Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 134: Fierce Fight (ask for bookshelf!)

After landing, Brother Peng looked back and saw two figures, illuminated by the fire, slowly walking towards him. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"Mouse Peng, where the hell do you want to run to? Today is your death." Zhang Jun shouted while holding his huge axe.

"Haha, I'm running? You two traitors, you dared to betray Boss Lu Bai and our Black Wind Base, and now you still have the nerve to show up. It's just right to take you two down and ask for credit from Boss Lu Bai." Brother Peng tilted his head, opened his little eyes, curled his lips, and said with a wretched smile.

"Lu Bai is dissolute and immoral. He didn't even investigate Lao Liu's affairs and just killed him. And you, those two axes were stained with blood by your people, right? And you even planted an undercover agent next to us." Brother Ding stepped forward, put away his usual good-natured smile, and pointed at Brother Peng with a serious face.

"Humph, it's true that I sent someone to stain the blood, but do you really think that the undercover agent was planted by me? Boss Lu Bai didn't trust you in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't have killed him with just two bloody axes." Brother Peng snorted coldly. Things had come to this point, so there was no need to hide anything.

"Fuck, why waste time talking to him, Mouse Peng, I'll kill you first." Zhang Jun was easily excited, and when he heard Brother Peng's words, he couldn't help but get angry.

As he spoke, Zhang Jun took the lead in launching an attack, exuding a strong energy all over his body. He stepped hard, raised the giant axe in his hand, and rushed towards Brother Peng at full speed.

On the other side, Brother Ding stood in place, his hands moving constantly, using his wood-type supernatural power.

Brother Peng stood in place, knowing that he could not avoid it, but he held the dagger tightly, raised his vigilance, and prepared for the battle.

A strong man with supernatural power level 3, plus a strong man with level 5, fighting against a strong man with level 6, the outcome is still unknown.

Seeing Zhang Jun rushing over, Brother Peng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his footsteps were indeed a few points faster.

With a "squeak", Brother Peng took the initiative and rushed to Zhang Jun's side in an instant. He lowered his body slightly and dodged the axe swung by Zhang Jun, but the dagger in his hand had already slashed through Zhang Jun's arm, leaving a long bloody trail.

When passing by, Brother Peng whispered to Zhang Jun: "I want to let you know how big the gap between your strength and mine is, trash!"

Just one move, who is stronger and who is weaker, it is already clear. After level 5, the gap between each level is indeed huge.

But fortunately, Zhang Jun is not fighting alone.

As soon as Brother Peng landed, Brother Ding had already used his special ability to manipulate the branches and attack the place where Brother Peng was standing.

However, Brother Ding's level was too low. Even though he could manipulate the trees, he could not accurately restrict Brother Peng's movements.

Brother Peng easily jumped a few times and dodged the branches that stretched out from the ground. Brother Ding, on the other hand, did not look so good. He was sweating profusely from manipulating the branches continuously and looked exhausted.

Fortunately, Zhang Jun had already rushed up and fought with Brother Peng at close range. Zhang Jun and Brother Ding cooperated well, which was also due to the fact that the two often went out to fight zombies together. The three of them immediately fought in a group, but it was not easy to tell the winner.

After Xiao Qiang came down from the iron frame, he walked towards the prison, ready to find Baichuan, take him out of the factory together, and go to see Bailu together, so that all his people would escape from the Black Wind Base. As for the task of killing Lu Bai, we will talk about it later. How can a strong man with level 8 superpowers be killed so easily?

They arrived at the place where Baichuan was imprisoned smoothly. Baichuan and Lili had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Seeing Xiao Qiang, Baichuan took two steps forward and said, "Brother Xiao, you are finally here. Is everything okay?"

"Fortunately, nothing happened. The people in the factory area have run out safely. Let's go quickly." Xiao Qiang replied.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to Lili behind Baichuan, "How are you? Can you run?"

"I'm fine, Brother Xiao." Lili replied with a simple face and blinked her eyes.

"Yeah. Let's not go out from the main gate. The wall has been blown down. Let's find a car outside directly." Xiao Qiang said.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took out the Meifeng dagger and walked in front to lead the way.

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