Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 15 Arrival at the Villa

The villa chosen by Xiao Qiang is very large and includes a courtyard. The entire courtyard is surrounded by iron fences and has only one door, which is about 3 meters high. The size of the courtyard is such that even if 6 people drive two cars into it, most of the area is still empty. There are also two garages on the left side of the villa. The whole villa has two floors, which are magnificent and have all kinds of furniture and appliances. It seems that a rich man has rented it for his own vacation.

There are 10 bedrooms on the second floor, which is a rest area. The underground floor contains a kitchen, bathroom, etc., and there are several bedrooms. In the middle is a large reception room.

Several people drove the car into the courtyard. Xiao Qiang got out of the car and said, "Brother Liang, let's go in and check if there are any zombies."

The two entered the house and searched every room. Fortunately, there were no zombies. Otherwise, cleaning up after killing the zombies would be another job.

Coming out of the room, looking at the tired faces of the people and their faces covered with blood. Xiao Qiang comforted everyone and said, "There are no zombies in the house. It's safe here for the time being. Everyone can relax. Let's pack up the supplies and then we can rest."

"Is there any water in the house? I haven't washed my face for a long time. My body is full of blood and stench." Everyone relaxed their tense hearts after hearing Xiao Qiang's words, and Li Wei took the lead in making a request.

In fact, since the outbreak of zombies, everyone has been in fear. The whole environment feels that there is a zombie crisis everywhere. Let alone taking a bath and washing their faces, everyone has not even had a sip of hot water for such a long time. Now, several people have finally found a safe place. They can't hear the howling of zombies, and they can't see zombies anywhere. Finally, they are relieved and start thinking about washing.

"Don't use the water here for the time being. Everyone, make do with it. In the afternoon, Wang Peng and I will go to see if the water source is polluted. Let's use it. Just bear it in the end of the world!" Xiao Qiang thought about it and decided to be cautious.

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement. Life is more important than cleanliness.

Then, several people put all the food and drinks they "raided" from the convenience store in the kitchen. Although there is no electricity now, these supermarket items can still be stored.

Seeing the items that are about to fill up the kitchen, several people feel relieved. At least they don't have to fight zombies on an empty stomach for a short time.

After moving these items, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a pain when he saw that there were only a few barrels of gasoline left. Just now, in order to fight zombies, he threw too much energy, and didn't expect that only these few barrels were left. In this doomsday, it will not be so easy to get gasoline so easily next time.

After several people moved the gasoline, Xiao Qiang looked at the car covered with blood stains and scratches, and wondered if this system could get a car.

After all this, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiao Qiang entered the house. The three girls had already taken out a pile of food and placed it on the luxurious carpet. Several people didn't care about the blood and scars on their bodies, and sat directly on the carpet to eat.

"The rich are really extravagant. Such good materials are spread on the ground as carpets." Wang Liang sat on the carpet and said.

"Brother Liang, here is a pig's trotter for you." Wang Peng handed Wang Liang a vacuum-packed pig's trotter.

"Give me one too. I've been starving all the way. Bingyan, let's share one." After Li Wei got familiar with this family, she also ate heartily without caring about her image. She bit the bread in her mouth and stared at the pig's trotter in Wang Peng's hand.

"If you eat like this, our stock won't last more than a week." Wang Liang and Li Wei are both careless. At this moment, Wang Liang teased Li Wei.

"Lululu, what do you care? Look at your mouth full of oil, and you're still talking about me." Li Wei mischievously stuck out her tongue at Wang Liang.

Everyone was amused by these two people. The end of the world is very difficult, but fortunately, the people around them are very good, and life can be happy in the midst of hardship.

"Xiao Qiang, here, drink some water." Lin Bingyan handed Xiao Qiang a bottle of mineral water.

"Xiao Qiang, tell me about your next plan." Yang Xue's expression was still so cold, and she was still so straight to the point.

Xiao Qiang watched everyone fall silent and listen to his plan, but he smiled at Lin Bingyan: "Thank you."

Then he whispered to Yang Xue: "You speak in such a cold tone, just don't call me Yang Xue, just call me Yang Bing."

Although the voice was small, everyone heard it, and several people covered their mouths and laughed. Yang Xue was about to get angry.

