Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 124 Late Night Planning

Brother Ding leaned against the wall, listened to Zhang Jun's words, and slowly said: "What if we leave the base?"

"Okay, I have had this idea for a long time. I have long been fed up with Lu Bai's behavior. With the strength of the three of us brothers, we can still survive even if we are no longer in this base." Zhang Jun slapped his thigh and said after hearing what Brother Ding said.

"But I think Brother Liu doesn't seem to be very willing to go with us. Tonight, we two asked him to refuse." Brother Ding thought for a while and said.

"Brother Liu is too sentimental. When the four of us were surrounded by zombies, Brother Liu was seriously injured. Thanks to Lu Bai's rescue. Our Brother Liu was also grateful and always wanted to repay the life-saving grace, so he agreed to take us to join this Black Wind Base. In a word, I have nothing to say to Brother Liu, but I really can't stay in this Black Wind Base anymore." Zhang Jun was a little drunk, thinking of the past, his face flushed, and he spoke excitedly.

"I didn't say anything to Brother Liu, but, oh, forget it, Brother Liu won't leave, then let's go." Brother Ding also sighed and said helplessly.

At this moment, in the corner of the corridor outside the house, the light of a cigarette flickered, and Brother Liu took a deep puff of cigarette, and naturally heard the conversation between the two. He thought to himself: "You two must live well when you get out. I stay here, one is to repay my gratitude, and the other is to be able to take care of the people here. My life is not worth cherishing, you two must be careful."

It turned out that at night, when the two went to Brother Liu to drink, Brother Liu knew their intentions, but he couldn't go with them, so he simply said that he had something to do and didn't drink.

However, Brother Liu knew some of Lu Bai's character and was worried, so he stood guard outside the house for the two to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

Not to mention, there was really an eavesdropper sent by Lu Bai, who was yelled "Who are you" by Brother Liu, and then scolded and fled.

At this moment, hearing that the two had made a decision, Brother Liu put out his cigarette butt and went back to his residence to rest.

"Come on, Brother Ding, have another drink. After we go out, I don't know when we can have the next drink." Zhang Jun was already a little drunk and was arguing with Brother Ding to have a drink.

"Come on, but we have to plan it well. We can't be discovered by Lu Bai, and we can't implicate Brother Liu." Brother Ding drank the wine in the glass directly and reminded cautiously.

"I have a plan here. I wonder if you are interested in listening to it?"

"Clang" sounded, the door suddenly opened, and a figure entered the room and spoke.

The two were startled by the sudden opening of the door. This person was able to break in without the two noticing, which shows how strong he is. The two were also nervous, and put their hands on the weapons, ready to fight at any time.

"It's you!" Brother Ding rubbed his eyes, saw the person clearly, and spoke.

The person who came was Xiao Qiang. After nightfall, Xiao Qiang had planned to sneak into Brother Ding's residence and try to persuade him with his eloquence.

After arriving at the house, Xiao Qiang hid beside and waited for an opportunity. Of course, Xiao Qiang also noticed Brother Liu's actions. However, he was not discovered by Brother Liu. This was the suppression of the level and the credit of the bouncing shoes on Xiao Qiang's feet.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Xiao Qiang didn't bother to persuade them. Seeing that Brother Liu had gone far away, he no longer cared and pushed the door and broke in directly.

"Brother, you are really hidden. I really misjudged you. It seems that you killed Cui Qi, and you also killed Brother Xue?" Brother Ding is indeed a shrewd man. On one hand, he is ready to fight at any time. On the other hand, seeing that Xiao Qiang was able to hide from the two and sneak into the room quietly, he has already thought about it.

"I killed him!" Xiao Qiang did not hide it, nodded and admitted it.

"Did you also put the axe in Xiaole and me's house?" Brother Ding asked again when Xiaoqiang admitted it.

"I put it there!" Xiaoqiang continued to admit it without any extra words.

"Fuck, if you dare to kill Xiaole, I'll chop you to death." Zhang Jun, who was irritable, heard Xiaoqiang admit that he had framed him, pulled out the axe from his waist, roared, and was about to chop Xiaoqiang's head.

"Dang", Xiaoqiang reacted faster, pulled out the Meifeng dagger, and gently blocked it in front of his head, so that Zhang Jun's axe could not move forward any further.

Looking at his fine steel axe again, it was already cut by the Meifeng dagger.

And Xiaoqiang just blocked it lightly, and still kept a smile on his face, as if he turned a blind eye to the danger in front of him.

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