Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 106 Submitting a Letter of Independence

At the same time, he took out two boxes of cigarettes from the carton and distributed them to everyone.

"This is my younger brother, Zhang Wei. He gave you these cigarettes, and he is now a member of our group." Huang Mao introduced to everyone.

"Hello, brothers, I'm Zhang Wei. I'm new here. Please take care of me." Xiao Qiang said to everyone politely.

"Huang Mao, I think your little brother is much better than you."

"That's right, Huang Mao, you still have a younger brother."

. . . . . .

Several people joked, Huang Mao hugged Xiao Qiang and waved to everyone: "Go, go, do your duty well, we are going back."

It seems that Huang Mao is also very good at getting things done. He is really good. Now, he can handle things better tomorrow.

Arriving at Xiao Qiang's residence, Huang Mao said goodbye to Xiao Qiang, and Xiao Qiang returned to the house by himself.

Looking at the time, it was already past 11 o'clock. Xiao Qiang took out the hidden head and walked towards Xiaoguang's house.

From afar, Xiao Qiang saw two candles lit in the small light room. Under the flickering candlelight, he saw people's heads moving constantly. The room was full of people, and the noisy voices reached Xiao Qiang's ears.

"Is that guy reliable? He even said he would take us to Longshan Base, but what time is it now and he still can't come?"

"That's right, that kid wasn't sent by Lu Bai to monitor us, right? Lu Bai won't come to deal with us tomorrow."

"Why should we believe what a stranger says? He also said he would hand us a certificate of nomination. Who knows who he is."

"If you don't come, I'll go back to sleep. I have to work tomorrow. Wouldn't it be nice to earn two more steamed buns?"

"Besides, what can we do when we go out? There are zombies outside, so we have to rely on others to find supplies for us."

. . . . . .

Listening to everyone talking, Xiaoguang, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, shouted to everyone: "I believe Brother Xiao, he is a good man and will not lie to us."

"Xiaoguang, whether he is a good person or not has nothing to do with his strength. Let alone Lao Dalu, he may not be able to beat the yellow guy at the door. I see, he said that That’s a big talk, I’m sorry for coming here, let’s disperse and go back to bed early,” a tall and thin man said.

Ever since Xiao Qiang blocked Xiaoguang's gun butt and gave him medicine to cure Xiaoguang's mother's fever, Xiaoguang has regarded Xiao Qiang as his own big brother.

At this moment, when I heard someone talking about Xiao Qiang like this, I couldn't bear it anymore. I immediately stood up, pointed at the person and said, "Brother Xiao, if you say he will come, he will definitely come. I don't allow you to say that about him. "

"Hey, you dare to point at me." That thin man dared to point at himself even when he looked at Xiaoguang, a little boy.

Immediately, he stood up and rolled up his sleeves.

"No matter what the noise, just sit down. If he doesn't come by 12 o'clock, everyone should go back to sleep and pretend that today's incident never happened." The old man who had been silent for a long time shouted loudly. It seemed that He still has prestige among these people.

After finishing speaking, no one said a word. Xiaoguang also sat on the bed angrily, quietly waiting for Xiao Qiang's arrival.

There was a "bang", and at this moment, the door of the house was pushed open.

By the candlelight, everyone saw Xiao Qiang standing at the door, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his eyes scanning everyone's faces, and holding a round thing in his hand, standing at the door like a bad wolf.

Xiao Qiang carried the thing and walked slowly into the house. Someone in the house had already recognized that the thing Xiao Qiang was carrying turned out to be a human head.

Walking to the table, Xiao Qiang put the head on the table, looked at everyone, and said: This is my certificate of surrender. I don’t need to say more about who this is. "

Some women, even though they were used to seeing zombies in this apocalyptic world, with their skin and flesh torn apart and their bodies separated, could not help but turn their heads.

"This is Brother Xue. I recognize him. The scars on his face are very clear."

"Huh? It's really him. Look at the beard on his face."

"That's him. I asked you to hit me. He deserves it, bah." It seemed that this guy was bullied by Brother Xue all the time. He looked at his head and said viciously.

"I heard that Brother Xue is a level 4 strongman. Even the third master would give him some face when he met him. I didn't expect that his head would be cut off."

. . . . . .

Listening to everyone talking again, Xiao Qiang said nothing and watched everyone's commotion quietly.

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