Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 133 Sniper rifle shows its power (ask for bookshelf!)

Unexpectedly, Brother Peng's men were attacked from behind and suffered heavy losses.

"Lao Shu Peng, I'll kill you, give me your life." Zhang Jun stood in the front with an AK in his hand and yelled at Brother Peng.

"Lao Shu Peng, come out, you coward, today I will avenge my brother. If you dare to frame my brother, I will let you die here." Brother Ding stepped forward, threw a grenade and roared.

The two had already torn their faces with the Black Wind Base, so at this moment, there was no need to worry about much.

In an instant, a big hole was torn on the defense line arranged by Brother Peng.

Li Dian saw this and was not in a hurry to attack, but muttered to himself, "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer."

Just when the two sides were fiercely exchanging fire and confronting each other. The broken wall could no longer stop the zombies. The zombies attracted by the sound of the exchange of fire quickly ravaged the factory area, and groups of zombies gradually ran here.

This is the most important part of Xiao Qiang's plan. Xiao Qiang knows that if they only rely on the 100 guns in the hands of these people, they can't break through the defense of the Black Wind Base.

So, even the wall was blown up. When the zombies come, it will cause a bigger riot. At that time, the crowd will have a greater chance of rushing out. As for how to deal with the zombies' attacks at that time, Xiao Qiang has his own way.

Listening to the wailing of the zombies, both sides gradually realized the coming of the crisis. They stopped their actions at the same time and looked around vigilantly.

With a whoosh, the zombies suddenly rushed out from the side, howling and rushing towards the crowd.

A group of people were horrified, raised their machine guns, turned their guns, and shot at the zombies, but it was too late. The zombies have already rushed into the crowd. What follows is just a large-scale bite and massacre.

Brother Peng hid in the crowd, quietly retreating backwards, while carefully guarding against Xiao Qiang's sniper rifle. What made him curious was that when the zombies rushed to the group of people led by Li Dian on the opposite side, they would turn around and attack people from other places. The same was true for Ding Ge and his men on the other side.

In fact, this was the reason why Xiao Qiang dared to blow up the wall and let the zombies in. As early as when the plan was agreed upon before, Xiao Qiang had distributed the zombie psychedelic powder to everyone.

This zombie psychedelic powder was obtained by Xiao Qiang when the zombie group besieged the Longshan base that day. As long as the potion is sprinkled around the body, the zombies will be dizzy and lose their target when they approach and smell it, and this is Xiao Qiang's secret weapon. However, this zombie psychedelic powder also has a time limit and is only effective within 10 minutes.

Originally, Li Dian was still worried about whether the potion given by Xiao Qiang was effective. Seeing the zombie group rushing over, he was still a little nervous. He gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and directly sprinkled the potion, while holding the AK in his hand tightly. Unexpectedly, this potion was so effective.

Seeing the people in the Black Wind Base being dispersed by zombies and being bitten, he was overjoyed and quickly directed everyone to run towards the convoy at the main gate.

Brother Peng looked at the panicked crowd and knew that the defense line of the organization no longer existed. But he didn't feel too much pity in his heart. After all, these people were just a cover arranged by Boss Lu Bai. The 300 fully armed people were the ones who really belonged to them.

At this time, Li Dian led the remaining people through the defense line and arrived near the truck team.

Brother Ding saw this and directed his No. 30 man to go and help.

Brother Peng carefully dealt with the zombies' bites while slowly retreating, intending to leave this battlefield and meet up with Lu Bai.

Here, the convoy roared out of the factory area, and everyone got on the car in an orderly manner. This was also explained to everyone by Xiao Qiang in advance.

Soon, everyone got in the car and fled the factory area. Only a small car was left with its lights on in front of the empty gate. The two figures in front of the car were Brother Ding and Zhang Jun.

Brother Peng left the crowd, holding the dagger tightly in his hand, and walked slowly towards the direction of the office building, carefully guarding against the bullets fired by the sniper rifle while walking. It can be seen that Xiao Qiang's sniping just now also brought them a great threat.

But at this moment, Xiao Qiang saw the crowd escape safely from a high place, and had already put away the sniper rifle and came down from the iron frame.

Brother Peng was walking carefully, and with a "bang", he heard something moving under his feet, and Brother Peng jumped high.

In the air, he saw that where he was originally standing, a branch shot out directly, drilled out of the soil on the ground, and stirred up a layer of soil debris next to it.

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