Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 145 Lu Bai Chases (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Don't sleep in the middle of the night, don't get up in the morning. Get up soon, everyone, eat something, we're ready to go." Bai Lu opened the door directly and said to Xiao Qiang lying on the bed.

"It's great to have money, this bed is so comfortable to lie on." Xiao Qiang said as he stood up and walked out of the house.

Outside the door, the other three had already packed up and sat at the dining table in the living room, eating casually.

Soon, several people ate something casually, packed up and prepared to go to Longshan Base.

"Little brother, do you think Li Dian and the others have also gone to Longshan Base? When you get there, you must talk to them and don't vent your anger on me." Huang Mao said as he walked down the stairs.

"Don't worry, Brother Yuan." Xiao Qiang comforted.

Just as they walked downstairs and were about to get in the car. Suddenly, Lili said, "Oh, my things are gone, I'll go upstairs to look for them."

After saying that, without waiting for everyone's reaction, she ran upstairs on her own.

"What is it? I'll go with you to find it." Bai Chuan saw this and followed Lili upstairs.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell why.

After waiting for a while, the two still didn't come downstairs.

"Let's go up and take a look. It's okay to stay downstairs." Xiao Qiang said to the two.

The three put their simply packed luggage in the car. In the end times, there is no need to worry about things being stolen.

Entering the house, they saw the two of them rummaging through the cabinets in the bedroom where Lili slept last night, busy looking for something.

"Lili, what did you drop?" Bai Lu asked.

"I have a very important thing, I don't know where it fell." Lili replied while lifting the bed sheet.

Xiao Qiang felt something was wrong. How important was it that Lili risked being chased and went upstairs to look for it again. Moreover, Lili didn't do a lot of activities last night, so how could she drop something and not find it?

While he was wondering, he was about to ask, when suddenly, Huangmao, who was looking out the window of the living room, suddenly pushed open the bedroom door.

Several people were startled by his sudden reaction and looked at Huangmao in unison. He looked at them with a panicked face and trembling body.

He said tremblingly: "Xiao, Xiao Qiang, there are many vehicles and people coming down from the building. They look like Lu Bai's people. What should we do?"

It turned out that Xiao Qiang had revealed to Huangmao last night that he and others also started a riot and fled from the Black Wind Base. Huangmao also expressed his understanding.

However, due to the terrifying image of Lu Bai in everyone's mind, if Lu Bai knew that he was rebelling, he would definitely not let him off easily. Therefore, when he saw that it was Lu Bai's convoy outside, he was so nervous.

"What!" Xiao Qiang heard Huangmao's words, secretly said that it was not good, and hurriedly opened the bedroom door, stepped to the French window, and looked downstairs.

It didn't matter if he looked at it, but it really startled Xiao Qiang. In the open square in front of the community building, more than ten large trucks were neatly lined up, and there were many cars parked in front.

Many big men with guns and live ammunition were constantly getting off the trucks, running towards the front of the car, and finally standing in front of the car, a dark mass, raising machine guns and pointing at the house where Xiao Qiang and his friends were.

On the other side, Xiao Qiang had amazing eyesight and clearly saw that it was Lu Bai and Li Feng and others who were standing next to the car and talking. The people downstairs also saw Xiao Qiang and his friends walk into the window, raise their machine guns upwards, ready to fire at any time.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang hurriedly pulled several people back and tried to stay away from the window.

It was obvious that the people Lu Bai brought were obviously coming for them. Xiao Qiang couldn't figure out why Lu Bai could find them so accurately, but now the most urgent task was to lead everyone to escape from here quickly.

Xiao Qiang was anxiously looking for a way out. Bai Chuan and Huang Mao were also nervous and at a loss. Although Bai Lu had never seen Lu Bai, she saw the expressions of the others and knew that something was wrong. She looked at Xiao Qiang and asked what to do next.

At this moment, Li Li, who had been in the bedroom, looked at the others with their backs to her. Suddenly, a smug smile appeared on her face, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, changing her usual honest look.

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