Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 12 Late Night Chat

At night, the few people finally had enough to eat and drink, and the chatterbox opened up.

"I remember before you fainted, you said you were going to Longshan Park. How did you end up in this remote place?" Xiao Qiang asked while chewing a sausage.

"How dare you say that? You fainted as soon as you got on the car, and you were quite good at picking people, leaning on our beautiful Lin." Li Wei was lively and cheerful, and she laughed and scolded Xiao Qiang at this moment.

"Xiao Wei!!" Lin Bingyan yelled at Li Wei with a shy face, "We originally wanted to go directly to Longshan Park through the nearest road in the city, but the whole city is in chaos and the road is blocked by abandoned cars everywhere. There is no way, we can only take a long detour and find a small road to pass."

"Yes, although this small road is far away, fortunately there are few zombies on the road, and we almost encountered no obstacles to get here. But now the power is out, it is not safe to go forward, we discussed and decided to stay here for one night. According to the current journey, we will arrive at noon tomorrow at the latest." Wang Liang continued to add.

"Xiao Qiang, can you tell us how you suddenly became so strong?" Li Wei has always been outspoken and couldn't help asking first.

Xiao Qiang has actually been thinking about whether to tell everyone about his current situation and whether everyone can accept it. After thinking about it, Xiao Qiang finally decided to tell everyone the truth. After all, everyone decided to follow him to Longshan Park. They would definitely stay together for a long time. He wanted to build a harmonious base, so how could he hide it from everyone?

After thinking it through, Xiao Qiang said, "It may be hard to believe, but my body has indeed changed. Generally speaking, I can become stronger, stronger, and faster. Of course, I can also get some items."

Xiao Qiang himself felt that it was a little unbelievable after he said this. He looked at everyone with some embarrassment.

Everyone looked at Xiao Qiang in disbelief, only Yang Xue looked at Xiao Qiang with a hint of doubt and a little surprise. Yang Xue's expression naturally did not escape Xiao Qiang's eyes, but Xiao Qiang didn't know what it meant.

"In fact, although Xiao Qiang's changes are unbelievable, since the zombies broke out yesterday afternoon, after the dazzling white light flashed, my body has also changed." Then, Lin Bingyan picked up the mineral water at hand, and everyone saw that a layer of ice mist had appeared on the mineral water bottle in a short time. "That's all I can do for now."

"Is this the supernatural person Xiao Cong mentioned?" Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan's ability and couldn't help wondering.

"Actually, my body has also changed a little. I don't know if it counts as a change, but I feel like I can sense the person behind me. And, I think my shooting ability has indeed become stronger, which should be due to the white light." Wang Peng saw this and told his own situation.

"Ah? Why haven't I changed at all?" Li Wei said with a little frustration.

"I haven't changed either. But this is too incredible!" Wang Liang said.

"I haven't changed either. But in this doomsday, zombies have appeared, and changes in the human body are nothing to be surprised about." Yang Xue hadn't spoken all the time, and she wasn't too surprised when she heard the changes in several people.

"Um, interrupt me. What exactly is the white light you are talking about?" Xiao Qiang couldn't remember when the white light appeared, and asked in confusion.

"In the afternoon when the zombies broke out, there was no signal for a while. We were looking out, and suddenly a strong white light appeared in the sky. At that time, you seemed to be sleeping." Lin Bingyan explained to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang remembered that he seemed to have just encountered the system and was talking to Xiao Cong.

Xiao Qiang smiled awkwardly, and Wang Peng said at this time: "Don't worry about whether your body has changed. Fortunately, it is helpful to us. Don't worry, even if we change, we will never abandon you." Wang Peng stared at Li Wei and comforted her.

"Alas, you value love over friendship. It seems that we have to spend the night here tonight. Let's take turns on duty like last time in the supermarket. It's safer this way." Wang Liang teased Wang Peng and yawned.

