Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 138: Meeting a yellow-haired man on the road (ask for bookshelf!)

"Old Ding, don't get excited. Lu Bai doesn't talk about morality, but we have to do it. At the beginning, the four of us were besieged by zombies and were seriously injured. If Lu Bai and his people hadn't appeared in time, you and I would have died that day. The mouth of a zombie." Brother Liu patiently advised.

"Oh, Brother Liu, you just value friendship too much." Brother Ding was helpless. Knowing Brother Liu's temperament, he didn't know what to say.

"Old Ding, you must be careful when you go to Longshan Base by yourself. Although we have not been in contact with Xiao Qiang for a long time, we can see that he is strong and loyal. You will definitely do well in Longshan Base." Liu Brother asked again.

"Yeah, brother Liu, then you must be careful yourself. Lu Bai is cruel and ruthless, so you must be careful about everything." Brother Ding also spoke to Brother Liu seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm going to repay the debt we owe. You should leave quickly, we won't be able to catch up with them in a while." Brother Liu patted Brother Ding on the shoulder and said.

"Alas!" Brother Ding sighed, left, got in the car, and walked towards the Longshan Base.

The conversation was divided into two sides. Xiao Qiang and the other three came out of the factory and picked up a car on the roadside. Xiao Qiang broke the car glass with a punch, and the three of them drove directly towards Bai Lu's community.

The driver was of course Xiao Qiang. Baichuan and Lili had not been driving for two minutes. When the lights shone on them, they saw a figure holding a machine gun on the side of the road. He was groping carefully, holding a flashlight, and carefully avoiding the zombies on the road.

Xiao Qiang recognized that the man happened to be Huang Mao Chen Yuan, and he braked suddenly and stopped in front of Chen Yuan.

"What's wrong, Brother Qiang?" Bai Chuan, who was sitting in the back seat talking to Lili, felt a sudden brake and his body leaned forward suddenly and asked.

"It's okay, I met an acquaintance and just took him with me." Xiao Qiang said.

While answering Bai Chuan, Xiao Qiang stuck his head out of the car window and looked out of the car. With his narrowed eyes open, Chen Yuan looked confused and shouted: "Brother Yuan, get in the car quickly!"

Chen Yuan is the first person Xiao Qiang met in the Black Wind Base. He has always taken good care of him. Although he does not need his care due to his own strength, it can also be seen that Chen Yuan has a good heart, so Xiao Qiang also likes Chen Yuan very much. Now that he has met him on the road, he is willing to take him to his base.

"Hey, it's you, little brother. I asked you where were you tonight? Such a big thing happened." Recognizing the person who was Xiao Qiang, Chen Yuan smiled, opened the car door, and sat in the passenger seat. in the driving position.

"Hey, there are two more people in the car. It seems you are smart and know how to find a car when you run out together." Chen Yuan said.

Huang Mao was also familiar with him, and they started chatting carelessly as soon as they got in the car.

Xiao Qiang smiled and did not explain anything deliberately, but asked why Huang Mao was here.

Huang Mao was chatting in the car. It turned out that after the turmoil started, Huang Mao was a little confused at first. Later, I heard Brother Peng come over and say that the people in the factory area had collectively rebelled, and asked them to organize a defense at the main entrance and shoot those people in the factory area.

When Huang Mao heard that he was about to shoot and had a conflict with people in the factory area, he was unwilling to hit those people and found an excuse to hide in a room. It wasn't until the zombies rushed over from behind and the base was in chaos that he took the opportunity to escape from the base, leading to the scene where he met Xiao Qiang just now.

Xiao Qiang smiled slightly after hearing this, thinking that he had indeed seen the right person. Even though Huang Mao usually dressed up and acted in an exaggerated manner, he was still kind-hearted.

"Brother Yuan, let's pick up someone in the community first, and then we will go to Longshan Base together." Xiao Qiang listened to Chen Yuan's words and also told him and his group's journey.

"Well, it's okay to go to Longshan Base. I've heard of such a Longshan Base for a long time. Now the Black Wind Base has been destroyed, and there is no place to go. But Zhang Wei, can't you tell? You drive The skills are quite good." Chen Yuan sat in the passenger seat and couldn't help but praise Xiao Qiang as he watched Xiao Qiang drive the car and avoid zombies on the road skillfully.

"It's okay, okay, by the way, Brother Yuan, I'm sorry, I've been hiding this from you. My real name is Xiao Qiang." Xiao Qiang heard Chen Yuan's words and said.

At this moment, the unrest plan had begun, and there was no need to hide it from Chen Yuan. Anyway, if you go to Longshan Base, you will know your name sooner or later. By then, you might as well tell it frankly.

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