Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 118 Xiao Qiang is angry and seeks revenge (ask for bookshelf!)

The more he couldn't speak, the more anxious he became. The pain in his body and the damage to his spirit caused by the drug made him numb and even his movements slowed down.

Xiao Qiang saw a look of surprise in his eyes and recognized that Xiao Qiang was not the same kind of person as those in the Black Wind Base. He raised his right hand with difficulty, pointed at Xiao Qiang, and then stretched out his finger in his direction.

Xiao Qiang naturally knew his intention. The damage caused by the drug and the deformation of his body had made him no longer want to suffer and wanted to beg Xiao Qiang to help him end his life.

Looking at the person in front of him, Xiao Qiang couldn't bear to kill him. He asked directly in the system: "Xiao Cong, is there any drug that can save the person in front of him?"

"Host, this person's vital signs are extremely weak, and he has been taking drugs for too long. Even if he can barely save his life, the deformation of his body cannot be restored." Xiao Cong also spoke cautiously.

Xiao Qiang exited the system, leaned slightly, leaned close to the man's ear, and said with a determined look: "I killed you, I will avenge you!"

Gritting his teeth, he held the Meifeng dagger in his backhand, took a step forward, and stabbed directly, ending the life of the man in front of him, trying not to add a little pain to him.

The man was stabbed, his head drooped down, and his face showed an ugly smile with difficulty. He looked at Xiao Qiang with eyes full of gratitude, and finally slowly closed his eyelids.

Xiao Qiang needed to be extra cautious because the invisibility talisman had expired. He jumped lightly to the window. Xiao Qiang glanced at the guards below, jumped up again, grabbed the eaves of the warehouse with both hands, and swung slightly, and the whole person went to the roof.

Under the direct sunlight, the roof of the warehouse was hot. Before the plan started, Xiao Qiang did not dare to be careless. He endured the high temperature from his hands and lay on the roof with his whole body. Fortunately, his physical strength value has also increased. He has thick skin and flesh. While crawling forward, he observed the situation around him.

There is a small warehouse some distance away from here, in a cool place, and there are some exposed medical equipment outside the warehouse. Xiao Qiang felt that there was something suspicious there, and found a place without guards. There was no guard on duty here, backed by the wall.

The roof of this warehouse is at least more than 10 meters high. Xiao Qiang put on his jumping shoes, and the buffer height is only 7 meters at most. At this moment, after landing, Xiao Qiang rolled on the ground. Remove the force of falling, and after a few flashes, he has jumped out of the sight of the guards.

Approaching the small warehouse, Xiao Qiang saw that there were no guards near the warehouse, so he walked in directly and lifted the plastic sheet. Xiao Qiang saw that they were some medical stents, test tubes and the like.

It seems that these things were also transported from the city, and they planned to build a pharmaceutical laboratory here.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang saw a figure coming from a distance, and hurriedly dodged and hid in the small warehouse, hiding behind the shelf.

"Quick, move all these, as well as the shelves in the house, to the factory over there. When the second in command gets the formula, we will start." Xiao Qiang heard that the voice was Brother Qi, and at this moment he gave instructions to his confidants.

Seeing that the other party was only followed by 5 or 6 people, and Brother Qi was leading again, the other party might be moving things, and there was no machine gun on his body.

Xiao Qiang just had a rage that he had nowhere to vent. Seeing the situation in front of him, he dodged and walked out from behind the shelf and stood directly in front of several people.

"It's you, humph, I just couldn't find you, and you came to my door." Brother Qi saw that the person who suddenly jumped out was Xiao Qiang, and said.

"Yes, it's me!" Xiao Qiang said righteously.

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