Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 125: Reaching an Agreement

Zhang Jun became even more furious when he saw this. He picked up his ax and was about to strike at Xiao Qiang again.

"Zhang Jun, stop!" Brother Ding on the side saw the situation in front of him and stopped Zhang Jun who was about to attack again.

"Brother, you are indeed very skilled. It seems that I have really underestimated you. I am afraid that even if the two of us join forces tonight, we will not be able to defeat you. I wonder if my brother is here tonight to take my life. "Brother Ding stood up, sat up from the bed, and asked cautiously.

"No!" Xiao Qiang didn't waste any time and answered the question simply and clearly.

"What nonsense are you talking to him about? He killed Xiao Le, and the two of us will fight with him." The previous fight had made him aware of the gap in strength, and he did not dare to take action rashly at this moment.

"Hmph." Xiao Qiang snorted coldly and said, "I killed him? Why, did I insert it into his heart with my own hands? It was Lu Bai. Did I force Lu Bai to kill him? The scene at that time Brother Ding knows best."

Listening to Xiao Qiang's words, Zhang Jun was a little annoyed, but he stopped making any sound. He sat alone by the bed and drank a glass of white wine in one gulp.

"I killed Brother Qi. I admit it. I put the ax in your room to provoke a conflict between you. I also admit it. But if you think about it carefully, just because there are two bloody axes in the room, Is the ax enough to prove that Brother Le committed murder? Is it enough for Lu Bai to kill Brother Le in front of so many people without even investigating clearly? Is it enough for Lu Bai to kill Brother Le in front of so many people? After calming down, the two of them answered a series of questions.

"Also, I can tell you clearly that when I put the ax down, there was no blood on it." Xiao Qiang added.

"What? You said there was no blood on it when you let it go?" Brother Ding asked after hearing this.

Brother Ding feels that whether it has blood stains or not, it will have a great impact on people's judgment.

"Now that things have happened, I don't have to lie." Xiao Qiang said.

"Damn it, Shu Peng, he must have done it. He even placed an undercover agent next to Xiao Le. Damn it, I will kill him when I turn around." Zhang Jun heard this and punched the wall angrily.

"Zhang Jun, calm down. Okay, we don't need to blame you for this debt, but after all, it happened because of you. Without your frame-up, it wouldn't be like this." Brother Ding continued. .

"What's the problem? We don't belong to the same camp. I just want to provoke conflict between you. If Lu Bai really believed in you, he wouldn't have sent people to monitor you until now. The murderer of Brother Le is now In the agency building, there is peace and harmony, why don't you take revenge? You and I both know that the little things I did are not enough to make Lu Bai kill him. "Xiao Qiang was a little excited and pointed every word. The two of them said.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, both of them were silent, lowered their heads, looked depressed and stopped talking. The two of them knew Lu Bai's strength best. Moreover, the shadow of Lu Bai's intimidation to everyone has been deeply ingrained for a long time, so I have never thought of taking revenge on Lu Bai.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang's words directly touched the hearts of the two of them, making them both ashamed and angry.

"It just so happens that Lu Bai and I also have an account to settle. I promised others to avenge him." Xiao Qiang looked at the two of them and knew that he could discuss the matter with them. The person he refers to here is the person he met in the laboratory. That person.

"Then, we can sit down now and discuss our escape plan." Xiao Qiang pulled up a chair and sat in front of the two of them.

"Okay, tell me your plan. If possible, the two of us are willing to cause him some trouble." Brother Ding raised his head and said, Zhang Jun on the side also nodded firmly.

Later, Xiao Qiang told the two of them his plan.

"At that time, you two only need to try your best to mobilize the defense of the base and collect more weapons. When the chaos comes, you can lead your trusted brothers and follow everyone to escape from the base." Xiao Qiang continued added.

"Is it that simple? All we need to do is this?" Brother Ding asked after listening.

"With your current status as team leader, it is much easier to do these things than me. Of course, when the time comes, the strong men from the base will definitely chase them out, and we will have to rely on the two of you to take action." Xiao Qiang said. .

The two nodded, and Zhang Jun said: "But Lu Bai has level 8 superpowers. If he chases him out by then, even if we join forces, I'm afraid we won't be his opponent."

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