Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 127: Distributing Weapons

As soon as I opened it, I counted about 100 machine guns, 50 grenades and 50 mines. With these things, the success rate of my plan at night was greatly increased.

However, Xiao Qiang was worried about how to transport these things, and had to distribute some to everyone one by one.

I have no choice but to deal with the system. If anything happens, I can only go to Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, is there any way to store these things in the system?"

"Master host, this system is so powerful, so there is a way. As long as the host spends 2,000 redemption points, these guns and ammunition can be stored in the system." Xiao Cong replied.

Sure enough, you still need to exchange points.

"Xiao Cong, why can't you just save it for me? Why do you need so many exchange points?" Xiao Qiang couldn't help but complain.

"This is to inspire the host to kill more zombies and improve his own strength. Host, can you please stop having so many opinions?" Xiao Cong said playfully with a milky accent.

"Okay, you have the final say, so how do you operate it?"

"After spending the redemption points, the host only needs to issue instructions in the system. However, it needs to be noted that after being stored in the system, once it is taken out, it will be deemed that the storage is over and cannot be stored repeatedly." Xiao Cong is rigorous 's added.

Xiao Qiang nodded, entered the system, and after issuing the order, his redemption points were reduced by 2,000. Looking at my inventory, I already have a lot of guns and ammunition.

With the system, it is convenient. After harvesting so many guns, Xiao Qiang's confidence increased greatly. He went out and followed the direction mentioned by Brother Ding to find the large number of people who were dragged into the experiment.

It was located not far from the place where Xiao Qiang killed Brother Qi last time. Xiao Qiang killed Brother Qi at that time, but he didn't bother to look for these people, so he locked them up in a large factory.

Xiao Qiang bypassed the defense all the way, and with his bouncing shoes, he once again chose to enter through the window. But this time, Xiao Qiang found that there were a lot fewer defensive personnel outside.

Looking at the window, Xiao Qiang discovered that there seemed to be only young adults and women sitting in the factory, not at all like the 2,000 people the old man said.

Most of the people were sitting on the ground, listless and not eating enough.

Xiao Qiang jumped down, and everyone in the room was shocked. They watched Xiao Qiang jump from the window more than 7 meters high, as if he were a monster.

Being stared at by so many people, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, "Who is Li Dian?"

This Li Dian was the son of the old man that day. Xiao Qiang asked the old man to write a letter and stamp it. Xiao Qiang knew that no one would believe him if he said it rashly, so he asked directly.

"I am, what's the matter with you?" A tall, thin man about 30 years old said.

He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, but one of the lenses was broken, and the white shirt he was wearing had long since turned into a gray shirt. It seemed that he had suffered a lot here.

"This is a letter written by your father, please read it." Xiao Qiang handed the letter over and said.

After a while, the young man named Li Dian read the letter and told everyone about what happened.

Xiao Qiang was currently behind a pile of scrap metal. He quietly retrieved 90 machine guns and 40 grenades from the system and placed them behind the scrap metal.

"Brother Qiang, I wonder what we should do to cooperate with everyone's actions?" The young man walked up to Xiao Qiang and said.

Originally, Xiao Qiang was only in his early 20s, so he would not be called brother by Li Dian. But in the letter, the old man showed great respect for Xiao Qiang and specifically emphasized Xiao Qiang's strength. Li Dian was told to obey Xiao Qiang's command, so he got such a title.

Xiao Qiang scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Just call me Xiao Qiang. Everyone has been tortured here, and I believe everyone is aware of Lu Bai's evil deeds, so I don't need to say more about mobilization. "

1,000 people in the factory. They all nodded in agreement. Everyone saw Lu Bai's evil deeds, and they didn't dare to resist because they didn't have the strength. At this moment, a strong man like Xiao Qiang appeared and was willing to help them, so they naturally wanted to start planning now.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xiao Qiang nodded with satisfaction. The more disgusted they were with Lu Bai, the easier their actions would be at night.

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