Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 97 Level 7 Weirdness! Codename: Rain City! (Two chapters in one

Chapter 97 Level 7 Weirdness! Codename: Rain City! (Two chapters in one)

The husband's power is weak, there is no such thing.

The next day.

Su Chen woke up, feeling refreshed, and slept until eleven o'clock in the morning. He looked at Su Xiaoyong who was still sleeping beside him after tossing and turning all night, put on his clothes and walked out.

"Beauty is harmful to people."

"No wonder people become bad when they have money and power. Enjoy more. I am afraid that I will lose my ambition."

When Su Chen went out, Feng Yao had already prepared lunch in the fortress hall and the restaurant, and Su Xiaoyi was venting her anger on the food with a knife and fork.

Her face, which was originally normal, turned into a pufferfish again when she saw Su Chen coming out of Su Xiaoyong's room.


"All here."

Su Chen coughed twice in embarrassment, but subconsciously supported his waist. He was tired last night, and he was not so tired even when killing monsters.

"Su Chen! Where did you sleep last night?"

Seeing this, Su Xiaoyi was furious. She ran over and was about to hit him, but Su Chen hugged her in his arms and comforted her.

"If you don't lock the door for me, will I do this?"

"Don't lock the door for me next time."

"You also know that the most important person in my heart is you."

Su Chen touched his conscience. If there was any, he swore to the sky, his eyes were sincere, and his words were firm. He had the potential to be a scumbag.


"Am I really the most important person in your heart?"

"I won't do it next time."

"Then will you dare to do it next time?"

In Su Chen's arms, Su Xiaoyi poked her little head out, her face full of suspicion, half-believing and half-doubting, her love for Su Chen took the upper hand, she believed it, who made her a love-brained person.

"How dare there be a next time."

Su Chen touched Su Xiaoyi's little head, his face full of pampering.

Although Su Xiao has reached level 5 life thanks to her abilities and the rapidly growing Savior Church, she is still like a little girl who can be cheered up for half a day by a piece of candy in front of Su Chen.

As for whether he will dare to do it again next time?

Next time...

We'll talk about it next time.

He just made a mistake that all men would make. When he saw a weak girl, he wanted to show some care. What's wrong with him?


In the fortress hall, Su Chen sat on the iron throne. An area was cleared on the wall in front of him and a map was carved on it.

This is a map of the Yang City area, two districts and three counties.

At present, in Jiangcheng area, except for the largest township area, the most populous urban area has been marked in red.

This means that this place is already under Su Chen's control and included in the territory of the Savior Church.

In this desperate doomsday, with the Savior Church as the core and the divine worship effect, Jiangcheng has become Su Chen's base, and there is basically no possibility of rebellion.

As one of the three counties of Yang City, Jiangcheng was attacked by Yucheng and Mucheng from both sides, and the doomsday broke out, so the time for the extraordinary to evolve was the shortest.

If it weren't for the barrier of the wall of time, Jiangcheng would have been beaten to a pulp by the extraordinary people of these two counties.

"According to the information obtained through torture, there is often only one erosion gate in a city, but Yang City is good, with two districts and three counties, and four erosion gates have descended. I don't know why..."

"Yucheng, the country shrouded by evil spirits?"

Su Chen looked at Yucheng on the map. He was not interested in the strange tools. What really interested him was to obtain crystal cores and upgrade guards.

Jiangcheng was almost wiped out.

All the crystal cores that could be obtained were in his hands.

Su Chen actually had no choice.

Either go to Yucheng and Mucheng, or go to the old city world that was pulled into the purgatory world and hunt high-level monsters.

Just thinking of the endless dark world representing purgatory, Su Chen felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

In his heart, he had a feeling that if he set foot in the purgatory area again, even if it was just the old city of Jiangcheng, which existed in both worlds, something extremely bad would happen.

"I choose you, Wangting Organization!"

Su Chen selected the target.

Mucheng had never offended him, but Yucheng had.


Su Chen's will was conveyed.

The Savior Cult moved quickly, and supplies, guns, and level 5 guards gathered in the hall.

Except for the Centaur Temple Knights who were titled as the Lord of Wind and Fire, all the other level 5 guards gathered and gathered.

Mountain Guards, Heavy Truck Warriors.

Dark Assassin, Gangzi.

Meat Tank Monster, Pig-headed Monster.

In addition, there are two level 4 combat forces, the Prison Car Guards and the Weird Evil Guards, as well as the Laws Phantom Warrior.

The Prison Car Guards have only one characteristic, "Detention". As long as they are found guilty, they can be detained regardless of everything under the same rank.

The ability is like a cheat.

Maybe it will come in handy in Yucheng.

The Weird Evil Guard is at the peak of level 4, combining the weird powers of five twisted monsters. Su Chen's only weird guard at present, so he naturally has to bring it with him.

