Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 98 The new guy is so powerful! Everyone beats up the evil spirit!

"I thought it was an idiot from the Wangting organization. I was so happy for nothing. It turned out to be a fool from other cities."

Yang Xuan put down the telescope and closed the curtains. He looked indifferent and lost interest in this group of uninvited guests.

Yucheng has no shortage of visitors, but without exception, they all died.

They will die too.

In this country of despair and evil spirits, everyone will die, but the difference is whether they die early or late.

Luckily, he is strong enough to control the four strange puzzles and can hold on until the end before dying.

"Brother Yang, there are new people here. It seems that they are powerful new people from other cities. Shouldn't we take them over?"

"Maybe, it can increase our survival rate for the next mission."

There are other people in the room. This is obviously a team, all ghost riders, led by Yang Xuan in front of him.


"Are there not enough newcomers with strength who died in Yucheng?"

"Monster zombies are nothing compared to evil ghosts and evil spirits. As level 4 superhumans, it is child's play for a ghost tamer to kill three or five evolvers and awakeners of the same level."

"There are also cases where the level 4 superhuman king who is rampant in other cities encounters a weird and pees his pants."

"Hehe, what's more, there is a red-clothed one inside. Let's wait until he has the strength to survive the first level of the cursed city!"

When talking about Su Chen, Yang Xuan sneered. As a ghost tamer who is about to advance to level 5, he does have the capital to be arrogant.

However, the next moment, a fat man in his team opened the curtains, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed.


"Boss, look, this level 4 newcomer is too fierce! He is beating the weird..."

Hearing this,

Yang Xuan walked to the curtain and looked out. The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and a moving expression appeared on his cold face.

Then, he showed a stiff smile like a dead man.


"It seems that this is a real strong dragon coming across the river."



"Can you get down?"

In the driver's seat, seeing the female ghost bleeding and indifferent, Su Chen couldn't help but say it again.


The eerie and sharp laughter sounded in the car.

Even the light dimmed.

The female ghost's hideous face rotted instantly, accompanied by a fishy smell, rotten maggots crawling around, and a hideous knife cut her face to the root of the ear.

Not only did she not get down, but she quickly approached, face to face with Su Chen, a pair of terrifying cracks expanded, revealing rotten teeth, and a twisted smile.

"Am I beautiful?"

At this time, the rotten long tongue, with blood, surrounded Su Chen.

Su Chen could not bear it anymore.


"You are beautiful!"

In the distance.

Another group of ghost-controllers who used their abilities to focus on Su Chen suddenly burst into a voice of regret.

"It's over!"

"This kid has triggered the death rule of the red-clothed ghost girl."

"Now even if he is a level 4 peak extraordinary king, he will never be able to survive."

"What a pity! It's rare to see newcomers from other cities in Yucheng."

The death rule of the red-clothed ghost girl was triggered.

This red-clothed ghost girl, whose red clothes were soaked in blood, was trembling with excitement, and she showed a cold smile.

"Since I am beautiful, you will definitely love me. Since you love me, just merge with me!"

In an instant, the red-clothed ghost girl's head quickly grew larger, her huge mouth opened, revealing terrifying fangs, and she bit towards Su Chen's head.

"He's dead."

Just when these ghost-controllers were about to retract their gazes, Su Chen made a move.

"Shame on you!"

"I told you to get off, but you forced me to use force!"

"You're so pretty! You're so ugly!"

Su Chen punched the red-clothed ghost girl, breaking her teeth.

The red-clothed ghost girl's tongue that bound Su Chen broke off, and the terrifying force, wrapped in the air wave, knocked her out.

In the same rank, the weird can suppress monsters and extraordinary people. The weird power that is almost regular can eat monsters and extraordinary people to death.

Once the dead end is triggered, with the blessing of the weird rule power, the opponent will definitely die.

But Su Chen is different. Su Chen is equipped with the Fire Skull, which is equivalent to the 5th rank. The red-clothed ghost girl is at most the 4th level weird, and the rank suppression is even more terrifying.

Level 5 life can easily crush the 4th level weird.

The weird is difficult to deal with?


Rank suppression, just beat her directly, beat her to death.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Dust was flying.

The insubstantial female ghost in red was actually attacked physically, and her teeth were broken, returning to her previous posture.

However, with her teeth broken and blood flowing, she looked miserable.

How could this human be so scary that he could physically hurt her? How did he do it?

It was terrified!

At this time, it wanted to change its target and hand over this difficult target to other weirds.

Little did it know.

Except for Su Chen's car, the Rolls Phantom was a weak chicken with a combat power of level 1, everyone else could beat it.

The mountain guards were huge and looked difficult to mess with.

