Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 146 True Face (Ask for bookshelf!)

Two slender whips were slowly drawn out from his waist. If Xiao Qiang saw them, he would recognize them as being made of black gold.

Lili suddenly stretched her arms forward and whipped out two slender whips. The two whips seemed to have eyes, shooting straight at the people in front of her. One stretched directly to the small bag hanging on Xiao Qiang's waist, and the other went directly through Bai Chuan's back, directly piercing a hole in Bai Chuan's body.

Everyone had just been paying attention to Lu Bai and the others outside the window, but they didn't pay attention to Lili's movements. Now the sudden change made everyone's eyes widen. They turned their heads in disbelief and struck at the two thin whips. Look where you came from.

Xiao Qiang was the first to react. Seeing that Lili was holding the other two ends of the two long whips, he instantly took out the Mei Feng dagger from the system and slashed towards the whip that stabbed Bai Chuan.

When Lili saw this, she shook her hands and already drew the whip back into her hand. Then, he took two steps forward, did a backflip, jumped directly over the heads of several people, and jumped to the window. At the same time, he waved his bag downstairs to signal them not to shoot.

Bai Chuan, who had been whipped out by Lili, had a hole stabbed in his chest, and a stream of blood arrows spurted out, instantly dyeing the shirt on his chest bright red.

Bai Chuan turned around with a look of disbelief. He looked at Lili with his mouth wide open. He stretched out his hand and pointed in Lili's direction. He opened his mouth to say something, but he just spit out a mouthful of blood, staining his entire teeth. flushed. His throat surged twice, and his whole body fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Ah!" Bai Lu exclaimed. She was standing aside with her mouth covered. She hurried forward and hugged Bai Chuan. She tried to block Bai Chuan's bleeding holes with her hands while sobbing uncontrollably. shouted.

Huang Mao on the side was already stunned by this sudden change. When he was stunned and at a loss, when he saw Bai Chuan falling, he hurriedly knelt down and wanted to provide some help.

Xiao Qiang glanced at the fallen Bai Chuan, suppressing the anger in his heart, his nose couldn't stop twitching, and stared at Lili in front of the window with wide-open glasses. Lili didn't look like a good girl at this moment. She had an evil smile on her face, tilted her head and looked at the people in front of her. Even her hair was spread out. She was playing with the two whips in her hands, and her face was full of expressions. It's a joking expression.

Picking up the Meifeng dagger in his hand and pointing it at Lili in front of him, Xiao Qiang said, "Why? Who are you?"

"Haha, you are really stupid. You have been deceived all over the place, but you still don't know who I am?" Lili lowered her head and glanced at the pocket bag in her hand, as if to show off, and at the same time smiled wildly.

When Xiao Qiang heard Lili's words, he turned on his eye recognition function and glanced at Lili.

"Ding, we found a strong level 7 human."

He turned out to be a strong level 7 human, and he was also from the Black Wind Base. According to the information I got, the only one who belongs to level 7 in the Black Wind Base is their second master, Mr. Xu.

From this point of view, I was really careless. I always thought that Mr. Xu was a man. Moreover, when he went to the prison to look for Lili and saw the injured Lili lying on the ground, Xiao Qiang did not become suspicious and did not scan her strength. Moreover, during this period of contact, she had always shown that She has a well-behaved and honest image, coupled with Bai Chuan's trust in her, although she has some doubts, she does not doubt her.

Xiao Qiang took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "So it seems that you are the third boss of the Black Wind Base, the mysterious Master Xu who has never appeared."

Xiao Qiang revealed Lili's identity in one word. Huang Mao, who was squatting on the ground, was shocked when he heard Xiao Qiang's words. He looked at Xiao Qiang in disbelief and said, "Xiao Qiang, do you think she is Master Xu?"

After hearing Huang Mao's words, Xiao Qiang still stared at Lili in front of him with a wary look on his face. At the same time, he sneered: "Huh, with the strength of a strong person at level 7, I'm afraid there won't be another one in the entire Black Wind Base." Alright. I just don’t know why the second master hid so deeply and went to such great lengths.”

Lili opened the window and threw the bag out of the window into Lu Bai's hands. Then, he turned around with a bad smile on his face and said to Xiao Qiang: "You are also about to die anyway, so there is no harm in telling you."

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