Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 105 Killing Brother Xue (ask for the bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang needs to complete the next thing within 10 minutes.

Once out of Huang Mao's sight, Xiao Qiang opened up his speed. With Xiao Qiang's strength, it only took him 1 minute to reach the place where Brother Xue was drinking. This was despite dodging guards along the way.

The leader of Group 3, who was drinking in the room at the moment, was Xiao Qiang who handed over the letter of surrender.

Firstly, if you can become the team leader, you must be strong, and killing him will be convincing. Secondly, Brother Xue often bullies them, and killing him will remove the shadows in their hearts and make them more daring to resist.

This is a central control room. There are a few candles lit in the room, and the sound of their fists can be heard from time to time.

After waiting outside the house for two minutes, just when Xiao Qiang was wondering if he should find a way to lure him out, he saw Brother Xue, smelling of alcohol, staggering towards the outside of the house.

Xiao Qiang turned on the binocular recognition function and scanned towards him.

"Ding, we found a strong level 4 human."

"Brother Xue, shall I take you back?" A young man in the room helped him and said.

"No, no, it's not far. I can go back by myself." Brother Xue was obviously a little drunk and said in a long voice.

"Brother Xue, slow down and pay attention to safety on the road."

"Brother Xue, please be safe."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang quietly followed Brother Xue for a while and saw him walking towards the flower bed on the roadside, as if he was peeing.

Brother Xue suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing behind him and hurriedly pulled on his pants. Even though he was drunk, as a level 4 strongman, he still had this vigilance.

Brother Xue suddenly turned his head back and found that there was nothing behind him. After a false alarm, he turned his head, but a face suddenly appeared in front of him.

The corners of Xiao Qiang's mouth raised slightly, and he looked at Brother Xue with a smile.

Brother Xue was startled, and saw clearly that it was the person he had beaten in the afternoon, and was about to severely scold him.

Before Brother Xue could say anything, Xiao Qiang took the lead and said, "You hit me this morning. I said I would break your arm, so I must break your arm."

After saying that, Xiao Qiang struck out like lightning, and punched Brother Xue in the face. Brother Xue, who was already drunk, raised his hand and was about to block, when he was knocked unconscious by the punch. .

The whole process was also very fast. Xiao Qiang knocked him unconscious and dragged him into the grass beside him like a chicken to avoid being discovered by others.

Then, Xiao Qiang looked at Brother Xue who was lying on the ground, held his arms, pulled them backwards, and broke both of his arms. After avenging the gun butt, Xiao Qiang took out the Mei Feng dagger and cut off Brother Xue's head.

"Ding, kill a strong level 4 human, experience +200, exchange points +200. Get a box of liquor, 3 times the violent pill (intermediate level)"

It's a pity that Brother Xue, who has a level 4 strength and has always been extremely violent, got into trouble with Xiao Qiang for no reason and was beheaded before he could even utter a sound.

Xiao Qiang carried Brother Xue's head, avoided the patrolling people, walked straight towards his residence, and then hid Brother Xue's head well.

I checked the time and found that the whole process only took 7.8 minutes. I checked my body and found that there was no blood stains on it.

Then he took out the cigarette that he had redeemed from the system from under the quilt, and walked toward the door.

When approaching the gate, Xiao Qiang slowed down and pretended to have just walked all the way.

"I'm so talented in crime!" Xiao Qiang couldn't help but think in his heart as he walked.

"Here you go, Brother Yuan!" Xiao Qiang walked up to Huang Mao, quietly took out the cigarette from his arms, and handed it to Huang Mao.

"Hey, these cigarettes are not bad. Don't worry, kid. From now on, your business is my business." Huang Mao looked at a whole carton of cigarettes, his face was filled with happiness, and he said to Xiao Qiang.

"Thank you so much, Brother Yuan." Xiao Qiang agreed.

The two sat and chatted for a while. At 11 o'clock, a group of people rubbed their sleepy eyes and came to change shifts.

"Let's go, we can go back to sleep." As he spoke, Huang Mao took the machine gun and handed it to his successor.

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