Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 117 Beasts, in cahoots with the crowd (ask for bookshelf!)

"Hehe, Brother Lu, this is what my father wants, so please hurry up, Brother Lu, as long as the formula is in hand, the arms will be transported here later." Li Feng snorted coldly and said.

In fact, Li Feng had been living well in the base in the city. He didn't expect his father to suddenly give him such a task, and to cooperate with a reckless man like Lu Bai. He was naturally full of disdain in his heart.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, our second in command will personally go out, and this formula will definitely be pulled out of that kid's mouth." Lu Bai said with a wicked smile, looking at Li Feng.

"Yeah, Brother Lu, please add some guards in the next few days. Some people in the city have already suspected this place. Don't leave any evidence for people in the city to find out." Li Feng narrowed his eyes and reminded while staring at the exposed woman.

"Don't worry, my 1,000 brothers are all patrolling day and night. Now only entry is allowed here, not exit." Lu Bai said, already a little impatient, almost tearing off the last defense on the woman.

Hearing Lu Bai's words, Li Feng nodded, took a sip of wine, stared at the woman in Lu Bai's arms, and his heart was already hot.

Seeing this, Lu Bai smiled slightly, gently pushed one of the women, and said, "Go over and accompany Mr. Li."

While speaking, he waved his hand, and the two bodyguards had long been accustomed to it and opened the door to go out.

Xiao Qiang naturally knew what would happen next, and took the opportunity to open the door and flash out.

Accompanied by a sound of "ah" coming from his ears, and the obscene laughter of the two, thinking of the weak woman with dull eyes just now, Xiao Qiang wanted to go in and kill the two now, but for the sake of the overall situation, he could only hold back his anger and walk out of the agency building.

Following the direction pointed by Huang Mao, Xiao Qiang walked towards the newly built factory. Looking at the time, the invisibility talisman had about 10 minutes left at this moment.

Xiao Qiang seized the time and walked quickly towards the newly built factory.

The factory is located in the northeast corner of the entire factory area, where the warehouse for storing steel was originally.

The closer he got, the more guards Xiao Qiang felt. Some of them were holding machine guns and some had grenades on their waists.

Not far away, in a large warehouse, voices could be heard from time to time. The guards were surrounded by fans and kept fanning the heat.

Xiao Qiang saw this situation. Even the guards were unwilling to withdraw on such a hot day. It seemed that they were afraid that someone in the city would notice it, just as Li Feng said.

It was past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, which was the hottest time of the day. However, Xiao Qiang found that the big iron door of the warehouse was closed, and there was a thick chain hanging on the door. From time to time, human wailing and groaning could be heard from the house.

Xiao Qiang walked around the factory area and saw a broken window. He turned over and entered directly.

The windows around the house were blocked by broken curtains and quilts. It was dark and stuffy. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang could see at night.

As soon as he jumped into the house, he smelled a strong smell of blood. He saw that the house was separated by plastic sheets and made into single rooms.

Xiao Qiang walked over step by step and saw that most of the compartments were empty, with only one person tied in a compartment, naked, wailing in pain.

Xiao Qiang approached a person to watch, and saw that the person's skin was dry and cracked, the bones of his hands and feet were exposed, his face was severely deformed, his nose was long and stretched forward, and his mouth was swollen like two big sausages.

Xiao Qiang was shocked when he saw this scene, and his mouth was so surprised that he couldn't close it. His chest seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton and he couldn't breathe.

It seems that this is the secret experiment they did. Using living people as test subjects and turning them into what they are now is a double destruction of people's hearts and bodies.

A rage burned in Xiao Qiang's chest. Before the end of the world, Xiao Qiang was just an ordinary college student. How could he have seen such a sinister human heart. Seeing the scene of the couple's destruction in front of him, he really wanted to take the Thousand Machine Umbrella to kill Lu Bai right now.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang's figure gradually appeared, and his body was exposed in front of the man. The man in front of Xiao Qiang, seeing the person who appeared out of nowhere, raised his head with great effort and slowly opened his bruised eyes, his eyes were full of surprise and a hint of begging.

His mouth moved, wanting to speak, but no sound came out of his throat, only the sobbing blood kept coming out.

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