Maybe, after Yucheng, the Weird Evil Guard can become a lv4, 5 life, or even a lv5 guard, 6 life, one step ahead of the Mountain Guard.

Yucheng is not short of weirdness.

As for the Rolls Phantom Warrior, this weak 0-level warrior, the reason why he brought it was because it was too tiring to travel with wings. As a luxury car specially made by Su Chen, Su Chen should enjoy it.

Three level 4 guards, plus Su Chen equipped with the Fire Skull, and four level 5 health guards, the lineup is terrifying.

"Open the call!"

The heavy truck warrior stored the resources prepared by Su Xiaoyi into the cargo space inside his body.

Su Chen got into the slender body of the Rolls Phantom Warrior, and the Rolls Phantom Warrior sped forward quickly.

The guard regiment headed towards the end of Jiangcheng.

Wherever he passed, Jiangcheng Chaofan was worshiping. Among them, the female believers of the Salvation Cult knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly to Su Chen.

"Rights, status, beauty, and strength are all in his hands. The apocalypse breaks out and soars into the sky. He is like the king of the country and a god on earth."

Many extraordinary people from other cities were hiding in the secrets. They looked at this shocking scene with envy and awe in their eyes.

This is the opportunity brought by the end of the world. Su Chen took advantage of this and rode the wind, soaring ninety thousand miles.

The power of life, death and plunder was in his hands. The entire Jiangcheng and everything in the city belonged to the God of Salvation. They all belonged to Su Chen. In Jiangcheng, Su Chen was as good as a god and no one could shake him.

In rural areas, there is still a sea-like wave of zombies, numbering in the tens of thousands, and there is also a wave of tens of thousands of zombies wandering on the national highway.

But at this time, this sea-like wave of zombies was retreating, and the road was unimpeded. Soon Su Chen reached the end of Jiangcheng.

Moving forward, there was an inexplicable repulsive force blocking the Routh Phantom Warriors and Su Chen's guards, preventing them from taking another half step forward.

This is the wall of time!

There are three small county towns, but three gates of erosion have come to each of them, dividing each other into an area, forming their own time flow rate, and the places bordering each other have created the wall of time.


Su Chen, who was dozing in the driver's seat, opened the car door, stepped out, and touched the wall of invisible repulsive force in front of him.

I vaguely remember.

This is Banqiao Town. If you continue walking along the road, you will enter the Yangshi area. From here, turn right onto the trail, which will lead to the Yucheng area.


Both the front and the right were filled with gray air, as if the space was broken, and there was no space in front or on the right.

According to what the two leaders of the Royal Court Organization said, traveling through the wall of time must pay a price.

The weaker the strength, the smaller the price to pay, but this price is not something that a level 1-3 transcendent can bear.

Level 4 Transcendence, traveling through the wall of time, is just right.

As for level 5 and above...

I heard that even the leader of their royal court organization did not dare to try to travel through the time wall.

"Gangzi, go and try."

Su Chen was used to being cautious and stepped on the shadow beneath him. In an instant, his shadow separated and rushed towards the wall of time.

Half a minute passed.

Su Chen could feel that Gangzi had successfully traveled through the wall of time and arrived at the land representing Yucheng.


"What is this stuff?"

Su Chen clicked on the three-dimensional image of Gangzi's guards, looked at the black mist covering Gangzi's body, and became wary.

Regarding Yucheng, he organized two leaders from Wang Ting, but the information obtained through torture was not much.

All I know is that in the city of Yucheng, a wave of disaster broke out, strange things raged, there were almost no living people left, evil ghosts were everywhere, and it was a dead realm.

Their Royal Court organization has dominated the outskirts of the county. With a mysterious object in the leader's hand, it has resisted all Weird's erosion, making Weird unable to get close to where their Royal Court organization is located.

Even if their Wangting organization sent out level 4 extraordinary ghost masters to explore Yucheng City, no one could come back alive.

In their organization, living people, especially women, are rare commodities, which is why the Wangting organization can't wait to capture Jiangcheng.

Compared with Yucheng, which is full of weird things and is like a kingdom of evil spirits, Jiangcheng, which only has monsters and zombies, and has so many people, especially women, is like a paradise.

"Heavy truck soldier, you go!"

Not long after.

The heavy-truck warriors, who were as huge as a hill, withstood the heavy repulsion force, penetrated the wall of time, and quickly arrived on the land of Yucheng.

However, when I clicked on the three images, there was still a turbid black shadow covering the body of the heavy truck soldier.

"What the hell? Is it weird or some evil curse?"

Su Chen's eyes moved and settled on two strange evil guards with faceless heads and lanterns with blood-stained eyeballs.

"you go!"

The strange evil guard is weaker, but the most relaxed, traveling all the way and arriving quickly.