Gangzi, surrounded by black mist, even his facial features were blurred, and he looked even weirder than the weird.


The female ghost in red showed her fierce light again and stared at the stupid pig-headed monster, which stood there and allowed the skinny and bone-like old man to gnaw on it.

"You, go deal with him."

"Here, I'll do it!"

The female ghost in red was very strong and could be considered a tyrant in the weird world. After several threats, the starving old man jumped off the pig-headed monster in fear and came towards Su Chen.

"am I pretty?"

The female ghost in red turned into the female ghost in red again, with a rotten face, blood constantly flowing all over her body, and a sinister smile.


The pig-headed monster tilted his head, looked around, and pointed at himself. When he saw the female ghost in red nodding, he was sure that the female ghost in red in front of him was talking to him.

He scratched his head, not knowing how to answer.

After all, he is just a monster guard and a servant of the Lord. He only has loyalty to the Lord and has no human emotions.

What is beauty? he does not know.

Think about it.

He decided to respond anyway.

The next second.

The female ghost in red, who was still smiling sternly, was filled with fear and her eyes bulged out.

Yes, his eyes popped out.

Not an adjective at all.

The blood flowing all over the pig-headed monster was seen boiling, turning into a huge machete condensed with blood, which was three to five meters long. The pig-headed monster held it in his hand and roared.


This knife was surrounded by the sound of wind and thunder, and struck her hard.

She had no doubt that with one strike of the knife, the top of the hill would be flattened!


The giant knife fell.

The floor tiles were smashed, and after a moment of silence, the entire street exploded into powder.

This knife will definitely kill her! What kind of illusory spirit body is immune to physical damage? The stupid pig-headed monster in front of you is fighting an illusory spirit body.

When the physical damage reaches a certain terrifying level, it is like a nuclear bomb, and the spirit body can also evaporate.


The female ghost in red was going crazy with fear.

She was shaking.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

This one is more powerful!

This one is more powerful!

The female ghost in red looked around, shaking even more violently, and her heart was so frightened that she roared.

Are there any weak ones?

Where is the weakling?

Where exactly? !

Change it! Get another one!

There must be some weaklings out there!

As long as she completes the mission given by the cursed city, she can leave.


Find a weakling and quickly complete the task.

She turned around and abandoned the pig-headed monster, and was about to run back to Su Chen. She suddenly felt that in comparison, this human boy didn't seem so scary.

When she was about to turn back and deal with Su Chen.


There was a loud bang.

A broken black shadow, like a broken sack, flew over, brushed past her shoulder, and hit the wall of the street not far away, turning into a ball of mud.

"Fuck me..."

The female ghost in red didn't dare to move a step. She was shaking even more violently. Her eyeballs had fallen to the ground in fear, and she didn't dare to pick them up.

If I read that correctly.

The tattered sack-like thing just now, and the mud creature that was blown away like a cannonball must be her kind, that scrawny old man who died of hunger.

Exploded with one punch?

It looked like he was slumped against the wall and turned into a pulp. He was no longer alive?

Why doesn't the starving old man come back to life?

TMD? Could it be that this punch killed the starving old man? Worri! What about the weird immortality and difficulty of killing that was promised?

Her grandma's.

Why is this human man so fierce?

"Why did you bite me? Did I provoke you?"

Su Chen retracted his fist. He didn't even need to use the armor state. As long as he was equipped with the Fire Skull, he had a level 5 life. Every punch was level suppression, and physical damage could cause spiritual critical strikes.

"What do you see me doing?"

Su Chen looked at the female ghost in red who was stunned on the spot, her eyes falling to the ground, leaving only empty sockets, and walked towards her.

My eyeballs have fallen out. Which eye will look at you again? You are looking for trouble.

Seeing that Su Chen was about to hit her, the female ghost in red was so frightened that she picked up her eyeballs and stuffed them into her eye sockets before choosing her next target.

It turned out to be Gangzi!

"It seems weird and evil, maybe it's just the function of his ability. In fact, he is the only weakling."

Looking at Gangzi, who was vaguely human-shaped and surrounded by black mist, the female ghost in red rushed over.

Kill this person and complete the task, and she will choose to return immediately!

The next second.

She braked hard with both feet, leaving traces of blood on the ground before she could stop.

I saw Gangzi's face without facial features, glanced at her, and then casually crumpled the deformed, pale baby that was howling on him into a billiard ball.

For a moment, the deformed and pale baby screamed so painfully that he cried out, which moved all the weirdos present.


"Keep changing!"

The female ghost in red was as drunk as an ice cave. She suddenly felt that she was not weird, but the newcomers to the cursed city in front of her were weird.

Damn it!

