Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 147 You succeeded in irritating me (ask for bookshelf!)

While speaking, Lili was still turning the long whip in her hand. There was no trace of shame on her face because she had just betrayed everyone, and she continued to speak: "My real name is Xu Li, and I have just joined Boss Lu Bai's camp. Brothers, please respect me and call me Master Xu. A few days ago, that ignorant boy from Baichuan actually stole the most important formula from Boss Lu Bai, which brought our cooperation with the urban base to a standstill. "

"But you didn't expect that Bai Chuan looks thin, but his bones are very hard. That's why you used the trick to deceive Bai Chuan's trust, and prepared to find an opportunity to escape from the base with Bai Chuan, and then get the formula." Xiao Qiang held the dagger in his backhand, took a step forward, stood in front of several people and spoke.

"That's right, but just when I was looking for an opportunity to take Bai Chuan out to find the formula, you suddenly appeared. During the conversation with Bai Chuan, you mentioned your Longshan base again and prepared to lead people to defect to the Black Wind base. "When I reported to Boss Lu Bai, I didn't expect Mr. Li Feng from the city to know about you," Lili said as she glanced at Bai Chuan who was lying on the ground.

"It's my fault that you offended someone you shouldn't have offended. Even Mr. Li Feng dared to offend you. So we changed our plan and decided that I would cooperate with your plan. When the time comes, I will find out the address of the formula and kill you by the way. I'll occupy your Longshan base when the time comes." At this point, Lili didn't need to hide anything, and she told Xiao Qiang everything with a victor's smile.

"So, when you stretched your hand out of the car window last night, you were leaving a mark for Lu Bai and the others, so they could find this place accurately. Moreover, you asked me intentionally or unintentionally about the whereabouts of the formula, and you also wanted to confirm that the formula is here In my bag. In fact, it was just an excuse for you to go upstairs to look for something, just to delay it so that Lu Bai and the others could arrive in time. No wonder I didn't notice your footsteps when you went downstairs last night. "Sound." Xiao Qiang understood a lot when Lili said this.

"Smart and clever, but you knew it too late. Now that you have obtained the formula, you are also surrounded by us. Even if you, Xiao Qiang, are strong at level 7, you will not be able to escape our encirclement." Lili clapped her hands and said to Xiao Qiang, but her face was still full of joking expression.

"Xiaochuan, no, wake up quickly, wake up quickly, Xiaochuan. Ah~" Suddenly, Bai Lu let out a heartbreaking cry.

Xiao Qiang turned his head slightly and looked back, only to see Bai Chuan, whose heart was pierced, had closed his eyes, his hands were weakly hanging on the side, and he was lying in Bai Lu's arms, lifeless.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Bai Lu hugged Bai Chuan and cried uncontrollably, her whole body was close to the edge of collapse. After all, the siblings had just reunited yesterday, and now it's like this.

Xiao Qiang could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He pointed the Mei Feng dagger forward in his hand and shouted: "Why? If you want to take the formula, just take it. Why do you want to take his life? He trusts you so much. They are so kind to you."

"Hmph, they are like ants to me, and they actually want to be with me. Moreover, he took Boss Lu Bai's formula and delayed Boss Lu Bai's affairs. Boss Lu Bai will not let it go. "He." As Lili spoke, she swung the whip in her hand hard, making two slender cuts on the carpet in the living room, and also left a deep mark on the floor below.

"Give me your life!" When Lili said that Bai Chuan was an ant who was so kind to her, Xiao Qiang's eyes could spit fire and he shouted loudly.

At the same time, he did not worry that the people in front of him would find that he had taken something out of the system out of thin air, so he directly put the Mei Feng dagger back into the system and took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The whole person exuded a strong momentum, ran forward two steps, held the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella tightly in his right hand, stretched the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella forward, and pointed directly at Lili.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Qiangren was in front of Lili, and the tip of the Thousand Chance Umbrella was less than two centimeters away from Lili. Lili was surprised, thinking that she and Xiao Qiang were both at level 7, and even if there was a gap, it wouldn't be that big.

"It turns out that Xiao Qiang is so powerful, and I actually call him my little brother." Huang Mao, who was squatting on the ground, muttered in his heart when he saw Xiao Qiang's quick attack.

At that moment, she even broke out in cold sweat, but she was still at level 7. At the critical moment, she did a backflip and jumped out of the window.

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