Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 143 Dreaming Again

The yellow-haired man next to him couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker when he saw this scene.

"Anyway, we're going to the new base tomorrow, so let's light all the candles to make the room brighter." Bai Lu said, and then opened the drawer, took out the remaining 3 or 4 candles, and lit them together, making the whole room feel brighter.

Xiao Qiang noticed that the whips and other sex toys in the drawer were gone, and it seemed that Bai Lu had packed them up.

The most excited person to see the hot pot was the yellow-haired Chen Yuan, who could even call a bucket of instant noodles a feast.

"When eating hot pot, you must first shabu-shabu mutton, mutton is the most delicious..."

The yellow-haired man explained to everyone while eating.

The ingredients in the system are very fresh and authentic. Everyone who has been hungry for a long time ate such a delicious hot pot, and with the yellow-haired man constantly livening up the atmosphere at the table, the five people were also very lively.

"Brother, put some more fish balls in." The yellow-haired man said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay." Xiao Qiang agreed, picked up the fish balls and poured some into the pot.

"Is he your little brother?" After drinking a sip of water, Bai Lu couldn't help asking after hearing Huang Mao's words.

Bai Lu naturally knew Xiao Qiang's strength, and Huang Mao had just very implicitly stated that he was just an ordinary person. Now that he heard that Xiao Qiang was someone else's little brother, he couldn't help but tease him.

"Yes, I tell you, when he entered the Black Wind Base, he also used the alias Zhang Wei, hahaha." Huang Mao couldn't help laughing when he said that.

"Hahaha, really, it's too popular, how did you come up with this name?" Bai Lu also laughed, and put her hand on Xiao Qiang's shoulder and asked.

"Uh, that, is it just a random name?" Xiao Qiang was embarrassed by the teasing of several people, and he stammered.

"Well, if there is some wine, it would be good, little brother, can you get some wine?" Huang Mao asked Xiao Qiang excitedly.

"Let's not drink anymore. We are still in Liutong County. Although it is temporarily safe, it is better to stay sober." Xiao Qiang said to the few people, and they all nodded to show their understanding.

In fact, Xiao Qiang didn't drink because he drank some red wine with Bai Lu last time, but he couldn't control himself. The two of them had a romantic night, and Xiao Qiang always felt ashamed of Bai Lu.

The weather was hot, and the few people were eating hot pot. After a while, everyone was sweating profusely.

"It's too hot. There is still a little water left in the water tank. The two of us ladies are going to take a shower. You men should be patient tonight." Bai Lu said, without waiting for the few people to reply, and pulled Lili to the bathroom.

"Ha~ Yawn, just right, I don't want to take a shower either. I'm exhausted after running all night. I'm going to sleep first." Huangmao yawned and walked straight to a bedroom.

There are three bedrooms in the whole house, one for Bailu and one for Lili. At Xiao Qiang's strong request, he can finally live in one bedroom, and the other one is occupied by Baichuan and Huangmao.

Late at night, after midnight, Xiao Qiang, lying on the bed, had the same dream that he had had countless times.

In the dream, the zombie riot was completely out of control. In the end, he and his friends were completely surrounded by zombies. He watched his teammates fall one by one, and in the end, he was the only one who was still struggling.

Xiao Qiang woke up suddenly, sweating all over, tossing and turning, and couldn't fall asleep anymore.

Xiao Qiang simply stood up and walked directly to the living room to stare at the scenery outside the French window in a daze.

This kind of weird dream, Xiao Qiang has often repeated since the end of the world. But Xiao Qiang's dreams can be divided into two types. The dream tonight will make Xiao Qiang feel extremely uncomfortable, but Xiao Qiang hasn't had the same dream for a long time.

Standing in front of the window, Xiao Qiang felt that he must have been worried about Lu Bai. He couldn't figure out why Lu Bai hadn't appeared, and he couldn't figure out who the mysterious second in command was, so he started having this nightmare again at night.

It was already 4 o'clock in the morning, and it was still dark outside. Listening to the snoring of Huangmao, Xiao Qiang stood in front of the window thinking about the problem.

"Bang", hearing a slight knock on the door, Xiao Qiang turned his head and saw Bai Lu, who was wearing her lace short skirt pajamas, coming out.

"You're not sleeping in the middle of the night, standing here to scare people." Bai Lu recognized Xiao Qiang, patted her chest, and scolded him.

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