Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 126: Exchanging Equipment

"It's okay, I'll deal with Lu Bai. But I have a question, who is the second in command here?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Don't talk about you, we haven't seen each other either. He just joined, and only the three in command and the leader of Group 1 have seen him, but it is said that his strength has reached the level of a strong man at level 7, which is extremely powerful." Brother Ding blew out a smoke ring and spoke slowly.

"Yeah." Xiao Qiang nodded.

"You told us all the plans, aren't you afraid that we will tell them?" Brother Ding looked into Xiao Qiang's eyes and said.

Xiao Qiang smiled lightly, met Brother Ding's eyes, and said: "If you are going to Gaomi, you won't ask this. And, I think you two seem to hate Lu Bai more than I do."

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao is really a smart man, so let's wait for the night after tomorrow." Brother Ding said, stretching out his hand and shaking hands with Xiao Qiang.

In fact, Xiao Qiang and Lu Bai did not have any direct conflict, because of the task that occurred in the system, so he came here. But who made me the protagonist in this end of the world? I will naturally help those who are injustice.

"In addition, please continue to act, continue to show anger, and work passively, so that it is not easy to arouse Lu Bai's suspicion." Xiao Qiang thought about it and reminded him before leaving.

The next day, the office building.

Lu Bai stood in front of the big window with his hands behind his back, looking at the busy people downstairs, and asked: "How is it, are there any abnormalities among Lao Liu and his people?"

"Boss, Lao Ding and Zhang Jun have been much more passive in their work these days. Also, last night, our little brother was discovered eavesdropping in their residence, and Lao Liu was very angry and scolded those little brothers." Rat Eye Peng brother said with exaggeration.

"Well, that's good. If it wasn't for the second in command, I really wouldn't doubt them if they did this. It seems that Xiao Qiang is not stupid, but Lao Liu, I didn't expect him to be so loyal to me." Lu Bai said.

"Besides, that old Ding also took a lot of arms from the warehouse today. Do you think we should stop him?" Brother Peng continued to ask.

"No need. A little bit of arms is harmless. Also, don't ask people to follow Xiao Qiang to avoid being discovered." Lu Bai replied.

"Brother Bai, in fact, we have so many people, why do we still need Lao Liu and his people? Can't we just kill those two directly?" Brother Peng continued to ask.

"You don't understand. With them, they can act as a smokescreen. Moreover, Xiao Qiang is not weak either. He was able to kill Cui Qi and Lao Xue in one blow. I guess he is as strong as me. If I kill them, Lao Liu will really rebel." Lu Bai said.

"Also, tell your people to be more restrained and don't provoke them in the next two days. Xiao Qiang's plan is about to start, but our second in command is even smarter. He actually thought of using his plan. At that time, even if this place is destroyed, we get the formula and then occupy his Longshan base. Our strength can be increased several times, hahaha." Lu Bai laughed wildly, making the whole corridor hear it.

Unexpectedly, the plan that Xiao Qiang thought was carried out secretly was known by Lu Bai. Moreover, who is the mysterious second in command who can use Xiao Qiang's plan?

The next day, Xiao Qiang was arranged to guard the day shift for a day. There was no way, the plan had not started yet, so Xiao Qiang had to continue to play Zhang Wei.

However, when Brother Ding came to patrol in the evening, he nodded to Xiao Qiang without being noticed, and Xiao Qiang knew that he had done the job and the weapons had been stored at the place designated by Xiao Qiang.

At night, a figure avoided the guards and climbed over the wall directly, running towards the direction of Longshan Base.

There was no talk overnight. On the third day, Xiao Qiang had no duty during the day, but he was free. He could take the opportunity to find the people who were mostly taken for experiments.

First, he went to the place agreed with Brother Ding, an abandoned steel plant workshop, which was full of cobwebs and rusty iron components. Even in the end of the world, no one was willing to use this place.

This is also what Xiao Qiang discovered when he was wandering around. At this moment, it is a good place to store weapons.

Entering the workshop, a musty smell came, and Xiao Qiang saw the dusty ground covered with messy footprints.

Xiao Qiang followed the footprints and saw several military boxes on the table.

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