Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 137 Brother Liu takes action (ask for bookshelf!)

"I told you to run away. If you don't want to run away, it's fine now. Even you will be buried with him." As Brother Peng spoke, blood sprayed out from his mouth.

While speaking, Brother Peng still had an evil smile on his face, and he looked extremely terrifying.

"Mouse Peng, fuck you, I will fight with you. Wooden sword." Brother Ding angrily cursed at Brother Peng.

As he spoke, he ran towards Brother Peng and used his powers at the same time. His hands turned into wooden swords made of wooden branches.

Considering that Brother Ding is only at level 3, he is already powerful enough to be able to develop his powers to such an extent.

But facing the powerful level 6 Peng Ge, the gap between the two was as big as a chasm.

As soon as the two met each other, the wooden sword in Brother Ding's hand opened his bow left and right, waved his arms, and thrust out towards Brother Peng in a double-team manner.

Brother Peng had broken an arm and was a little slow to dodge. His body was instantly unbalanced and he fell backwards. Fortunately, he rolled on the spot and picked up his dagger from the ground.

The somewhat embarrassed Brother Peng got up from the ground, looking even more furious, and struck a sharp blow at Brother Ding.

This time, it was extremely fast, and Brother Ding, who was so close, could not avoid it. He closed his eyes and was ready to accept the blow calmly.

The imagined pain did not come for a long time. Brother Ding slowly opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. His eyes suddenly became moist.

In front of Brother Ding's eyes, a solid and powerful hand tightly grasped the dagger stabbed by Brother Peng. His hand was cut by the dagger, and a stream of blood flowed out from the palm. The visitor stared at Brother Peng with an angry face, and then he kicked Brother Peng away and hit half of the wall.

The person who appeared in front of him was Brother Liu. After he knew that his two brothers were leaving today, he deliberately avoided them. He had just seen zombies appearing everywhere in the factory area, and he had been killing zombies alone.

Hearing the sound of fighting here, he just ran over and saw Brother Peng holding a dagger and about to stab Brother Ding. At the critical moment, there was no time to think too much, so he rushed over and reached out to hold the dagger.

Brother Ding saw the person coming and said, "Brother Liu, Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang is dead too."

Seeing Brother Liu, Brother Ding couldn't hold back his tears, sobbed and spoke.

When Brother Liu heard what Brother Ding said, he turned around and glanced at Zhang Jun lying on the ground, and an uncontrollable anger rushed to his head. Since the end of the world, the four of them have been dependent on each other. They have taken care of each other in this end of the world, and they have already developed feelings for each other after their death.

He turned around angrily and saw that Brother Peng was already limping and holding on to the wall, trying to escape.

After Brother Liu arrived, Brother Peng knew that if he did not escape, there would be no chance of survival. Even though he was of the same level as Brother Liu, he had been fighting for such a long time and had broken an arm. He would not be Liu at all. Brother's opponent.

When Brother Liu saw Brother Peng's running back, he couldn't hold back the anger he had been feeling for so long, and ran forward two steps to reach Brother Peng.

He was pulled up from behind, held high, and dropped heavily to the ground.

Then, he clenched his fist and punched Brother Peng in the heart.

In panic, Brother Peng felt the wind coming from the fist, shook his head weakly, opened his eyes many times wider than usual, and wailed loudly: "Brother Liu, Brother Liu, I was wrong, Spare me."

However, Brother Liu ignored his voice and punched him hard in the heart. There was a "creak" sound, and the sound of broken ribs on the chest was heard. The position of Brother Peng's heart was dented. The broken bones directly pierced the heart. Brother Peng spit out a mouthful of blood, opened his eyes wide, and struggled for two seconds. Next, there was no movement.

The two of them dug a hole directly in the factory area and buried Zhang Jun.

"Brother Liu, come with me. There were four of us brothers, and now we are the only ones left." Brother Ding lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, looked at Brother Liu in front of him and said.

"I can't leave. Lu Bai was kind to us that day, but I have never been able to repay him. I have to stay here to repay the kindness we owe him." Brother Liu raised his head, looked at the starry sky, and said thoughtfully .

"Why? Brother Liu, Lu Bai doesn't talk about loyalty. I won't talk about how he treats the people in the factory on weekdays. We brothers worked hard to get many supplies for the base. He kept asking about Lao Liu. He didn't even ask, so he killed him. I don't understand, why would you stay with such a person?" Brother Ding couldn't help but jump up excitedly when he heard Brother Liu's answer. The wound appeared, causing his face to turn pale.

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