Su Chen looked at the three-dimensional image of the strange evil guard. A strange black shadow appeared on his body, and then disappeared in an instant.

Because, this thing was eaten by the weird evil guard.


"It turns out to be a curse."

"This curse doesn't look very strong. A top level 4 weird evil guard can easily deal with it..."

Su Chen felt relieved.

Not a big problem.

It's a level 4 curse.

He can withstand it.

not to mention.

He also has a divine radiance on his body, which has the effect of dispelling weirdness and evil.

All the curses Jiang Feng had placed on him before were ineffective, and he was completely unfazed by the level 4 curse.

Su Chen got into the car, the pig-headed monster, and the prison car guards, one on the left and one on the right, escorted the Routh Phantom Warrior and rushed into the wall of time.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark.

As the eyes fell into darkness, the Rolls Phantom Warrior continued to move forward, finally breaking through the darkness and ushering in the light.

Su Chen and his army of guards descended on the land of Yucheng.

There is no sun or moon here, there is only a gloomy sky, the dead silence of the city, and the empty streets.

Not to mention the chirping of insects, the chirping of birds, and the presence of monsters. In Su Chen's eyes, this city did not dare to hear even the slightest sound of wind, for fear of alerting the city to the horrors lurking in the dark.

Anyone who takes a look at it will feel that this is a dead city with no living people left.


"There are living people."

"Who said this is a dead city? How could there be no living people?"

Su Chen glanced at the buildings on both sides of the dead street. In the distance, in a high-rise building in a community, there was a figure holding a telescope. He was a little panicked and quickly closed the curtains.

There are many living people like this.

Sensing Su Chen's keen senses, many of the figures looking here retracted their gazes and hid themselves.

No one had contact with Su Chen.

After all, even if they couldn't tell the level, they could still tell that Su Chen and his group were not easy to deal with.

Whether it's the heavy-truck warrior's huge body like a hill or the pig-headed monster covered in blood and armor, they look like extremely powerful extraordinary beings at first glance.

There are certain methods to travel through the wall of time, even a more powerful level 3 transcendent can do it.

But, who said that the extraordinary people traveling through other cities must be just level 3 weaklings? A level 4 extraordinary powerhouse?

Maybe he's a level 5 boss.

Although, this possibility is extremely small, so small that it cannot be smaller.


“It’s all extraordinary.”

"The intelligence of the Wangting organization is simply off the mark! This Yucheng just looks like a dead city, but in fact there are not many people still alive."

Su Chen also withdrew his gaze, rubbed his brows feeling a little troubled, closed his eyes, and calmed down the uncertainty in his heart.

At a glance just now, he saw many level marks. Qing Yishui's ones were all level 4, but there were only a handful of level 3 extraordinary marks.

There are a lot of Level 4 signs. He saw more than ten or twenty such signs on this street alone.

Among them, the indifferent man with the telescope is the most terrifying. The lv4 mark is shining hotly, which means that he is almost reaching the level 5 life level.

This was almost unimaginable in Jiangcheng.

Even the old city that was dragged into purgatory did not have such a terrifying level 4 extraordinary density.

You know, this is just a neighborhood in Yucheng City.

"This extraordinary density is too terrifying..."

"So much so that it makes me wonder, is the Wangting Organization really the most powerful extraordinary organization in Yucheng?"

"The most important thing is, is there really a storage of the entire Rain City's monster crystal cores in its warehouse?"

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows.


He figured it out.

Rain City is a kingdom of evil spirits, a cursed city.

These people who are still alive must have encountered strange things. If they survived, they may have embarked on another extraordinary path: being a ghost master!

The starting point for weirdness is level 4. The person who can master the power of evil spirits and the weird curse starts at level 4, isn't it?

Those level 3 transcendental beings are on the path of evolution and awakening. In this city of curses and evil spirits, they are even rarer, which is not surprising.

When you think about it this way, it makes a lot of sense.

"Well, can you stop lying on me? And, can you stop licking me with your tongue?"

"It's disgusting."

"When I was thinking, I didn't bother to talk to you! If you do this again, I'll beat you."

In the slender driver's seat of Rolls Phantom, Su Chen put down the hand rubbing his eyebrows, opened his eyes, and stared coldly at the rotten and twisted female ghost in red lying on his body, with blood constantly flowing.

Gangzi, the pig-headed monster, the heavy truck warrior, and the prison car guard each also have a ferocious ghost hovering around them.

As soon as they set foot on the land of Yucheng, these strange things emerged and entangled them.


Breed directly.

Now it is a living city of evil spirits. The dark and evil lv7 logo shines over the entire city, deeply catching Su Chen's eyes.

Level 7 weird life! Codename: Yucheng!

In the gold box.

The human skin paper seemed to have been awakened, with writings constantly emerging.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"This is Rain City, a cursed city that once you step into it, you will be cursed and will never be able to leave alive."

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