Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 132 The War Begins (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh", Li Dian gave an order, and 10 grenades were thrown directly to the front. Xiaoguang also swung his arms and swung them forward with great force.

The grenades fell into the crowd in front, and there were explosions.

They exploded in the crowd on the opposite side, and instantly blew a small hole in the crowd blocking the road on the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, someone on the opposite side quickly made up for it. Not only that, someone directly carried a rocket launcher and fired at Li Dian.

With a "bang", the rocket directly knocked down a bungalow, and several people hiding in the house also suffered, and their limbs flew.

Li Dian saw this scene and angrily hit the iron frame. But no one would regret the decision they made. In the past few months of torture here, everyone had already endured to the limit. At this moment, holding weapons in their hands, even if they fought with them, it was worth it.

Even if he was angry, Li Dian was obviously at a disadvantage.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang was lying on a high iron frame. A cool breeze blew over Xiao Qiang's long hair that had not been taken care of for a long time.

After the turmoil began, Xiao Qiang knew that only he could stop Lu Bai. If Lu Bai rushed into the crowd, let alone escape, it was unknown whether these people could survive tonight.

So, when Xiao Qiang heard the explosion, he climbed up early on an iron frame that he had already observed. The terrain here is high, and you can almost overlook the entire base. Once Lu Bai moves, you can react at any time.

Xiao Qiang lay on the shelf, trying to keep still, took out the sniper rifle that emitted a black metal light, and watched the movement in the agency building through the lens hole on the gun. But what Xiao Qiang found strange was that the turmoil had lasted for so long, and although the lights in the agency building were bright, no one came out of the building.

So Xiao Qiang observed the breakout of Li Dian and others, and happened to see that they were blocked not far from the main entrance.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang swung the sniper rifle directly. Xiao Qiang, who had upgraded to intermediate shooting skills, did not need to aim too much. He shot directly at a man holding a grenade.

The bullet streaked across the black sky, and no one noticed that there was such a sharpshooter in the high place.

The bullet streaked across the man's head and penetrated directly, and the grenade held high in his hand could no longer be thrown out.

With a "bang", the grenade exploded on the spot, directly blowing limbs flying horizontally, and blasted a small gap for the people on the Black Wind Base.

"Ding, kill ordinary humans, reward 10 experience points, 20 exchange points."

After firing a shot, Xiao Qiang did not stop, and pulled the trigger continuously, firing two more shots.

Two bullets, one hit the man carrying the rocket launcher, and the man fell on his back, and a rocket broke through the air and shot straight up.

The other bullet went directly to Brother Peng, who was hiding in the crowd and directing everyone to shoot. Brother Peng is indeed a Level 6 warrior. He felt the danger coming and slightly turned his face to the side, barely dodging the fatal shot, leaving only a bloody streak on his face.

"Ding, kill ordinary humans, reward 10 experience points, 20 exchange points."

"There is a sniper, hide quickly." Brother Peng shouted, and took the lead in hiding behind the house.

Hearing Brother Peng's words, everyone in the Black Wind Base reacted and hurriedly dodged. After all, no one wanted to be shot to death by the mysterious sniper.

Xiao Qiang was looking down from above, relying on a pair of eyes that could see through the night market, and the dodging of the people below was like nothing to Xiao Qiang.

Shot after shot, every bullet hit the target accurately, except for the shot at Brother Peng.

Li Dian, seeing the suppressed Brother Peng and his people, the pressure suddenly decreased, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Who shot? Good shooting skills." Li Dian shouted excitedly and looked at the crowd behind him.

Everyone was silent. Li Dian shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about these things. He organized everyone to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack and move towards the main gate step by step.

Even with Xiao Qiang's powerful sniping, the people of the Black Wind Base still had much more firepower than Li Dian's side, and their equipment was much more luxurious.

And Xiao Qiang couldn't devote himself to sniping. From time to time, he had to check whether Lu Bai in the agency building was moving.

At this time, outside the main gate, Brother Ding and Brother No. 30 led by Zhang Jun suddenly appeared, picked up machine guns, and fired at the people of the Black Wind Base who were defending.

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