Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 108 It's really not me who killed him (ask for bookshelf!)

The group discussed until midnight before they came to an agreement, and agreed to respond to any situation and contact immediately.

Early in the morning, Xiao Qiang was still asleep when he heard a commotion outside. Xiao Qiang naturally knew what was going on, pretending to sleep, and pricked up his ears to listen to the noise getting closer and closer outside.

"Brother Qi, it must be this guy. He had a conflict with Brother Xue as soon as he arrived yesterday. Brother Xue beat him up, and he must have held a grudge. He took advantage of Brother Xue's drunkenness last night and killed Brother Xue."

"That's right, he is the only one who came recently and had a conflict with Brother Xue. It must be him."

"Is it him? Take him down first. If I knew that he killed Old Xue, I would have to blow him to pieces." Brother Qi and Brother Xue have always been good friends, and at this moment he also said to his men.

It turned out that early in the morning, someone from the Black Wind Base went to wake up Brother Xue, but did not find anyone in the room.

The men searched everywhere and found a headless male corpse in the bushes. After comparing the body shape and clothing, they confirmed that Brother Xue was killed.

He hurriedly reported to his superiors, but Lu Bai was busy receiving visitors from the city and had no time to take care of it, so he handed the matter over to Brother Qi, the leader of Group 5, who was also under the second in command. This is how the scene just now happened.

With a "bang", the door was kicked open by someone. Xiao Qiang pretended to be woken up and looked terrified.

A group of people suddenly rushed into Xiao Qiang's room. Two people rushed out, dragged Xiao Qiang off the bed and pulled him out of the house.

In the open space outside the house, there was a large group of people standing, each holding a weapon in their hands, staring at Xiao Qiang with a ferocious look. Brother Qi stood in front of these people, holding his chin, and examining Xiao Qiang who fell to the ground.

Xiao Qiang looked very panicked. He stood up and patted the dirt on his body. He took two steps forward and walked to Brother Qi.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong? I'm new here, so I don't know what's going on." Xiao Qiang turned on the double-eye recognition function while speaking, and scanned in front of Brother Qi.

"Ding, a strong level 3 human was found."

Only level 3, not as good as Brother Xue last night. This level, for Xiao Qiang, only one move is enough to deal with it.

"What's wrong? Tell me. Who are you?" Brother Qi's eyes were fierce, and if it were an ordinary person, he would have been scared by him.

But in Xiao Qiang's view, he just wanted to laugh, this is the different deterrence brought by the difference between the levels of the strong.

However, Xiao Qiang still pretended to be afraid, and did not dare to look directly into his eyes, and stuttered and said: "I, my name is Zhang Wei, I am an ordinary person, I just arrived at the Black Wind Base yesterday, by the way, my eldest brother is Brother Chen Yuan."

On the side, the nearby people had already gathered, and Xiao Guang saw this, withdrew from the crowd, and ran towards the residence of Huangmao.

This was also what Xiao Qiang had discussed with everyone last night. As soon as he saw someone coming, he ran to find Huangmao. At the same time, he had to say a few words for Xiao Qiang while ensuring that they would not be beaten.

Of course, the biggest loophole in the whole thing was that so many people saw Xiao Qiang holding Brother Xue's head last night as a token of surrender. But Xiao Qiang was not afraid, because the head had been thrown outside the factory by Xiao Qiang and fed to the zombies. Moreover, if someone pointed out Xiao Qiang, it would mean that the people were not united, and there was no need for him to save them. With his own strength, it was not a problem to make a big fuss here and run away alone.

But fortunately, no one was stupid enough to point out that Xiao Qiang was the murderer, and Xiao Qiang also showed a barely perceptible smile of relief on his face.

"Ordinary people? I'm afraid not. Since you came yesterday, I have suspected you. The black gold is a product of level 4 zombies. How could ordinary people have that kind of thing?" Brother Qi stepped forward and kept threatening Xiao Qiang.

"Brother Qi, Brother Qi, he is really an ordinary person. He looks a little stronger because of fitness. He is not interested in guns and can be frightened by low-level zombies." The yellow-haired man who ran all the way heard Xiao Guang's story on the road. When he arrived here, he saw Xiao Qiang surrounded in the middle. Hearing Brother Qi's words, he replied.

After hearing the yellow-haired man's words, Xiao Qiang knew that his early preparations had been successful. Xiao Qiang was very good at judging people. Although the yellow-haired man was greedy for a little advantage, he was also honest and easy to trust people.

At this moment, seeing his younger brother who had never had much strength was surrounded in the middle and questioned, he hurried over to help speak.

"Ordinary people, hum, try it and you will know." As he spoke, Brother Qi made a lightning-fast move and unexpectedly threw a punch directly at Xiao Qiang.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the unexpected punch was so fast that the fist shadow could not be seen, but in Xiao Qiang's eyes, it was slow. For a while, Xiao Qiang flashed hundreds of defensive counterattacks in his mind.

However, Xiao Qiang did not move, as if he could not block the punch, and let Qige punch him.

"Bang", Xiao Qiang flew backwards, flying 2.3 meters away before stopping, fell to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood, it seemed that he was beaten badly.

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