Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 141 Go downstairs to get food (ask for the bookshelf!)

"You are finally back. Do you know how worried your sister is about you?" Bai Lu recognized Bai Chuan and hugged him. Tears could not stop falling. She cried and blamed him, and slapped him.

Sometimes, the more you love someone, the more you blame him.

Looking at the brother and sister hugging each other in pain, the other three stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Ahem, um, Xiao Qiang, are we going to stay here tonight? It looks pretty good here. I'm tired all night. I wonder if there is anything to eat here." Huang Mao said carelessly, stepping over the two people who were still crying, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

Walking from the corridor to the living room, Huang Mao picked up the candle on the table and looked at Bai Lu's house by himself. While looking, he directly picked up the half bag of potato chips left on the table and ate it.

"Rich people know how to enjoy life. How much does this carpet cost? And how much does such a big color TV cost? It's a pity. It's the end of the world now. These are useless." Huang Mao muttered to himself while watching.

Xiao Qiang was shocked. Helplessly, he saw Lili, who was also embarrassed behind him, and said, "Lili, why don't you sit on the sofa first? They are reunited. Give them some time. I'll go to the car downstairs to see what we can eat in the evening."

"Yeah, okay, brother Xiao, you go." Lili looked particularly well-behaved, dressed like an honest child, and said.

Xiao Qiang nodded and walked straight downstairs. He planned to use the same trick again and exchange some food from the system.

It was obviously a good thing for a few people, but it was like a thief, and he had to be sneaky. There was no way. The system was Xiao Qiang's last trump card, and Xiao Qiang would not expose his trump card at will.

He tiptoed through the corridor and got into the car. Every time he walked through the corridor alone, Xiao Qiang would still feel scared even though he had killed so many zombies.

There were three or two zombies surrounding the car. Xiao Qiang took out the Meifeng dagger and easily killed them. He listened to the prompt sound in his ears and got into the car.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . .

After closing his eyes and entering the system, Xiao Qiang still took out two large bags of hot pot ingredients, and he had thought of a reason, saying that they were taken from Lu Bai's warehouse. For this reason, Xiao Qiang also planned to rub a little dust on the bags outside.

Just after taking out the ingredients, Xiao Qiang was about to open the car door and walk upstairs. Suddenly, he heard the sound of someone opening the car door, and he became alert and looked out the window.

"Who is it?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Brother Xiao, it's me." Lili opened the car door and said.

Xiao Qiang got out of the car with two large bags of food and smiled at Lili.

The first time Xiao Qiang saw Lili was in the prison where Baichuan was imprisoned. At that time, Lili was also injured and collapsed on the ground. But she looked honest in her dress and conversation. Xiao Qiang could see the relationship between Baichuan and Lili, and he also thought that Lili was quite honest and a good child.

He said, "Why did you run down?"

"I was idle up there, so I thought of coming down to help you, Brother Xiao." Lili said.

Xiao Qiang took a look at Lili, who had beautiful eyebrows and eyes, a ponytail, and wore worn jeans on her legs. It seemed that she was a migrant worker before the end of the world.

With a smile, Xiao Qiang handed over a bag of food and said to Lili: "We've been running all night, everyone is tired, let's have hot pot tonight!"

When she heard that they were going to have hot pot, Lili looked at Xiao Qiang meaningfully with some surprise, then opened the black bag again, took a look at the ingredients inside, but didn't ask much, and walked upstairs with a shocked face.

When going up the stairs, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little confused. Although he had just entered the system. But he still kept his facial features clear. It didn't make sense that Lili would notice it when she walked to the car.

He looked back with some suspicion, and Lili still kept the same timid and quiet look.

Xiao Qiang shook his head and put his doubts behind him. Maybe he was too tired these days, or maybe it was because Lili walked lightly.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, where did you put Baichuan's thing? Is it safe? I heard Baichuan say that the thing is very important, and he also said that if Lu Bai catches up, it might save his life." Lili, who was walking behind Xiao Qiang, asked.

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