cleared out by Su Chen.

When the remaining zombies grow to the extent that they can be harvested, God knows when.

The condition for the lv4 guard to advance to lv5 guard, that is, the 6th level life, is 30,000 energy + a level 5 crystal core with matching attributes.

There is still a shortfall of 2,000 energy.

Su Chen took out the golden, heart-beating Level 5 crystal core he had obtained from the Second King of Yang City in the Old City World, and examined it carefully.

After a long time.

A three-dimensional image finally appeared on this Level 5 crystal core.

This is a Level 5 distorted zombie!

As tall as a hill!

The exposed flesh and tendons are like the rolling rock mountains on the mountain, and the terrifying armor is so hard to penetrate even missiles.

I really don’t know how the extraordinary people and the army of Yang City eliminated this terrifying Level 5 distorted zombie life.

Even though Su Chen has a lot of Level 5 combat power guards under his command, it seems that only the Heavy Truck Warrior, the strongest Level 4 guard, can suppress this terrifying mountain zombie.

Monster: Rock Giant Corpse

Compatible attributes: Earth, Mountain, Armor, Corpse

“Mountain and Armor are two compatible attributes!”

Su Chen was ecstatic.

At the beginning, when this level 5 crystal core was obtained, the heavy card warrior had not yet been born, so naturally there was no matching guard.

But now.

The heavy card warrior, the strongest level 4 guard, can be said to be tailor-made for this level 5 crystal core.

As long as he accumulates 2,000 energy, Su Chen can give birth to a level 6 life force belonging to him.

You know.

The weird human skin paper that made him extremely afraid was just a level 7 monster with a level 7 logo.

He has a level 5 guard who can fight level 6 life, so he is not too far away from the level 7 weird life.

"In any case, to create a level 6 life, my puppet army has now reached the level of being able to kill through the two districts and three counties map."

"There is no need to care about any other extraordinary organizations!"

"Royal court? Military meeting? What the hell, it's not bullshit. If you like it, you can hand over the power to the Salvation God normally. If you don't like it, you will be eliminated as heretics..."

Su Chen's heart was filled with excitement. He looked at Su Xiaoyi on the Iron Throne, wearing papal attire and holding a bright gemstone scepter. He smiled evilly, picked her up in his arms, and walked towards his bedroom.


Su Xiaoyi tickled Su Chen, just like her temperament, as gentle as water, which made Su Chen feel itchy.

Su Chen pushed open the bedroom door arrogantly, and then suddenly froze. He remembered that there were other people in the bedroom, and his mind tightened.

"Oh my god, how could I forget this..."

In the bedroom.

Su Chen, Feng Yao, and Su Xiaoyi stared at each other with big eyes.

"Sister Xiaoyi, I...I actually came to see Brother tutor me in English, do you believe it?"

Feng Yao was awakened, her face turned red with embarrassment, she wrapped herself in a quilt and said.

Vaguely visible.

There was a bright red color on the bed sheets.


"Feng Yao is very studious."

"Actually, my English is not bad, so..."

Su Chen started talking nonsense.

"You! Bad Yin! After you have me, you still want other women, and you still want to eat young grass..."

Su Xiaoyi stretched out her little paws, as bulging as a puffer fish, and reached for the soft flesh of Su Chen's waist.


Su Chen screamed.


Holding a pillow, Su Chen was driven out of the room in embarrassment. The majestic master of the fortress, with a level 5 life, was so weak.

"My husband is weak, how can this be done?"

Su Chen knocked on the door.

The door didn't open at all.


He admitted his mistake outside the door and said.

"Xiaoyi, I know I was wrong. Before you forgive me, I won't go anywhere."

Tried a few more times.

Su Chen felt that Su Xiaoyi would not calm down all night and would not open the door for him all night, and he was immediately ecstatic.

Very good!


I should say, too bad.

Su Chen looked sad. He didn't hold on for ten seconds, then he hugged the pillow, ran all the way, and knocked on the door of the housekeeper's room.

The door opened.

The sleepy girl in pajamas, Su Xiaoyou from the steel factory, rubbed her eyes and opened the door. When she recognized Su Chen clearly, she suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

"Boss, why are you here?"

"Um, I forgot my key and I can't get into the bedroom. Can I stay with you all night..."

Su Chen said righteously.


Su Xiaoyou, who was a little confused in her sleep, said subconsciously, and then she reacted when Su Chen was pulled into the room.

As the lord of the fortress and the powerful and extraordinary king, how could Su Chen be locked in the bedroom? Did he want to...

So does she refuse, refuse, or refuse? But, the boss is really charming.

She fell in love with it when I rescued her.


"I just sit there and don't do anything else."

Su Chen hugged the pillow and closed the door pitifully.

"Yeah, boss, I believe you. You are a gentleman and you will never do anything to me."

Su Xiaoyou did not refuse, but instead blushed, her face full of shyness and embarrassment in the bedroom.

The other side.

Su Xiaoyi listened to the silence outside the house, opened the door, stuck out her little head, and happened to see the back of Su Chen getting into Su Xiaoyou's bedroom. Her face, which was originally calm, suddenly turned into a little pufferfish.

"Su! Chen!"

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