Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 140 Returning to the community, seeing Bai Lu again (ask for bookshelf!)

After everyone knew the plan, they hurried to act. Since they were only responsible for the reception this time, Wang Liang and his team decided to send only three vehicles, led by Wang Liang and Li Ke, and the rest of the people prepared rooms and food in the base to receive the personnel of the Black Wind Base.

"Hello, I'm Wang Liang, this is Li Ke, Brother Qiang sent us to pick you up." Wang Liang stretched out his hand, smiled at Li Dian who was walking across from him, and said.

"Hello, my name is Li Dian, we have about 700 people here, and some are slightly injured." Li Dian stretched out his hand and shook hands with Wang Liang, and explained the situation on his side.

"Yeah, it's too dangerous here, let's leave here first, the base is ready." Wang Liang continued.

"Okay, then we'll follow your car." Li Dian replied.

Seeing Wang Liang nod, Li Dian returned directly to the truck.

On the other side, of the three vehicles brought by Wang Liang, two cars were driving in front to lead the way. After all the trucks passed, Li Ke's car followed behind.

It seems that Xiao Qiang's discussion with everyone at Longshan Base that day was very effective. Everyone at Longshan Base also made careful arrangements to prevent accidents.

Soon, a long line of convoys drove into Longshan Base in a mighty manner. The base was also brightly lit at night.

When Wang Peng saw that all the convoys had entered, he hurriedly organized the people in the original base to strengthen the defense to prevent Lu Bai's people from chasing them. Wang Peng has always been careful, and at this moment he was busy and arranged properly.

Lin Bingyan and Li Wei took the girls in the base to provide simple medical care for the injured.

As soon as Wang Liang got off the car, he organized everyone to live in Longshan Base in an orderly manner. The vacant rooms in the hotel and the rest of the people were temporarily arranged to live in the cafeteria. And this arrangement is also in accordance with Xiao Qiang's policy, women, children and the elderly are given priority to live in the hotel.

It can be seen that the entire Longshan Base, under the leadership of Xiao Qiang and everyone's collective efforts, is getting more and more on the right track. Everyone also divided the work among themselves and handled the collection work in an orderly manner.

Here, in the Longshan base, everyone was busy.

On the other side, soon, several people drove to the community where Bai Lu was.

As soon as he entered the community, Xiao Qiang saw that many zombies had wandered into the community again, and he didn't know what happened to Bai Lu.

After parking the car downstairs, Xiao Qiang took out the Meifeng dagger, got out of the car first, and neatly solved the zombies that surrounded him.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

... . . . . .

Listening to the prompt sound of killing zombies, Xiao Qiang waved his hand and said to several people: "Let's go upstairs."

The yellow-haired man who followed behind saw it and couldn't help thinking: "I didn't expect that my little brother is still very good at fighting zombies. No, I am the eldest brother, why Zhang Wei, no, Xiao Qiang should be asked to command. Forget it, he is familiar with this place, let him command for once."

Up to the third floor, Xiao Qiang knocked on the door gently, and shouted at the same time: "Sister Bai Lu, open the door, I am Xiao Qiang."

Hearing a groping sound in the house, Xiao Qiang heard footsteps coming to the door. Bai Lu looked through the cat's eye, and then the moonlight shining into the corridor, vaguely recognized that it was Xiao Qiang, and hurriedly opened the door.

"It's really you, I thought you forgot your sister and didn't plan to come back." Bai Lu opened the door and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang scratched his head and saw Bai Lu holding her bone spur dagger in one hand and a pistol in the other. It seemed that she was still very alert.

"How could that be, Sister Lu. By the way, look who I brought here." Xiao Qiang, who was standing in the aisle, moved sideways and dodged Bai Chuan behind him.

"Sister!" Bai Chuan had heard Xiao Qiang's explanation at the beginning and knew that he had misunderstood his sister, so he shouted.

Bai Lu heard Bai Chuan's shout and moved the candle in her hand closer in disbelief, looking at Bai Chuan carefully.

"Sister, I'm Xiao Chuan, sister, I'm sorry, I'm back." Seeing his sister, Bai Chuan couldn't help it anymore. The grievances and longings of the past two years burst out all at once. He opened his arms and said to Bai Lu with tears in his eyes.

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