Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 101 The Origin of the Black Wind Base (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Wait for me for a moment, I'll go get something." Xiao Qiang said, without waiting for the two to answer, and walked out directly.

Back to his residence, Xiao Qiang directly moved out the small half box of ham sausages. Not only that, he also exchanged milk and bread from the system, and piled up a full box.

Fortunately, the patrol personnel in the Black Wind Base will not come here, otherwise they will have to question it when they see such a large box of food.

Carrying the box into the house, Xiao Qiang saw that Xiao Guang had not eaten and was still waiting for him, and said: "Xiao Guang, eat quickly, and find those people you trust, come together, I still have a lot here."

"Yeah." Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Xiao Guang ran out happily.

After a while, Xiao Guang summoned a room full of people back.

Everyone ate and talked, and Xiao Qiang knew what happened.

It turned out that they were all employees here. The steel plant itself had a strict entry and exit management system. After the zombie outbreak, the factory did not suffer any losses.

The survivors nearby hurriedly hid in the factory. There were some supermarkets in the factory, and everyone had enough food. They gathered together and were temporarily safe.

However, as the zombies continued to attack, they suffered heavy losses without hot weapons, and many people turned into zombies.

Until three months ago, a large group of zombies attacked the factory area. Everyone fought desperately with iron bars, but there were too many zombies. The defense line was about to be broken and the whole army was annihilated.

Suddenly, the former big gangster here, Lu Bai, took his people and repelled this wave of zombies with machine guns. Not only that, Lu Bai also showed his terrifying strength.

Afterwards, this group of people successfully took over the factory area and established the Black Wind Base.

The first month was fine. Everyone got along well, and Lu Bai didn't go too far. Although their people took care of the supplies, at least everyone could eat enough.

Unexpectedly, a month later, Lu Bai gradually revealed his true colors. He not only arrogantly took the materials for himself, but also took the position of any girl he liked.

"Didn't everyone resist? How could we allow him to do such evil?" Xiao Qiang was a little angry when he heard this. He hammered the wall angrily and asked.

"Alas." An old man sighed and spoke slowly.

"Why didn't we resist? Lu Bai is not only powerful, but also very clever."

"Originally, there were some mutant strongmen among us, but Lu Bai, as soon as he came in, he knew clearly which ones were mutant strongmen, or recruited them to become his people. The rest who were unwilling to join him were brutally killed in public by him. Everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out."

After the old man finished speaking, everyone echoed him, and it seemed that they had been resentful for a long time.

The old man drank some water, asked everyone to calm down, and continued to say to Xiao Qiang: "After that conflict, no one dared to say anything more to Lu Bai. Many of us couldn't stand this humiliation and left here, but there were zombies outside, so where could we go? But later, when they saw more and more people leaving, they sent people to patrol and prevented everyone from going out. It's a pity that I can't beat Lu Bai with my old bones, otherwise I would have to fight him."

"No wonder there are so few people living here, they all left. Old man, don't be too disappointed, Lu Bai is a level 8 strong man after all, and ordinary people are naturally not his opponent." Xiao Qiang took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and persuaded.

"Brother Xiao, you don't know that our steel plant originally had nearly 30,000 people. Even though there were several casualties and many people who left, there were still nearly 3,000 people left, including their people. But a month ago, people from the city came to say that they wanted to cooperate on a project, and most of them went to do those jobs, leaving us, the old, weak, sick and disabled, nearly 2,300 people, doing some porter work here." Xiao Guang added.

"Humph, in fact, they are forcing those young people to do those hard and heavy jobs. My youngest son wanted to stay with me, but he was forced to work by them." The old man said these words, his chest was so angry that it was up and down.

"Yeah, I understand." Xiao Qiang stood up, looked around and said.

"Everyone is Xiaoguang's trusted person, so I will tell you the truth. I am from Longshan Base. My real name is Xiao Qiang, and I use the alias Zhang Wei here. I am also a strong man. In Longshan Base, I dare not say anything else, but I will definitely not let you go hungry. If you trust me, let's resist, and I am willing to lead everyone to Longshan Base."

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