Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 109 Three Group Leaders (Ask for bookshelf!)

Seeing this, Huang Mao and Xiao Guang hurriedly went forward to help Xiao Qiang up. Huang Mao stood in front of Xiao Qiang, looked at Brother Qi with anger and said: "Brother Qi, this proves that he doesn't have the ability to kill Brother Xue. Look at him like this, don't bother with him."

"What's wrong with not having the ability? He may have killed Brother Xue on the way home last night when Brother Xue drank too much. Otherwise, what were you doing last night? Especially after 10 o'clock?" A younger brother behind Brother Qi said.

"Last night, I was on duty at the gate until 11 o'clock. After someone took over the shift, I went back to sleep." Xiao Qiang rubbed his chest, frowned, and looked very painful, and said.

"Yes, yes, I can testify that he was with me last night. After the shift change, we came back together." Huang Mao also helped Xiao Qiang testify.

"Really? Then he didn't go out in the middle?" Brother Qi turned his head and asked after hearing Chen Yuan's words.

Huang Mao thought about it. If he wanted to tell others, Xiao Qiang did go out to get the cigarette for him, but it took him 10 minutes to go back and forth. Huang Mao had a preconceived notion that Xiao Qiang was just an ordinary person. It was impossible for Xiao Qiang to go back to get a cigarette and kill Brother Xue during this time.

Shaking his head and discarding this idea, Chen Yuan looked at Brother Qi firmly and said, "No, we were together last night."

As he spoke, Huang Mao approached Brother Qi again, took out a cigarette, smiled and said, "Brother Qi, this kid just joined our second group yesterday. Brother Liu personally agreed. He is now a member of the second group. Brother Qi, please give him some face and let him go since he really didn't do anything wrong."

With a "slap", Brother Qi slapped Huang Mao in the face and threw him out with the strength of a strong man at level 3.

"Fuck, give me some face, damn, a small thug dares to ask for face from me." Brother Qi adjusted his glasses, slapped the yellow-haired guy to the ground, and said.

"Cui Qi, don't go too far. Don't forget that you are also a member of our factory. Now you are doing such a heinous thing. I can testify that I saw Xiao Qiang after he came back last night. He never went out. Now you can let him go." The old man seemed to know Brother Qi before and persuaded him.

"Yes, I can also testify that he was on duty with us last night." Another gangster from Group 2 said.

"I saw him too. I said hello last night."

... . . . . .

For a while, the people living here spoke up for Xiao Qiang.

"Shut up, it's the end of the world now, strength speaks louder than words. Let alone whether he killed Lao Xue or not, even if I don't like him, it would only take a moment to kill him. Come on, take him away." Brother Qi didn't expect that so many people would speak for a newcomer. He felt that his prestige was damaged and spoke without any consideration.

"If the subordinates do something wrong, I will naturally discipline them. How dare I trouble Brother Qi to do it."

A voice came, and Xiao Qiang saw a large group of people walking towards this side, standing opposite Brother Qi's group, with two people standing at the head, one of whom only had one arm left. It was two of the three people Xiao Qiang met that day who besieged Lin Fei.

It turned out that the yellow-haired man was also smart. When Xiao Guang notified him, he sent someone to find the leader of Group 2 in a hurry.

"This is our leader of Group 2. You are saved." The yellow-haired man covered his face, walked up to Xiao Qiang, and whispered.

"Hey, isn't this the leader of Group 2 and Group 6? Didn't you go after Lin Fei? Why did you come back with an arm missing?" Brother Qi was not afraid of the person coming and kept teasing him.

"Fuck, Cui Qi, what the hell are you talking about? I'm going to kill you." The leader of Group 6 was also impatient. Seeing Cui Qi teasing him like this, he couldn't help it.

"Hehehe, it's a "light job" for us to go out and chase Lin Fei. It's not "so dangerous" like staying in the base. Isn't Brother Xue unfortunately killed?" The leader of Group 2 responded lightly.

Without waiting for Brother Qi to speak, he continued, "How about this, Brother Qi, I think I'll put him in jail first and let Lao Liu take good care of him. Brother Liu went out with the leader of Group 4 to search for supplies. I think it's better to wait for Brother Liu to come back and discuss with the second in command. If he is really ruled out as a suspect, just teach him a lesson."

Xiao Qiang looked at the leader of Group 2, only to see that he was chubby, with a smile on his face, and a simple and honest face. He didn't provoke Brother Qi, and solved the problem.

Opened the double-eye recognition and scanned directly, "Ding, found a level 3 superpower human."

From what Xiao Qiang saw when he besieged Lin Fei, he knew that he should be a wood-type superpower.

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