Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 100 The Value of Black Gold (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Brother Chen is awesome, thank you for your care." Xiao Qiang also praised him against his will.

As they talked, the two came to a warehouse-like house, where the defense was obviously much stronger than other places.

There were many people holding weapons standing nearby, sitting or squatting, smoking and chatting in groups of three or five on the ground, completely out of order. When they saw Xiao Qiang coming over, they all looked at him with squinted eyes.

Huangmao led Xiao Qiang into the house, where there were a variety of food. In another room, people were carrying guns and ammunition continuously.

There was a table at the door, and Huangmao walked over respectfully, "Brother Qi, my brother is here to exchange something."

The man called Brother Qi sat behind the table, too lazy to even lift his eyelids, crossed his legs, and replied: "What do you want to exchange?"

"Brother Qi, I have 500 grams of black gold here, I hope to exchange it for something to eat." Xiao Qiang took over and said.

"Black gold!" Hearing the word "black gold", the man named Brother Qi's eyes flashed with surprise, but soon returned to normal.

He looked up at Xiao Qiang and said, "500 grams of black gold, give him half a box of ham sausage."

"Brother Qi, we are from Brother Liu, and Brother Liu has a share of this." Seeing this, the yellow-haired man hurriedly handed over a cigarette and whispered.

"It's from Brother Liu, give him a box of canned food, a bag of rice, and 5 boxes of cigarettes." Brother Qi heard and added.

Xiao Qiang didn't know the value of black gold, and didn't expect that 500 grams of black gold could be exchanged for so much food.

The two carried the food out and walked away. The yellow-haired man couldn't help but curse, "Fuck, they only gave us this little stuff, and it's all thanks to Brother Liu's reputation. Later, they can take the black gold to the city and exchange it for more than three times of these."

"The brother Qi just now is the leader of Group 5, responsible for guarding the warehouse. He eats delicious food and drinks spicy drinks every day. Even the people at the door of their place can smoke. Damn, it's really unfair."

"Why can they watch the warehouse?" Xiao Qiang wanted to get as much information as possible.

"Brother Qi follows the second in command, and the second in command is deeply trusted by the first in command, so he can guard the warehouse. I must report their embezzlement to Brother Liu later."

"Brother Yuan, when you go back to see Brother Liu, take me with you."

"No problem, you kid should be smart at that time. Brother Liu is still very good to our brothers."

As they talked, the two carried the things to Chen Yuan's residence, which was in a house under the office building.

Xiao Qiang only kept half a box of ham sausage for himself, and gave the rest to the yellow-haired Chen Yuan.

After putting down the supplies, Chen Yuan took Xiao Qiang to the residences of the people.

It was exactly the house in the factory area, dilapidated, dirty and poor, but even so, there were many people crowded here.

Seeing Xiao Qiang carrying the ham sausage, their eyes were shining, and some couldn't help swallowing their saliva. It seemed that the food they usually ate was not only bad, but they were probably not full.

"Don't rob his things, this is my brother." Before leaving, the yellow-haired man shouted to the people, and told Xiao Qiang that he would pick him up to meet Brother Liu in the evening.

After the yellow-haired man left, Xiao Qiang got up and walked out of the door to find out the news.

There were rows of bungalows here, which should be the temporary resting place for the original factory workers.

"Brother." Xiao Qiang was wandering around, thinking about who to ask about Baichuan's whereabouts, and suddenly heard someone calling him.

Xiao Qiang looked over and saw that it was the boy he had just helped up on the road, carrying a bowl of rice porridge and two steamed buns, walking towards him.

"It's you, are you going to get food?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Yes, brother, I have to thank you a lot, come on, brother, come to my house and sit down." The little boy greeted Xiao Qiang warmly.

Through the conversation with the little boy, I learned that his name is Lu Guang, who just came back from getting food. He and his mother live here. Because his mother is sick, she didn't come out to work today.

Xiao Qiang followed him into the house. It was stuffy inside. There was a woman lying on the bed. She looked to be in her 40s, with a haggard face and a weak look.

"Mom. This is the brother I told you about. He helped me take the hit." While speaking, Lu Guang sat on the bed and supported his mother to lie half-lying.

"You saved our Xiaoguang. Thank you so much. Have you eaten yet? We don't have anything good to offer. Xiaoguang, give my share to your brother Xiao."

"Mom, you are sick, you eat, and I'll give my share to brother Xiao. I'm not hungry. Brother Xiao, you eat." Xiaoguang is very sensible, but Xiao Qiang can clearly feel that Lu Guang is very hungry. He can't help swallowing his saliva when he sees such a meal.

Xiao Qiang himself is soft-hearted, so he can't stand such human suffering.

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