"It's not that easy to leave. You can go, but they have to stay." Li Feng heard what Xiao Qiang and the others said, and said to them in a rage. Li Feng had long coveted Lin Bingyan's beauty, and now they were still in the upper hand in the end times, so he couldn't help but be bold.

Xiao Qiang looked at Li Feng with a slight smile on his face, and said contemptuously: "You can't stop the person I want to take away."

Then everyone saw Xiao Qiang disappear from the spot, and a "peng" sound came, and everyone in the supermarket saw that Lin Zhuang had been pushed several meters away by Xiao Qiang's elbow. And the crossbow in Lin Zhuang's hand was also held in Xiao Qiang's hand. It turned out that Xiao Qiang had only a few minutes left in the experience card, so he knocked Lin Zhuang down and took the crossbow.

"Let's go!" Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan and the others who followed him, and said with the pain in his chest. At this time, the time for the experience card was just up.

"Drive my car. My car is parked in the parking lot on the left side of the supermarket. The six of us will squeeze in." Lin Bingyan took out a bunch of car keys and handed them to Wang Liang, while taking a roll of gauze from the shelf and said.

At this time, after using the experience card, Xiao Qiang felt exhausted. The pain in his body almost stimulated Xiao Qiang to faint, but Xiao Qiang knew that he had to hold it in now.

So, after Xiao Qiang showed his hand and grabbed the crossbow, Li Feng and others did not dare to act rashly.

Wang Liang and Wang Peng looked at the zombies outside the door. Wang Peng took the crossbow handed over by Xiao Qiang, and the two quietly hid from the zombies and walked towards the car. No wonder there are rumors in the school that Lin Bingyan's background is even more powerful than Li Feng, the richest second generation in Lujiang.

Lin Bingyan drove an extremely domineering Mercedes-Benz, and it didn't feel crowded even if 6 people sat in it. The most important thing is the parking position, which is close to the supermarket, and the positions next to it are all dedicated positions for school directors.

Thanks to Lin Bingyan's car parked close by, Wang Liang and the other two avoided the zombies all the way and soon drove the car to the door of the supermarket. Several people quickly got in the car and stepped on the accelerator to drive away.

In the supermarket, Li Feng looked at the car going away and said viciously: "Xiao Qiang, I will never forgive you. Lin Bingyan, one day, I will make you my crotch toy."

After Xiao Qiang got in the car, he put the dagger away, then took out the pistol from the system and handed it to Lin Bingyan, and said to Wang Liang who was driving: "Longshan Park, be careful." Then he fainted from the pain.

Xiao Qiang didn't know how long he had slept, he only remembered that he fought with a particularly powerful zombie in his dream, fighting with flying sand and rocks, and in the end there was no winner.

Xiao Qiang had already woken up and felt that he was still in the car. Simply continue to squint and call out the system Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, are you there? Can you help me check my current status? And I remember that I have 10 attribute points, so allocate them to speed. Next time I encounter a zombie that I can't beat, at least I can run over it."

"The host finally woke up. I thought you were going to sleep at night. Now I will provide you with the host's status.

Host: Xiao Qiang Strength: 121 (50 for an ordinary adult) Speed: 110 (50 for an ordinary adult) Vision: 90 Skills: Wolf Tooth Stick Method, Dragon Body Method (Entry Level: Proficiency 1/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (Entry Level: Proficiency 1/100) Number of draws: 2 times Exchange points: 2862 points Mall authority: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open the lottery authority level 1 Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 4. Strength value 300 Experience value: 130/2500. Own a bone spur dagger, a bottle of body quenching potion, do you want to learn driving skills? "Xiao Cong's voice is still very naughty.

"Learn, learn, in this end of the world, it is inevitable to learn to drive." Xiao Qiang was thinking in his heart at the same time. It seems that the items he has given to others will not be displayed, and at present, only intermediate and above items are displayed. But fortunately, his strength value is full, and the life-saving skills can be used again.

"By the way, Xiao Cong, how can I upgrade my lottery authority and mall authority?" Xiao Qiang then raised his own questions.

