Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 136 Zhang Jun's Death (Bookshelf Request)

"Lao Shu Peng, stop talking nonsense. Come on, we two will keep you here even if we risk our lives today. Zhang Jun straightened up and said to Brother Peng.

"Don't call me Lao Shu Peng, call me Brother Peng!" Brother Peng roared.

As he spoke, Brother Peng's eyes showed a fierce look, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly became much stronger.

While speaking, the whole person shot straight at Zhang Jun like an arrow from a string. Zhang Jun was shocked and could only hold the axe horizontally in front of his chest in panic.

Brother Peng rushed over and kicked directly, "side kick", kicking Zhang Jun's axe. Zhang Jun only felt a huge force coming from the axe, and his whole hand was about to lose the axe, and his body flew backwards.

It flew 5.6 meters before falling to the ground with a "bang". Zhang Jun felt that his household registration was somewhat paralyzed by the shock, his stomach was churning, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Lao Zhang. "Brother Ding saw this and shouted forward.

The whole process happened so fast that Brother Ding had no time to react.

Seeing Zhang Jun spitting blood after being kicked, Brother Ding did not expect Brother Peng to be so strong. In a panic, he quickly used his supernatural power. He manipulated the branches to emerge from the ground, trying to tie up Brother Peng.

Unexpectedly, Brother Peng reacted faster, jumped up directly, and landed on a collapsed iron frame, avoiding the branches. He held the dagger tightly and stabbed in the direction of Brother Ding.

"Wooden net", in a panic, Brother Ding waved his hands, and a door-like defense made of branches blocked Brother Ding's In front of him.

Peng brother stuck a dagger into the branch, the dagger pierced through the branch directly, and the tip sank into Ding brother's chest. Ding brother was sweating coldly from the pain. But fortunately, he avoided the fatal blow.

At this moment, Zhang Jun, who had climbed up, rushed to the back of Peng brother with an axe, with blood still on the corner of his mouth. He raised the axe and chopped it hard on Peng brother's head.

Peng brother noticed the movement behind him, and while pulling out the dagger, he turned his head slightly to avoid the axe. At the same time, he turned around and punched Zhang Jun in the face directly, and then did a backflip and jumped behind Zhang Jun.

"Fuck, annoying flies, die."

Peng brother, who landed, roared loudly, and the dagger in his hand was about to stab Zhang Jun's body.

Zhang Jun, who was a little dizzy after being hit by a punch, only had time to turn around, and the dagger had already cut through his skin and pierced his heart.

"Old Zhang! "Brother Ding, who was behind him, saw this and shouted loudly, and waved his hand hurriedly to remove the branch in front of him.

Zhang Jun, whose heart was pierced, spurted out a mouthful of blood, which sprayed directly at Brother Peng in front of him. Brother Peng was a head shorter than Zhang Jun, and after being sprayed, his whole body was like a bloody man.

Zhang Jun was stabbed so hard that he couldn't speak, but he was also awakened by the pain. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Brother Peng's outstretched hand. Brother Peng only felt a huge force coming out of his hand, and his arm was firmly captured and unable to move.

Zhang Jun swung the axe vigorously, The head slashed from bottom to top, directly cutting off Brother Peng's arm holding the dagger at the shoulder, and then he used all his strength to kick Brother Peng away.

"Ah", Brother Peng, who fell to the ground, wailed in pain, hugged his broken arm, and rolled on the ground.

After doing all this, Zhang Jun could no longer hold on, and his body fell backwards.

Brother Ding ran over, his face full of tears, and the hand holding Zhang Jun's head could not stop shaking.

"Old Ding, Old Ding, run, Mouse Peng is not dead yet, you are not his opponent." Zhang Jun opened his eyes with great effort, saw Old Ding's crying face, and said with a weak breath.

"Old Zhang, don't die, don't die, we brothers still have to go out together. "Brother Ding cried out loudly, his snot and tears mixed together, and he kept talking while holding Zhang Jun.

Even though Brother Ding held Zhang Jun tightly, Zhang Jun still trembled twice, and his hand slowly slipped down from Brother Ding's shoulder.

Brother Ding held Zhang Jun, and he lost his mind. In just a few days, he lost two good brothers in succession, and Brother Ding could no longer control his tears.

On the other side, Brother Peng, who fell to the ground, recovered first. Covering his mutilated wound, he walked towards Brother Ding step by step.

When he was 5.6 meters away from Brother Ding, Brother Ding heard the voice and reacted from the grief. He gently put Zhang Jun's body on the ground, stood up, gritted his teeth, and stared at Brother Peng with angry eyes like fire.

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