Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 102 The terrifying power of the Black Wind Base (ask for the bookshelf!)

Everyone looked at the stranger in front of them, not only a little dazed, but Xiao Qiang had that kind of charm, he would feel particularly sincere when speaking, which made everyone have some convincing charm.

Everyone waited for a while, Xiao Guang took the lead and said: "Brother Xiao, I will go with you, I have had enough here, my mother has been sick for two days, let alone begging them for medicine, even refused to give more food."

"Yes, give this antipyretic medicine to your mother." Xiao Qiang touched Xiao Guang's head and said.

"Okay, we have decided to go to Longshan Base with you, but can you really take us out? Moreover, those who are pulled to work have to go with us." The old man seemed to have some prestige, and at this moment he was also speaking on behalf of the group.

"Okay, please absolutely believe me, but you can't fight an unprepared battle, and please tell me the detailed information." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to everyone.

It took an afternoon for Xiao Qiang to finally have a systematic understanding of the Black Wind Base.

There are nearly 1,000 people belonging to Lu Bai, and nearly half of them are equipped with hot weapons.

Lu Bai is the big boss, and his strength belongs to the strong man of level 8 superpowers, which is one level stronger than Xiao Qiang.

Xu Ye is the second boss, and he is a strong man of level 7, but he is the most mysterious. He joined in the last month. It is said that no one has seen him except the three bosses.

Liu Ge is the third boss, with superpowers of level 6. He is the boss of Huangmao Chen Yuan, and Xiao Qiang will meet him tonight.

In addition to these, there are 6 team leaders:

The leader of group 1 is responsible for the construction of new factories and projects in cooperation with the city.

The leaders of groups 2, 4, and 6 are the three people Xiao Qiang met on the road and led people to chase Lin Fei.

The leader of group 3 is Brother Xue, who gave Xiao Qiang a gun butt. He is responsible for supervising the transportation of 200 people here and has a bad temper.

The leader of group 5 is Brother Qi, who is very smart, clings to the thigh of the second boss, and does the most leisurely work.

This is the top strength of the entire Black Wind Base. With this lineup, if Xiao Qiang wanted to escape alone, there would naturally be no big problem, but it would be a bit difficult to take these 200 people out together.

Everyone discussed in the house for a whole afternoon, and finally came up with a feasible plan temporarily.

Although the patrol team did not allow everyone to leave the gate, there was no restriction on walking around the factory area.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Xiao Qiang found out that the trucks parked at the main gate generally do not remove the keys. In the end times, in order to facilitate going out, the drivers always put the keys in the car.

At this time, the sun was setting and the sky gradually darkened.

"Xiao Qiang, it's not that I don't want to believe you. I don't care about this old bone, but this matter concerns the lives of more than 2,000 people. If this fails, Lu Bai will definitely not let everyone go easily. Are you really sure?" The old man held Xiao Qiang's hand and said worriedly.

Xiao Qiang stood up, looked at the half-believing and half-doubting expressions of the crowd, raised his mouth slightly, and said: "Everyone gather here at 11 o'clock tonight, I am willing to hand in my letter of surrender."

"By the way, there is one more thing. I wonder if you know a young man named Baichuan, who is about the same age as me." Xiao Qiang thought of Bai Lu's younger brother, so he asked.

"I know him. There is indeed a person named Baichuan who is about your age." An aunt in the crowd raised her hand and said.

"But two days ago, they said Baichuan stole something and locked him up." Aunt Na continued.

"Locked up? Where?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Humph, that Lu Bai, privately built a prison in an abandoned warehouse in the south of the factory area. All those who usually offended him were detained there. The guards were also very strict. Usually, people who wanted to explore were not allowed." The old man continued, and he seemed particularly angry when he spoke.

"Okay, I got it."

After saying that, Xiao Qiang said goodbye to everyone, left alone, returned to his own room, and waited for the yellow-haired Chen Yuan to come find him.

Sure enough, at 6 o'clock, before the yellow-haired Chen Yuan entered the room, he shouted: "Zhang Wei, get up quickly, I'll take you to open your eyes and meet Brother Liu."

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