Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 142 The Charming White Dew (Ask for bookshelf)

"Don't worry, everything is ready." Xiao Qiang patted a small bag tied around his waist while speaking.

Pushing the door open, Bai Lu and her brother had recovered from the emotions of their family reunion and were sitting on the sofa talking.

At the other end, Huang Mao was sitting on the sofa, somewhat idle, but his eyes would occasionally glance at Bai Lu, but he was too embarrassed to look at her, revealing the kind of look that all men understand.

Bai Lu is about 30 years old, well maintained, and exudes a unique mature charm. Today, she was wearing a dress, without stockings on her legs, revealing her white thighs, and a pair of home slippers on her feet.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but look at her a few more times, so it was no surprise that Huang Mao would have such a reaction.

Seeing Xiao Qiang come in, the embarrassed Huang Mao finally had someone to talk to, and hurriedly stood up, walked towards Xiao Qiang, and said, "Little brother, what good things do you have? What are we going to eat tonight? ”

“Some ingredients for hot pot. Sister Lu has an alcohol lamp here. Let’s have some hot pot tonight. Brother Yuan, go and prepare it.” Xiao Qiang shook the bag in his hand and said to Huang Mao with a smile.

“Hot pot again. Where did you get these ingredients this time? Did you get them from the car again?” Bai Lu also came over and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

“Sister Lu, I found this in the warehouse of the Black Wind Base. I took it when I came out.” Xiao Qiang looked at Bai Lu, scratched his head and said.

“Brother Xiao Qiang, thank you very much. Not only did you save me, but you also took me to find my sister.” Bai Chuan looked at Xiao Qiang and said with gratitude.

“Don’t be grateful to him. Your brother Xiao Qiang is very capable. This is not a simple thing for him. "Bai Lu spoke first, smiled playfully at Xiao Qiang, and said.

Xiao Qiang smiled and nodded at Bai Chuan, meaning that he didn't need to be too polite.

In fact, as long as Xiao Qiang recognized someone, he would be very tolerant, Bai Lu and Huang Mao were the same, otherwise Xiao Qiang would not allow it with his strength. Huang Mao now called him his younger brother.

"Xiao Chuan, introduce to me, who is this girl? She came with you." Bai Lu saw Li Li and asked again.

"Sister, this is my friend. We met in the prison of the Black Wind Base. "While saying this, Bai Chuan scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Bai Lu looked at Li Li, then looked at Bai Chuan's somewhat shy face, and naturally understood what was going on.

She took the black plastic bag of food from Li Li's hand and stuffed it into Xiao Qiang's hand.

She took Li Li's hand, held a candle and walked towards the bedroom, saying to Li Li as she walked: "Come on, go back to the room with your sister and change clothes first, and leave the cooking work to the older boys. "

Xiao Qiang and the other two who were left standing there could only smile at each other and had no choice but to prepare the hot pot.

Looking at the happy scene in front of him, Xiao Qiang always felt that something was wrong, and felt a little confused, but he couldn't put it into words.

The food was ready, and it was convenient to prepare the hot pot. The three of them lit the alcohol lamp, took some bowls and chopsticks, and waited for the two ladies to change their clothes and come out.

After a while, the two changed their clothes and came out. Lili was wearing a white sportswear, which made her look even more petite. On the other side, Bai Lu also changed her clothes, wearing a pair of loose shorts and a white T-shirt on top. She looked very homely.

"Sister, your bracelet?" Bai Chuan asked.

Xiao Qiang then noticed that Lili was wearing a beautiful silver bracelet on her wrist. Xiao Qiang remembered that Bai Lu had told him that this was Bai Lu's most precious bracelet.

"What's wrong? It looks good on Lili, right? Lili and I get along very well, so I gave this bracelet to her. "It seems that Bai Lu has also decided on this sister-in-law, so she generously gave her precious bracelet as soon as they met.

"But this is your most..." Bai Chuan naturally knew Bai Lu's intention, but he still spoke.

"Okay, we've been running all night, let's eat quickly, let me see what delicious food there is." Bai Lu interrupted Bai Chuan and spoke.

While speaking, Bai Lu took Lili's hand, pushed Xiao Qiang who was sitting next to Bai Chuan away, and sat down with Lili. Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly, moved a seat, and sat next to Bai Lu.

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