But Xiao Qiang coughed and said seriously: "Okay, I'll tell you about my plan now."

Yang Xue didn't want to get angry anymore, and several people listened to Xiao Qiang.

"First of all, we must do a good job of protection. At present, we have limited manpower, so we will only take safety measures for the entire villa. In the afternoon, Wang Peng and I will go to check the water source. You can move freely in the afternoon. Brother Liang will protect you. Choose your own house. For safety reasons, it is better for us to live on the second floor."

"No problem." Several people replied at the same time.

"By the way, I just looked at the gas stove in the kitchen and found that it has not been ventilated and cannot be used. In the afternoon, you can find some branches when you have time. At night, we can make a fire and boil some hot water to drink." Wang Peng, who has always been careful, added to this.

"And what are your plans for the future, Xiao Qiang?" Yang Xue continued to ask Xiao Qiang.

"To live, everyone must live. Only by living can there be a future. As for longer-term plans, I don't have any plans for the time being." Xiao Qiang said directly with his hands spread out.

After hearing this, Yang Xue couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xiao Qiang.

After a while, the few people had finished eating a lot of food. It seems that fighting zombies is indeed a physical job.

Li Wei, Wang Liang and Yang Xue had already gone upstairs to choose their own rooms.

Xiao Qiang stretched his body, yawned and said, "I'll go take a rest. We'll set off in ten minutes."

In fact, Xiao Qiang was going to enter the system to check if there were any items to test water quality.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan walking towards him.

"Xiao Qiang, do you still have bullets? I only have two bullets left after fighting zombies just now." Lin Bingyan raised the pistol in her hand and shook it.

"Okay, no problem, I'll take a look and give it to you later." Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan's pretty face and said with a smile.

Xiao Qiang was still the same, closing his eyes and pretending to rest.

After entering the system and calling out Xiao Cong, he went straight to the point and asked, "Xiao Cong, I have never used the mall permission. Can you help me open the mall now?"

"Okay, host."

Afterwards, a mall panel appeared in Xiao Qiang's sea of ​​consciousness, which was divided into four categories: equipment, potions, skills, and daily necessities.

Xiao Qiang looked at them one by one. Because Xiao Qiang currently only had level 1 mall permissions, the types of goods were all common items, with a wide variety of types. The required exchange points were written behind each item.

The equipment category included iron long knives, steel daggers, helmets and other various items. Xiao Qiang also saw hot weapons such as pistols and bullets.

The potion category included hemostatics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and even primary strengthening pills that Xiao Qiang had never seen before.

The skills category included the wolf tooth stick method that Xiao Qiang had already learned, basic gun skills, and even advanced skills such as the dragon palm.

There were more daily necessities, from toothbrushes and towels to furniture and electrical appliances, and the required exchange points were also different.

There were too many things, so Xiao Qiang simply asked directly; "Xiao Cong, please help me check how many exchange points I have, and do I have any pills that can detect whether there are viruses in the water, and do I have bullets for the Colt pistol?"

"The host currently has 2872 exchange points. There is a medicine for detecting water quality - a poison tester (harmless in itself, if it is not poisonous, it will be colorless when dropped into the water, and if there is a virus, it will be blue.) It requires 1000 exchange points, and a Colt pistol bullet requires 10 exchange points." Xiao Cong introduced it in detail.

"Give me a bottle of poison tester, and then take 100 bullets." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little painful. He had saved up exchange points for so long, but he didn't expect it to be so useless.

With the poison tester, Xiao Qiang exited the system. He walked to Lin Bingyan with two boxes of bullets and said with some distress: "Here are 100 bullets. Use them sparingly, and practice your shooting skills when you have nothing to do."

Lin Bingyan took the bullets and smiled sweetly at Xiao Qiang: "Okay, don't worry." Then, she took the bullets and went upstairs to rest happily.

"100 bullets for a beautiful smile, Brother Qiang is really generous." Wang Peng saw this scene and teased.

"Ahem, well, take your crossbow and we're going!" Xiao Qiang was a little embarrassed, deliberately changed the subject, and strode out of the house.

"Okay." Wang Peng followed closely and said.

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