Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 99 Playing the Pig and Eating the Tiger

Xiao Qiang looked at the people patrolling back and forth with weapons along the way. They were dressed differently and had dyed hair. They seemed to be gangsters.

Not only that, some people were constantly carrying guns, ammunition, and some building materials.

Among these people, there were men and women, and even some children in their teens. They all looked exhausted and had not eaten enough.

With a "bang", suddenly, the 10-year-old child, who was a little exhausted, carried the heavy sack of stones and bumped directly into a big man next to him.

The big man was hit and immediately became angry. He turned around and raised the gun in his hand to hit the little boy.

Xiao Qiang was quick-witted and stood in front of the little boy. The butt of the gun also hit Xiao Qiang's back heavily.

The man was a little angry when he saw Xiao Qiang blocking his attack. He raised the rifle in his hand and hit Xiao Qiang's head again.

"Brother Xue, Brother Xue, this is my little brother, hanging out with Brother Liu. I just came in today. I'm really sorry for offending Brother Xue. Apologize to Brother Xue."

Seeing that man holding a gun and preparing to hit Xiao Qiang again, the yellow-haired Chen Yuan hurriedly stopped him, took out a cigarette and handed it to him, saying with a smile on his face.

With Xiao Qiang's current physical fitness, he naturally wouldn't feel anything after being hit, but he had to act the whole set.

Xiao Qiang pretended to be in pain, bent over, and said timidly: "I'm sorry, Brother Xue, I'm new here, I offended Brother Xue, I'm really sorry."

At the same time, Xiao Qiang observed the sweat in front of him, with a thick layer of beard on his chin, a scar on his face, and a short and fat look, with a fierce look.

"Be more discerning in the future, if you don't keep your eyes like this, I'll break your arm." The man stared at Xiao Qiang, with a mouthful of yellow teeth, spitting out a puff of smoke and said, and then walked away.

"Brother Xue, take care!" The yellow-haired Chen Yuan nodded to the man and said.

Xiao Qiang helped the little boy up, took out a big ham from the system, secretly handed it to the little boy, touched his head, and whispered: "Go quickly, be careful."

"Thank you, brother." The little boy hid the ham, carried the sack, and went back to work.

"This is the leader of our group 3, Xue Qing, who has a bad temper and is responsible for supervising these people to work. Don't provoke him easily. You are lucky to meet me when you come in, otherwise I will break your arm." Looking at Xiao Qiang, Chen Yuan said as if to take credit.

Xiao Qiang looked at Xue Qingyuan's back and thought to himself, when I investigate it clearly, I will break your arm first.

"How can he beat people casually, and how can he let such a young child do such heavy work?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Let's go, and talk as we go." The yellow-haired Chen Yuan seemed to have a sense of accomplishment when he spoke, and he put his arm around Xiao Qiang's shoulders and continued to walk forward.

"Let me tell you, it's the end of the world now, and whoever is stronger has the final say. If these people are not in the base, they will be eaten by zombies when they go out. It just so happens that we need to repair some walls here, and we will give them the responsibility of carrying and other groceries. Of course, they will get the least."

"Also, let me tell you, we are going to cooperate with the city on a project recently, and these weapons are the deposit they gave us."

"Follow me, you are right to follow me, and occasionally you can have two girls to have sex. The boss is comfortable, basically whoever he likes can be taken." Chen Yuan said.

Listening to Chen Yuan's words, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little angry. What's the difference between this and treating people as slaves.

Doing the most tiring work, but not even having enough food every day. If the zombies attack, I'm afraid these people won't care about their lives.

However, Xiao Qiang was suspicious of the project Chen Yuan mentioned, and asked with anger.

"What project? Brother Chen, what can we do in this end of the world?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"I don't know about this, but I heard that this project is related to M Company. Look at the construction materials they are moving, they are going to build a new warehouse." Chen Yuan said.

This Chen Yuan is straightforward. Whatever Xiao Qiang asked, he would tell him everything, and even show off a bit.

"Look, that office building is where our boss lives. These dirty and messy houses in the factory area are where the people live, but you just came in, so you will stay here temporarily tonight. I will talk to Brother Liu tomorrow, and you can live in the house downstairs of the office building, and live with me, your big brother, it's much better than this broken place." The yellow-haired Chen Yuan, holding Xiao Qiang's shoulders, spoke in a very caring manner.

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