Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 148 Delaying Time (Ask for bookshelf!)

With a "bang", Lili smashed the glass and flew out of the building. In the air, she turned her wrist and swung out two long whips, one end of which was tied firmly to the air conditioner rack outside the house. Lili swung gently in the air, her body swayed back, her feet directly kicked on the wall of the building, and she jumped gently to the ground.

"Shoot quickly and kill them. This Xiao Qiang is very powerful." After landing, Lili said to the 300 brothers behind her.

"Wait!" Lu Bai raised his hand and stopped the people behind him.

"Why is this bag empty?" Lu Bai raised his waist bag, unzipped it, and asked Lili while pouring it out.

"Empty? Why? How could this happen? Xiao Qiang didn't know who I was at that time. It stands to reason that he shouldn't lie to me." Seeing this, Lili asked puzzledly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. The bag is empty. I've put the formula away. As for why I lied to you, I can only say that I will naturally give Baichuan's things to him. You keep asking, so I can only say that they are in the bag. In the end times, don't trust others easily. This is what you taught me." Xiao Qiang leaned out of the window, sneered, and said to the few people.

Lu Bai laughed, put his hands behind his back and stepped forward, and said: "In this case, let's make a deal. You tell me where the formula is, and I'll let you go."

"Haha, Boss Lu Bai is really a joke. Your second in command just lied to us. If I give you the formula, I'm afraid that we will be riddled with holes by machine guns in an instant." Xiao Qiang said to the few people with ease.

"So, the formula is on you. Then tell me what it takes to hand over the formula. Seeing that you are good at fighting, why don't you come to my Black Wind Base and be the second in command?" Lu Bai said to Xiao Qiang with a smile on his face.

Xiao Qiang looked down, and Lili's face changed obviously, but she didn't say anything. She was the protagonist in Lu Bai's plan this time, but she didn't expect that she messed it up. After hearing Lu Bai's words, she didn't dare to say anything.

"Boss Lu Bai is really generous, but I don't have much interest in the second in command." Xiao Qiang was not in a hurry, holding his hands, and pacing back and forth in front of the broken window while speaking.

Xiao Qiang's eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at the living room behind him gently, with a barely perceptible smile on his lips.

He said slowly: "How about this. You kill your second in command and let Baichuan die. As for those dogs under you, all of them get out of here. As for you, kneel down strangely and kowtow to me three times, calling me daddy every time you kowtow. Hahahaha." After saying that, Xiao Qiang ignored Lu Bai and suddenly turned his head, looking at Li Feng with a sharp gaze, and said seriously: "Li Feng, I thought you were just greedy for life and afraid of death, and you just liked to hook up with girls on weekdays. I didn't expect that in the doomsday, you actually colluded with Lu Bai and did such a heinous thing. I should have taken your dog life in the supermarket." Li Feng looked disdainful and said: "Humph, are you doing it now? I don't know the situation. Although you have reached the level 7 of the strong, look at us. There are two strong people at the level 7, and there is also the boss Lu Bai, whose strength has reached the level 8 of the supernatural power. Now I'm telling you nicely, let you make a request, don't be shameless. If it weren't for the fact that you have the formula, you guys would have been beaten into a sieve long ago. "

At this moment, a little brother who had been around Lu Bai and his men and was responsible for cleaning up the zombies ran over in a panic and said, "Boss, it's bad. I just saw two figures on the right, running away from us."

"What did you say?" While speaking, Lu Bai grabbed the little brother's collar and lifted him up.

"Boss, boss, I just saw two of them running away." The little brother was hanging in the air, a little scared, and said.

It turned out that Xiao Qiang just saw Lili jump down while they were checking their waist bags. He hurriedly turned around to persuade Bai Lu, and told Huangmao to take Bai Lu downstairs and escape through the back door, and he would be responsible for delaying time.

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