Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 104 The plan begins (ask for bookshelf! Ask for comments!)

"Okay, Brother Liu."

"Brother Liu, this is Zhang Wei I mentioned to you. He wants to join us." Huang Mao pulled Xiao Qiang to the front and said.

"Well, not bad. He looks strong. Is he a mutant?" Brother Liu asked.

"No, I used to like fitness, so I look a little stronger." Xiao Qiang replied.

"Okay, that's okay. Xiao Yuan, give him a gun. He will stand guard with you in the future. Let's start tonight." Brother Liu said this and walked to other gates to continue checking.

"Brother Liu looks easy to get along with. He doesn't look like a strong person with a level 6 superpower." Xiao Qiang looked at Brother Liu's back and said.

"Brother Liu is not only good to us brothers, but also to the people living here. Sometimes he can't stand some of the practices of the big boss Lu Bai. Not to mention the second boss. Their three groups often oppress the people. Brother Liu can't stand it and will say something about them. So our three groups have always been not very good with the second boss's three groups."

"Here, take it." Handing Xiao Qiang a machine gun, Huang Mao continued: "But don't look at our brother Liu who is usually gentle and approachable. I saw it once. Once, our base was attacked by zombies."

"Come and sit down, relax a little, you look nervous, it's not a big deal for us to stand guard here. If we encounter a strong one, we can't beat it. If we encounter a weak one, don't we have this?" As he said, Huang Mao pulled Xiao Qiang to squat in the corner and sit down again.

The factory area obviously did not have large-scale electricity. At this moment, there were several fires lit at the main gate for lighting, but in the hot summer, everyone naturally stayed away from the fire and gathered in groups of three or five to chat and brag.

"Oh, okay, Brother Yuan, go on. This is my first time touching this thing, so I'm a little nervous." Xiao Qiang touched the AK and said.

"That time, a large group of zombies besieged our base, and Boss Lu Bai happened to take people out. At that time, we didn't have so many guns and cannons here, and the key was that there was also a very powerful zombie among them."

The yellow-haired man took a deep breath and continued like a storyteller: "In a critical moment, the defense line was about to be breached and it was about to collapse. Suddenly, a loud roar came, and suddenly a 2-meter-tall, extremely strong human-shaped bull rushed into the zombie group and fought and collided back and forth. The momentum was so handsome. He was able to fight with the zombie and not lose the wind, which reduced our pressure and dragged it until Boss Lu Bai came back."

"So handsome, so handsome, I wish I had this ability." Xiao Qiang praised very carelessly.

According to this, Brother Liu should have the same animal-type mutant ability as Li Ke.

"Then I wonder what Brother Lu Bai's ability is?" Xiao Qiang asked again.

"I don't know about this. I haven't seen Brother Lu Bai take action with my own eyes, but it is said that he is very strong." Huang Mao shook his head and said.

"Where did these things come from?" Xiao Qiang shook the AK in his hand and asked.

"This? The base in the city is said to have a military background and wants to cooperate with our base on a project. These are just gifts for meeting. There are also many grenades? They are all placed in the warehouse guarded by Brother Qi." Huang Mao replied.

"This is just a gift for meeting? They are too generous, what project can make them so generous?" Xiao Qiang pretended to be surprised, but actually wanted to find out the news.

"I don't know, it is said to be a confidential project." Huang Mao replied.

Next, Xiao Qiang kept asking Huang Mao about the defense situation of the base, acting as if he had just arrived and wanted to know more about the base.

Seeing that it was already 10 o'clock, Xiao Qiang pretended to be sleepy, yawned, and stretched.

As expected, the yellow-haired man also said, "I'm too sleepy without cigarettes."

In fact, Xiao Qiang deliberately wanted the yellow-haired man to see the cigarettes he hid in the afternoon so that he could find a chance to ask for them.

Xiao Qiang slapped his forehead, pretending to have just remembered, and quietly approached the yellow-haired man and said, "Brother Yuan, I actually have another cigarette, which I picked up on the way here. Brother Yuan is so good to me, and I just don't smoke. How about I go and get it all for you now?"

When the yellow-haired man heard that there was a cigarette, his eyes shone with light. He was a little impatient, but still pretended to be reserved and said, "Since you don't smoke, it's useless to keep it. Then give it to me. I will give some to Brother Liu later and say a few good words for you in front of him."

"Then thank you in advance, Brother Yuan, but it's not time to change shifts yet. I left without permission. Is it okay?" Xiao Qiang asked immediately.

"It's okay. It only takes more than 10 minutes to go back and forth from here to where you live. There's nothing to do now. If there's something wrong, you have Brother Yuan. What's there to be afraid of?" said the yellow-haired man.

"Okay, thank you Brother Yuan, I'll go back and get it now." After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, he turned and left.

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