Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 149: Reappearance of the Sniper Rifle (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Hmph", Lu Bai threw his younger brother to the ground, his facial expression began to become ferocious, shaking his head, showing an evil smile on his face, and turned to look at Xiao Qiang.

"You are looking for death. Beat him, and chase those two back." Lu Bai pointed his finger at Xiao Qiang, and at the same time waved his hand to his younger brother and shouted.

Hearing Lu Bai's order, except for the second in command and Li Feng's group, some of the other younger brothers chased the two yellow-haired people, and the other part ran to the upstairs where Xiao Qiang was.

At this moment, the sky has gradually become brighter, and the gentle sunlight shines on this square. However, this square is destined to no longer be gentle.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang put the Thousand Machine Umbrella aside and quickly took out the sniper rifle from the system.

Put the sniper umbrella on the window. At such a close distance, with Xiao Qiang's intermediate shooting skills, there is no need to aim at all.

Loading the gun and pulling the trigger, Xiao Qiang fired three shots in a flash, before the people downstairs could react.

Every shot hit the head, and the three shots had already hit the heads of the three brothers running in front. The threat of a sniper rifle is greater than that of a rifle, not to mention that Xiao Qiang shot accurately and quickly.

While running, the group chasing Bai Lu and the others was obviously restricted by the power of these three shots, and their running speed slowed down a bit. They all looked in the direction of Xiao Qiang, waiting for Lu Bai's instructions.

"Don't stop, keep chasing, you guys shoot!" Lu Bai yelled at his brothers.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang had already fired three more shots, also hitting the heads of the three brothers, and every shot hit the head.

In a short moment, Xiao Qiang fired six shots in a row, and every bullet hit the head accurately.

After firing the gun, Xiao Qiang did not hesitate at all. He put the sniper rifle back into the system, picked up the Thousand Machine Umbrella next to him, and ran in the opposite direction.

"Da Da Da" Xiao Qiang had just pulled away when dense bullets were fired in from the window. In an instant, the broken window, even the window frame was knocked off, and the wall outside the building was also full of holes with flying stones.

Hearing the dense bullets behind him, Xiao Qiang shouted that it was fortunate that he ran fast, and the bullets were free. At the same time, he secretly decided that he must go to the base in the city if he had the chance, because the bullets were too abundant.

Xiao Qiang kept running and ran directly from the living room to Bai Lu's bedroom, and then rushed to the balcony of the bedroom. He gently extended the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, and the tip of the solid Thousand Machine Umbrella cut a long line on the thick glass. Xiao Qiang's forward momentum did not decrease, and he kicked the glass open with one foot, and the whole person jumped directly from the third floor.

While in the air, Xiao Qiang opened the Thousand Machine Umbrella directly, tilted the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and slid forward for a distance before falling to the ground.

After landing, Xiao Qiang put away the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and without stopping, he chased in the direction of Bai Lu and the others.

On the way, Xiao Qiang saw that there were already many younger brothers in front of him, running ahead of him, and they were not far away from Bai Lu and the others.

Xiao Qiang opened his eyes to scan and looked at the group of younger brothers in front of him.

"Ding, ordinary humans found."

"Ding, strong level 1 humans found."

"Ding, strong level 2 humans found."

. . . . . .

Sweeping directly over, Xiao Qiang actually found that among the group of elite younger brothers belonging to Lu Bai, there were dozens of mutant humans. It seems that the strength of Lu Bai's group of younger brothers is indeed not to be underestimated.

At this moment, many people are still running back and forth in this high-end community. Because it is a high-end community, there are not many buildings in the community, and the greening is done very well. At the same time, most of them are empty squares.

When Xiao Qiang saw the younger brothers on the other side, the group of younger brothers had already discovered Xiao Qiang. Raising the machine gun in their hands, they madly swept towards Xiao Qiang.

Originally, with Xiao Qiang's strength of Level 7, he could easily dodge the bullets fired by these machine guns. But with so many machine guns shooting at Xiao Qiang at the same time, Xiao Qiang felt that he had no way to avoid it.

So, Xiao Qiang directly opened the Thousand Chance Umbrella, hid his whole body behind the wide umbrella leaves, and ran towards the dozen or so brothers who were running in the front.

The bullets hit the Thousand Chance Umbrella, making a "ding-dong" sound, but this ordinary bullet could not break the defense of the Thousand Chance Umbrella made of black gold, and would not even leave a trace on it.

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