"Host, this is simple. The mall authority is upgraded with the host's strength, and it is divided into three levels. The lottery authority is also divided into three levels. If the primary lottery is full of 500 times, you can do the intermediate lottery, and if the intermediate lottery is full of 1000 times, you can do the advanced lottery. Of course, the lottery given by completing the task can be used directly. "Xiao Cong explained tirelessly.

"Oh, and this zombie..." Xiao Qiang was just about to ask how this zombie evolved so quickly.

At this moment, Yang Xue rolled her eyes and said, "Mr. Xiao, stop pretending to sleep. It must be so comfortable leaning on a beautiful woman that you can't bear to open your eyes." It turned out that Yang Xue had already discovered that Xiao Qiang had woken up, and she couldn't help but wake him up after the car arrived.

Xiao Qiang slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He found that his whole body was leaning on Lin Bingyan, and his head was right on Lin Bingyan's chest. No wonder Yang Xue would tease him with contempt.

His old face couldn't help but blush. After slowly getting up, he found that his chest had been bandaged with gauze.

"Uh, this, I was a little sleepy, so I slept a little longer. And thank you for bandaging me." Xiao Qiang scratched his head and explained to Lin Bingyan in embarrassment.

"Hmph, as a thank you, this gun belongs to me." Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang shyly, shaking the gun in her hand.

"Of course, this gun is for you." Xiao Qiang said as he opened the car door, got out of the car, and observed the surrounding situation.

At this time, the sky had gradually darkened, and Xiao Qiang had not expected to sleep for an entire afternoon.

The entire city seemed to have lost power, and the entire area was pitch black, with only a few faint lights flickering in the distance.

Xiao Qiang saw that the people were located in a convenience store next to the road. There were few buildings here, except for a convenience store here and a gas station across the road not far away.

At this moment, the sky had completely darkened, and the street lights standing on both sides of the road showed no signs of lighting up. The entire road was pitch black, and the wailing of zombies could be heard from time to time in the distance, and a few wandering zombies could be vaguely seen on the road. A gust of wind blew by, and Xiao Qiang couldn't help but shudder.

"Let's go to the convenience store first. The convenience store has been cleaned up by the two of us, and it's safe now." Wang Peng held a crossbow in one hand and stuck his head out to say.

Xiao Qiang heard Wang Peng's words, turned his head, remembered that there was still a flashlight in his system, and took it out and turned it on.

Everyone felt a light coming from behind them, and they all turned around, only to see that it was Xiao Qiang. They turned around and continued to move forward. It seemed that they had become immune to Xiao Qiang's ability to "change" things at will.

Xiao Qiang followed everyone into the convenience store and looked around. This was a very small convenience store, with only this small house of nearly 10 square meters, and two rows of shelves were placed side by side in the house.

Wang Peng reached out to touch the switch, without any surprise, and the house was still dark.

"It seems that the zombies have caused all the power outages. Let's stay here tonight!" Xiao Qiang saw Wang Peng's actions and said to everyone.

"Fortunately, there are few people around here, so there are not too many zombies." Wang Liang said as he dragged the two zombies that had just killed him out of the house. Although everyone was used to seeing zombies, they still felt a little uncomfortable living in the same house with zombies.

The others cleared a space in the center of the convenience store and blocked the door with shelves. Xiao Qiang was taken care of as a patient. Although Xiao Qiang's chest pain was not too serious, and the fainting was more due to the use of the Level 9 Experience Card, which caused excessive physical fatigue, he was still stopped by everyone.

Xiao Qiang was bored and looked at what was available on the shelf. Most of the items were instant noodles, bread and drinks. There was a flashlight and some cash in the drawer of the cash register. If it were in the past, money would definitely be the object of everyone's pursuit, but in this end of the world, money has become the most useless thing.

After all this, everyone took some food from the shelf, gathered together, and talked while eating. Xiao Qiang also shone two flashlights upwards, and the room suddenly became much brighter.

Everyone was young and had experienced a lot together, so they soon chatted with each other.

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