Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 16 Mission Completed

Longshan Park is built with the Longshan Spring in the park as the core. The entire spring is continuous all year round. The outflowing spring water flows to a lake in the park, and then flows into a river flowing through the park. The rest is directly intercepted from the source. All facilities in the park use water.

This time, Xiao Qiang wanted to check whether the source of the spring was infected by zombie venom.

The villa where Xiao Qiang and others live is located in the consumer area on the right side of the entrance to the park. The Longshan Spring that the two of them are going to is located deep in the park. The terrain there is higher, and spring water flows through the entire park from top to bottom.

Xiao Qiang was driving a pickup truck. The two of them only encountered a few zombies along the way, but Wang Peng easily took care of them in the passenger seat.

Xiao Qiang felt envious when he saw it. If he had known that Wang Liang would drive here, mosquitoes would still be like meat no matter how small they were, so that he could sit in the co-pilot and get some experience and exchange points.

The whole garden was extremely quiet. As we went deeper into the garden, there were more and more trees in the garden. In the early spring season, when the cold wind blew, it actually seemed to have a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

"Wang Peng, apart from being exposed to that burst of white light, did you have any abnormalities that caused your body to change?" Xiao Qiang felt that the environment was too quiet, so he opened the conversation just in time to ask.

"It's gone. I haven't been bitten by zombies, and I haven't eaten anything special. In fact, in the past few days, I have also thought that the burst of white light should be something similar to a ray, and the signal happened to be lost during that time. Everyone's body constitution is different when rays are irradiated on the body, so some will produce mutations." Wang Peng, who has always been careful, also shared his analysis with Xiao Qiang at this moment.

"Maybe, by the way, Wang Peng, to what extent are the physical changes caused by your mutation now?" Xiao Qiang asked thoughtfully while driving.

"In the past few days, I have tried again. My perceptual ability is that I can feel the outline of a person when I close my eyes. However, the distance is too short and I can't tell who it is. I can only feel it when I am close to you. However, this distance , I heard it. As for the shooting ability, it is like suddenly having a talent. Now I can guarantee that I can basically hit the target within 10 meters. "Wang Peng trusted Xiao Qiang and told everything about his physical condition.

"Okay, work hard and find a way to practice and improve as soon as possible. We still have a long way to go." Xiao Qiang was also a little surprised and even a little touched by Wang Peng's trust in him. At this moment, he was even more impressed by his six-person team. Full of confidence.

"Okay, Brother Liang, don't worry!" Wang Peng replied.

"Well, we'll be there soon." Xiao Qiang drove the car up a hillside and parked on the side of the road.

The two got off the car and saw a small ancient-style courtyard on the hillside. The courtyard was surrounded by earthen walls and covered with thatch. There is a plaque on the wooden door of the courtyard with the four characters "Longshan Park" written on it.

Entering the yard, the two of them saw a large reservoir, surrounded by a 3x3 iron fence. The water from the spring first flowed into the reservoir, and then split into two, with most of it flowing to the river down the mountain. , a small part is connected to the pipeline for water use in the park.

As long as the pipeline is not dug out, it should not be contaminated. The only thing that may be contaminated is the reservoir here. With this idea, Xiao Qiang came here directly to check.

"Wang Peng, please be careful around me and I'll check if there's anything wrong with the water." Xiao Qiang didn't bother to explain the origin of the poison test, so he pushed Wang Peng away.

"Okay, I'll go and check outside the hospital." Wang Peng knew the mystery of Xiao Qiang's body, so he didn't ask much. Since he chose to trust someone, he couldn't doubt it casually.

Xiao Qiang took out the poison test agent from the system and poured it into the reservoir. After waiting for a while, he found that there was no discoloration.

Sure enough, there are few zombies here and the water quality is not polluted. Although it cost Xiao Qiang 1,000 redemption points, it was worth it for the peace of mind.

Seeing that the water quality was fine, Xiao Qiang walked out of the courtyard, went out and took the chain in the courtyard to lock the door to prevent zombies from accidentally entering and polluting the water quality.

Xiao Qiang walked towards Wang Peng and said, "The water is fine, you can use it."

Seeing Xiao Qiang walking by, Wang Peng pointed to a place down the mountain with a look of joy and said, "Brother Qiang, look, it seems to be an ecological breeding place, and there seem to be animals in it."

After Xiao Qiang took the eye-improving agent, his eyesight improved a lot. Following the direction Wang Peng pointed, Xiao Qiang saw that it was a place on the left side of the road. It should be an ecological breeding project. There were not only greenhouses, but also various Breeding and breeding base.

"It looks like it's a breeding base, but I don't know if there are any animals in it." Xiao Qiang was a little happy. If there were animals inside, the food for those people would be greatly improved.

"But it's a little late now and it's not very safe. Let's go over there tomorrow and take a look. The two of us will look for wooden boards and the like to reinforce the door here to prevent zombies from breaking in." It was an early spring day. , the night comes earlier. Xiao Qiang saw that it was getting late and decided not to look for the time being just in case.

Soon, the two of them found some wooden boards and branches, and blocked the courtyard door tightly.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host for completing the mission to find a suitable place and establish a long-term base. The reward weapon is Thousand Chance Umbrella (high-level, can be upgraded), intermediate skills (raid), and an intermediate lottery draw."

The two were about to get in the car when a reminder to complete the task came from Xiao Qiang's mind.

It seems that the condition for the success of the system mission is to ensure that a reliable water source is found, but it is also necessary to establish a base without water.

"Wang Peng, can you drive?" Xiao Qiang asked eagerly to check the two items he got.

"I really don't know how to do this." Wang Peng said honestly.

"Well, let's go back." Although there was no one on the road, Xiao Qiang would not trust the steering wheel to someone who had never driven a car.

The two turned on the lights and went straight back to the villa. There were a few lights flickering in the hall on the first floor of the villa. It seemed that a few people had found some candles.

The other four people in the house were sitting on the carpet and chatting. On the table in the living room, a few candles were lit, and the flames brought some light to the place where the few people were staying.

"You are back, how is it? Are you two in no danger? Can the water be used? Are you two in no danger?" Li Wei was impatient and asked when she saw the two people coming in.

"Let them sit down and rest for a while, Weiwei, don't be anxious." Lin Bingyan said when she saw this, but her face was expectant.

"You two didn't encounter powerful zombies in the afternoon, how about that water source?" Wang Liang asked with concern.

Although Yang Xue didn't speak, she also raised her head, waiting for Xiao Qiang's answer. It seems that everyone still has an urgent desire for water.

After going out for a walk in the afternoon, Xiao Qiang felt like he was back in a warm fortress.

At this time, Wang Peng deliberately kept it a secret, frowned and said, "We tested the water. Alas."

Seeing the slightly disappointed expressions of several people, Wang Peng suddenly said loudly, "The water is fine, hahaha!"

"You dare to lie to us, I will beat you." Li Wei got up and chased Wang Peng to play.

Lin Bingyan smiled at Xiao Qiang: "Then let's go to the bathroom to wash up first, we will eat later, ladies first." After saying that, she also winked at Xiao Qiang mischievously.

After saying that, the three girls took the flashlight to the bathroom.

"We went to find some branches and wood nearby in the afternoon, and we can make a fire in a while." Wang Liang said to Wang Peng and Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, I'll take a rest first, thank you for making a fire." Xiao Qiang deliberately checked the reward items, so he sent the two away and said.

"No problem, you take a rest first, we'll call you for dinner when you're ready." Wang Liang and the other man were quite straightforward. They walked out of the villa and started looking for a fire.

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