"I'll guard it first. You've worked hard in the afternoon. Have a good rest. I'll wake you up if there's anything." Xiao Qiang was not sleepy at this time, but his mind was in a mess, and he was eager to find Xiao Cong to ask

Everyone dispersed, crowded together in twos and threes, and soon Wang Liang's snoring was heard.

Xiao Qiang looked at the few people who had fallen asleep, leaning against the door alone. Xiao Qiang looked out the window, and it was still pitch black, so dark that people couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang heard someone walking towards him. Xiao Qiang opened his eyes and found that it was Yang Xue who sat down next to him.

"Why do you want to go to Longshan Park?" Yang Xue, who had been silent all the time, looked up at Xiao Qiang and asked.

Xiao Qiang looked up at Yang Xue. He was already a homebody who didn't like to talk, but he was still far behind Yang Xue.

"The zombie virus broke out suddenly. According to the current situation, the possibility of waiting for rescue is very small, and I don't want to go along with Li Feng and his gang, so I want to build a doomsday base myself to accommodate more survivors and prevent them from being bullied. At present, the only suitable place I know is the Longshan Park Resort opposite our village." Xiao Qiang explained to Yang Xue with a serious face.

"Also, Longshan Park is a resort that is almost finished. There won't be too many people there, and the facilities should be relatively complete. In addition, I haven't been in touch with my parents, so I want to go back to the village to find them." At this point, Xiao Qiang lowered his head somewhat dejectedly.

"What about you? How did you decide to go with us? Obviously, Li Feng's place looks safer."

"I'm an orphan. Do you really have the ability to gradually become stronger and obtain items?" Yang Xue did not answer Xiao Qiang directly, but raised her own question, and added the concept of "gradually".

"Yes!" Xiao Qiang nodded affirmatively. After getting Xiao Qiang's affirmative answer, Yang Xue stopped talking and went straight to the corner to sleep.

"This person is really strange. He is usually very cold, but now he suddenly comes to ask me some questions, and now he suddenly goes to sleep by himself. If it weren't for you being so beautiful, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you." Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue sleeping, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Xiao Qiang entered the system and called out the system. This time he didn't joke with Xiao Cong as usual.

"Is this world real or fake?"

"What's the importance of truth or falsehood? If the host doesn't want to believe it, it's fake; if the host faces it, it's real." Xiao Cong also said to Xiao Qiang in a rare profound way.

"Why do Lin Bingyan and the others have that kind of power?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"It's true that they mutated because of the exposure to white light. But the specific reasons behind it still need to be explored by the host himself." Xiao Cong said.

"Why didn't Wang Liang and the others mutate?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Not everyone will mutate when exposed to white light. It's related to physique." Xiao Cong said.

"Why can Lin Bingyan become a superpower directly?" Xiao Qiang asked

"To some extent, superpowers and strong people are parallel, not necessarily progressive." Xiao Cong said.

"Then there is a way to start practicing and no longer be an ordinary person?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Xiao Cong can't tell you this for the time being, please forgive me, host." Xiao Cong replied.

The two asked and answered at a very fast speed. Xiao Qiang threw out all the doubts in his heart.

"I don't have any problem for now. I need to think about it myself." Xiao Qiang said with a lonely face after hearing Xiao Cong's answer.

"Host, don't think too much. Soldiers come and soldiers will be defeated. Saving this doomsday is not a matter of one or two days. The host should pay more attention to rest." Xiao Cong comforted Xiao Qiang considerately.

"Thank you, Xiao Cong. Maybe I really think too much. Yes, who cares? Since I am already in this doomsday, why should I have so many concerns. What's more, I have such a powerful system." Xiao Qiang leaned against the window, looked out of the window and said silently in his heart.

After slowly thinking it through, Xiao Qiang leaned against the door and stared at the road outside the window in a daze. The moonlight climbed out from behind the dark clouds, and the bright moonlight shone on Xiao Qiang's eyelashes. Tomorrow will be a good weather.

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