Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 128: Ruthless Lu Bai, new mission

"I will distribute weapons to everyone in a while, but the quantity is limited. If you don't have a gun, use an iron rod for self-defense. At 7 o'clock, there will be a big explosion in the entire factory area. At that time, you will rush out of here and run towards the main gate. If anyone blocks you on the road, just kill them." Xiao Qiang said to everyone in an unquestionable tone.

Everyone nodded, indicating that they would follow the plan. Li Dian sent people to distribute weapons to those who looked stronger.

While distributing the guns, Xiao Qiang pulled Li Dian aside and asked, "I heard from Mr. Li that there should be 2,000 people here. Where are the other 1,000 people?"

"Alas, there were originally 2,000 people, but the other 1,000 people were taken to do experiments one after another. Recently, they slowed down the pace of the experiment, and we 1,000 people have been able to survive until now. This was also seen by one of our brothers here by chance. It's a sin." Li Dian recalled and couldn't help sighing.

"Hmph, this Lu Bai, I must kill him." Xiao Qiang thought of the miserable state of that man again and was furious.

Seeing that everyone had distributed their weapons, they stood in front of Xiao Qiang, waiting for him to speak.

"Before the plan starts, everyone must maintain their original state and not be noticed. Also, I want to remind everyone that there will inevitably be casualties when the plan starts. Everyone must try their best to protect their own safety, and there is unity. Only with unity can we succeed!" Xiao Qiang said.

Everyone has long experienced the cruelty of the end of the world. Instead of being tortured and waiting to die here, it is better to fight under the leadership of a strong man like Xiao Qiang.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task, occupying Liutong County, the second stage, to stop the evil deeds of the Black Wind Base. The reward for successful mission:..."

"Now issue the task, ..."

Now there are so many people, Xiao Qiang can't take care of listening to the next stage of the task.

After arranging everything, Xiao Qiang walked towards his residence, called Xiao Guang into his house, and handed the remaining 10 machine guns and 10 grenades to Xiao Guang.

He touched Xiaoguang's head and told him, "Distribute these weapons and tell everyone to act according to the plan. Also, be sure to warn everyone to travel light and bring nothing but weapons. There will be everything in the new base. Also, how are the things I told you to do?"

"Don't worry, Brother Xiao. We heard that we could escape from this place these days, and everyone is very motivated. We have already filled the coal pile with flammable wood and other things, and secretly got some gasoline and put it next to the coal pile. Moreover, we were not discovered." Xiaoguang told Xiaoqiang about the completion of the tasks assigned by Xiaoqiang in the past few days.

"Well done, Xiaoguang. If we want to escape with so many people, we must create a big chaos, and in this season, it is more appropriate to start a fire. By the way, how is your mother's illness?" Xiaoqiang felt that Xiaoguang was a very sensible and strong child, so he was willing to chat with him.

"Thanks to Brother Xiao's medicine, my mother's illness has been completely cured. These days, everyone often talks about you." Xiaoguang looked at Xiaoqiang and said with gratitude.

"Oh? What are they talking about me?" Xiao Qiang had nothing to do now, so he simply chatted with Xiao Guang.

"They all said that Brother Xiao is an angel, who came to save us. He has a good heart and is so strong." Xiao Guang said everything.

"Hahaha, I am not even close to an angel. Besides, escaping from the base mainly depends on your own efforts." Xiao Qiang scratched his head a little embarrassedly when he heard this.

"Also, Xiao Guang is also a man. When you run at night, you must follow the crowd closely and take good care of your mother, understand?" Xiao Qiang continued.

"Okay, Brother Xiao, I'm out then." As he spoke, Xiao Guang said hello, took the weapons, and went out to distribute them.

So far, Xiao Qiang has basically completed all parts of the plan. Only the 50 mines were left to be placed near the wall of the steel plant and the coal pile, but that work was not urgent, and Xiao Qiang planned to do it in the afternoon.

Taking advantage of this time at noon, Xiao Qiang lay on the bed and closed his eyes to summon Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, now you can tell me about the mission rewards and new missions."

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