I don’t believe it anymore.

Is there even a weakling among this group of people?

Choose Prison Car Guard.

She ran towards the prison car guard.

"It has been detected that you are guilty and meet the conditions for detention!"

The prison car guard pointed the enlarged box towards the rotten human hood that was entangled in him.

The rotten ghouls disappeared.

All breath has disappeared.

It was as if this fierce ghost-level human-headed ghost had never appeared.

The prison car guard looked at the rushing female ghost in red, then looked at his big box, raised it high, and waited for the female ghost in red to fall into the trap.

The air solidified for a while.

"It's you! Die for me."

The female ghost in red stiffened for a moment, changed direction on the spot, and instead rushed towards the strange evil guard with two heads and no face, carrying a lantern dripping with blood.

It also looks weird.

This is good.

The same kind should be less dangerous than humans and scary monsters! Anyway, it met the hunting conditions, which was enough for her to complete the mission and go back.

Just a little weird.

Where did the weirdness that haunted this guy go?

The evil ghost mission in the Cursed City dares to be passive and sabotage, and is really not afraid of being obliterated by the rules of the Cursed City.

But it happened to be advantageous for her.

"Ha ha!"

"Fellow, I'd like to lend you your head to make up for the loss."

The female ghost in red rushed over excitedly.

Weak chicken!

Finally found!

This one is definitely a weakling! She could feel that this was just a weird thing, far from her Hongyi.

The two heads of the strange evil ghost turned around, and a bloody lantern appeared in front of the female ghost in red.

"What did you say?"

Two heads and countless mouths spoke together, bursting out with countless overlapping sounds.

The female ghost in red showed fear.

Because she saw that in the countless mouths of this weird kind, there were countless weird fragments that were constantly breeding black mist and trying to revive, and they were being chewed by him.

It turns out that there was no slack in work, it turned out that it had been here a long time ago, but it was eaten, and recovery and reproduction were simply impossible.

"I have two heads, which one do you want?"

The strange evil guard looked at the female ghost in red and became obviously excited. While chewing the undigested ghost in his mouth, he stretched his two heads over and trotted towards the female ghost in red.

"Ah this..."

The female ghost in red was completely desperate.

Are there any normal creatures left in this group of guys?

The other intruders in the Cursed City were all weaklings and were easily hunted by them.

This group is pretty good, everyone is a master, a master, a master, right?

She glanced around.

The ghost-level, deformed pale baby was crushed into a billiard ball and had no energy left.

Recovery, don’t dare to recover at all?

This kind of pain, weird baby is too scared.

The starving ghost has been dead for a long time, and all the traps have been exposed. It is a tattered ghost clothes with vicious small letters written crookedly on it.

The ghost head disappeared.

Looking around, it reminded me that the weakest ghost hand on the largest mountain guard was still pinching the mountain guard's neck, trying to strangle him to death.

But is it possible?

Compared with the mountain-like military guards, the ghost hand is as weak as a little chicken, unable to fully hold the neck.

If you can grab a piece of stone skin from the mountain guard's neck, you are considered to have powerful hands.

"I accept my fate."

"Just kill me."

The female ghost in red slumped on the ground, her face full of despair.

Who is the evil ghost?

How come the weakling newcomer that we promised is scarier than the evil ghosts? You know the lineup is so terrifying, even if you kill her, she won't even do the evil ghost mission.

You are so fierce, why are you pretending to scare the weak newcomers who are stunned in place? Wouldn't it be better to just fight all the way into the Cursed City?

In the distance, in a tall building.

The group of ghost masters who had been observing Su Chen, a group of newcomers to the cursed city, fell into a deathly silence.

a long time.

Only then did a trembling voice slowly resound.

"My this still a human being?"

"A red-clothed leader led a team of five fierce ghosts. They were beaten so violently that the red-clothed ones were almost pissed."

"All the members beat up the fierce ghosts. These newcomers are too fierce. What kind of strength do they have?"

"The weakest ghost level can easily kill the peak level 4 extraordinary kings on the awakening path and evolutionary path. Could it be that they..."

They were so shocked that they couldn't speak. They didn't dare to guess the level 5 life, because it was too shocking, and they didn't think that other paths could give birth to so many level 5 lives so easily.

But one thing, they were sure, this was going to be terrible.

Rain City.

In this cursed city, a group of powerful dragons have arrived!


A group of powerful dragons crossing the river!

"Originally, I wanted to accept these newbies as my younger brothers. Now it seems that I am blind. The young people are obviously a group of full-level bosses who come to the Novice Village to kill monsters."

"It's time to ask if these big guys are missing pendants on their legs."

They trotted downstairs, preparing to contact Su Chen and his group.

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