Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 123 Brothers are disappointed

Brother Ding picked up Brother Le's body, carried it on his shoulders, and walked out of the house side by side with Brother Liu.

"Quick, clean up everything here, and change this carpet for me. It's covered with blood. How can I sleep?"

The two just walked to the corner and heard Lu Bai's roar from the conference room, directing his men to clean up.

Brother Liu heard it and unconsciously clenched his fists, making "crackling" and "crackling" sounds. He tilted his head slightly, looked back in the direction of the conference room, and then walked downstairs.

In the end times, the lives of the living are like grass, not to mention the bodies of the dead. Brother Ding hastily buried Brother Le's body. After all, they are brothers.

Upstairs, Lu Bai looked at Brother Ding who was burying the bodies below, with a gloomy face, and said: "Keep an eye on them, if they dare to have second thoughts, just kill them."

"No problem." It was the sharp-faced Brother Peng who answered, and he smiled obscenely when he heard Lu Bai's words.

After Xiao Qiang returned to the room, he knew that it was not suitable to do anything during this period, so he simply lay on the bed and had a good rest.

With a "bang", the door was knocked open. Xiao Qiang rubbed his eyes and recognized that the person was Chen Yuan with yellow hair.

"You are still sleeping here. Something big happened. Do you know?" As soon as he entered the room, Huang Mao sat down by Xiao Qiang's bed and said in a hurry.

"Ah? What happened again? I fell asleep as soon as I came back. I don't know anything. Is it possible that someone died again?" Xiao Qiang pretended to know nothing and said innocently.

Then, Huang Mao told Xiao Qiang the whole story of what happened in the afternoon.

Xiao Qiang did not expect that his plan would succeed so quickly. I never expected that Lu Bai was so cruel and merciless. He killed people as he said, and he killed a team leader under him.

Originally, Xiao Qiang just wanted to take the opportunity to provoke a fight between the two groups, but he didn't expect it to be so thorough.

I felt a little sorry for Brother Le. After all, I was in prison and didn't get beaten, thanks to his care. However, this end of the world is cruel and ruthless.

At night, two candles were still lit in Brother Ding's hut. Brother Ding's fat body sat on the bed. There was a small table in front of him, on which were two bags of opened peanuts and a bottle of white wine. There was also a person sitting opposite the table. He was burly and his eyes were like lightning, which formed a clear difference with Brother Ding's fat body.

If Huangmao was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was the leader of Group 4, with the strength of a strong man at level 5, using a huge axe, and was in charge of the Black Wind Base going out to find supplies. His name was Zhang Jun.

"Poor Lao Liu. The three of us followed Brother Liu and joined Lu Bai. We fought many battles with zombies. We didn't expect that we died in the hands of zombies instead of the zombies." Brother Ding drank the white wine in the glass and said.

"In the afternoon, I took people out to find supplies. I felt heartbroken and chilled when I heard it when I came back. Why wasn't I there during the confrontation in the afternoon? I should be there..." Zhang Jun was angry when he heard what Brother Ding said. He hammered the wall heavily with his hand in annoyance.

"What can you do if you are there? You know Lu Bai's strength. Also, be gentle. Be careful that there are ears on the other side of the wall. Lao Liu hasn't suffered enough in the afternoon." Brother Ding interrupted Zhang Jun, listened to the noise outside, and said.

"Alas, when the end of the world came, although the four of us had no place to live, we were happy and free. Why did we have to endure such a cowardly anger?" Zhang Jun sighed, but lowered his voice.

"Tell me, when we agreed to let Lu Bai come to the Black Wind Base, why didn't we see that he was such a ruthless person? He killed people without any investigation and just used two axes." Brother Ding said.

"I think Lu Bai has taken too much drugs, his brain is not working well, and he has become crazy. And the leader of Group 1, damn, he is a lackey. I think he framed him. When he gets the chance, he will chop him up with an axe."

"Besides, think about it now. We are the ones doing all the heavy and hard work in the base, and we also have to go out to find supplies. As for Lu Bai, besides bullying the people here every day, he just stays in the office building, indulges in luxury and plays tricks." Zhang Jun directly picked up the bottle, took a sip, and continued to speak.

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