Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 144 Bai Lu comforts (ask for bookshelf!)

Bai Lu walked towards him, and Xiao Qiang caught a glimpse of Bai Lu's fair chest and the exposed ravines, which were particularly conspicuous under the moonlight. It must be said that Bai Lu's figure is indeed good. The two round balls on her chest are wrapped under the lace top, and they are about to come out as Bai Lu's body rises and falls.

Seeing Xiao Qiang staring at her chest, Bai Lu was not angry, but instead straightened her chest and teased: "Men are really the same, lustful."

Xiao Qiang was teased by Bai Lu, and felt a little embarrassed, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Sister Lu, why didn't you sleep either?" Xiao Qiang didn't dare to look directly at Bai Lu, pretending to look out the window, and asked a different topic.

"I heard a noise outside, so I got up to take a look." Bai Lu replied.

In the past few months since the outbreak of the apocalypse, Bai Lu has been living here alone, so she will naturally pay special attention to the noise outside the house.

"By the way, thank you, you are quite powerful." Bai Lu walked to Xiao Qiang and said.

"Oh, it's just a small favor. I didn't do anything." Xiao Qiang said embarrassedly when he heard Bai Lu's compliment.

"I mean you were pretty good that night." Bai Lu suddenly put her face close to Xiao Qiang and said to him with a smile.

White chest, nice perfume, and feminine charm. Bai Lu, leaning against Xiao Qiang's face under a head of wavy hair, exhaled like orchid. Xiao Qiang's face flushed all of a sudden, and even began to stutter when he spoke.

"Uh, this..."

"So cute, hahaha, okay, I won't tease you anymore." As she spoke, Bai Lu moved her face away from Xiao Qiang and looked at Xiao Qiang meaningfully.

"But I really have to thank you for reuniting us, and for helping me explain. Why don't you sleep so late at night?" Bai Lu turned her head and stood side by side with Xiao Qiang in front of the window, and said seriously.

"I can't sleep a little. I think we are too smooth, and there are many problems that we haven't figured out." Xiao Qiang expressed his doubts to Bai Lu.

"In that case, let's set off earlier and arrive at your base earlier, so that we will be safer." Bai Lu said caringly after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

"Yeah, sister Lu, what are your plans for the future?" Xiao Qiang asked again.

"What plans can I have? I am already very happy to find my brother. Now, the world has become like this, who knows when peace can be restored. However, when I heard you talk about Longshan Base, the atmosphere seems to be pretty good. It should be nice to live there." Bai Lu replied.

"Yeah," Xiao Qiang nodded, but didn't say anything.

"What about you, what are your plans for the future? You are so powerful, don't you decide to save the world?" Bai Lu looked at Xiao Qiang with a smile and asked.

"Sister Lu, in fact, sometimes I don't know what I should do. Although the end of the world has been more than 4 months, I still feel that everything happened too suddenly. Sometimes I am very scared, afraid of disappointing everyone's expectations and leading everyone to the wrong way." Xiao Qiang squatted on the ground and said like a child when facing Bai Lu, curled up.

Seeing this, Bai Lu also squatted down, stretched out her hand and gently stroked Xiao Qiang's head.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. In fact, you are really excellent and you are also very charming. I think the energy contained in your body is much greater than what you show. Moreover, everyone's trust in you does not mean that they will do nothing and rely on you completely, but that they will help you and make your strength stronger and more motivated." Bai Lu looked at Xiao Qiang softly and gently and said.

"Yeah, thank you, sister Bai Lu." Xiao Qiang didn't know why, but he was willing to talk to Bai Lu about some things, and after listening to Bai Lu's words, Xiao Qiang always felt more comfortable in his heart.

"You're welcome. And, you are welcome to consult me ​​if you have any questions in the future. I, my sister, will always support you." Bai Lu smiled coquettishly and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Okay, go to sleep for a while, it will be dawn soon, and we have to set off." Bai Lu patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder and said.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the sky just got a little bright and the sun slowly rose.

After chatting with Bai Lu for a while, Xiao Qiang went back to bed and slept soundly without any nightmares.

"Knock, knock, knock" Xiao Qiang, who was sleeping soundly, heard a knock on the door. He stretched his body, rubbed his eyes and asked, "Who is it? Come in."

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