Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 151 The Thousand Chance Umbrella Shows Its Power (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Brother, I have seen all kinds of people before the end of the world. You are the purest person I have ever seen, and you are so loyal. I am honored to know you, so I don't want you to face them alone here. Besides, I still have a grudge with that Lili." Bai Lu looked at Xiao Qiang gently and said.

"Pa pa pa", Lu Bai, who was standing opposite the three people, clapped his hands vigorously, frowned and looked at them unhappily, pointed his finger with a cigarette forward at the three people, and said: "It's really touching, but don't you understand the situation? Can't you see how many people are standing on the opposite side? One person and one gun can make a hole in you."

"Everyone listen to me, kill one person, I will promote him to be the team leader, come on!"

With Lu Bai's order, the younger brothers began to howl and rushed towards Xiao Qiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang smiled slightly, tilted his head, and shouted at the two: "In this case, the three of us will kill this group of bastards. However, Sister Lu, Brother Yuan, these little minions don't need you two to take action. You can go to the back of the building first and use your guns to provide me with remote help."

"Brother Yuan, take care of Sister Lu's safety."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang shouted again, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella upside down, and rushed towards the more than 200 people on the opposite side.

"Okay, little brother." Huang Mao shouted a sentence, and pulled Bai Lu to hide behind the building in the community.

Because, although the two decided to go with Xiao Qiang, they knew that the two were too powerful. If they followed Xiao Qiang and rushed up, it would be a burden. It would be better to hide in the distance and solve it with guns.

On the opposite side, those little brothers raised their machine guns and fired at the three people. The bullets were overwhelming and flew towards the three people in an instant. Xiao Qiang, who was rushing forward, pressed the start button, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella changed its form and turned into an umbrella again. Xiao Qiang held the umbrella horizontally in front of him, blocking the bullets and moving left and right, trying to help Bai Lu and the others to resist some bullets.

For a while, the sound of machine guns firing bullets was like setting off firecrackers during the New Year, and the sound of "ding ding dong dong" was heard continuously. In addition, the machine guns hit the Thousand Machine Umbrella, making a long-lost lively sound.

Li Feng saw that Xiao Qiang could resist so many dense bullets with the weapon in his hand, and he could see clearly that those bullets did not even leave a trace on the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

He became interested in the Thousand Machine Umbrella and waved behind him. His level 7 bodyguard, who had been standing behind Li Feng and watching coldly, walked to Li Feng and leaned down.

Li Feng said, "Find an opportunity later to bring Xiao Qiang's weapon over."

"Yes." The bodyguard heard Li Feng's words, answered coldly, and continued to stand behind him.

Seeing that the machine gun bullets could not cause any harm to Xiao Qiang, Lu Bai was furious and directly snatched the AK from a younger brother beside him, raised the gun, jumped over Xiao Qiang, and aimed at Bai Lu who was about to hide behind the building.

"Ta" a bullet flew out of Lu Bai's gun at a high speed and accurately shot in the direction of Bai Lu. After Xiao Qiang found out, he wanted to rush over, but found that it was too late, so he could only shout "Be careful".

"Dang" the bullet still hit Bai Lu accurately, but there was no picture of blood spraying as imagined, just a crisp sound, the power of the bullet hit Bai Lu, causing him to stagger. Huang Mao hurriedly supported Bai Lu and dragged him to the back of the building to hide.

"Humph, these people have a lot of treasures, but today, all of them will belong to me." Li Feng snorted coldly and thought to himself.

Xiao Qiang smiled slightly when he saw this, knowing that it was his golden silk armor that took effect. This golden armor was given to Bai Lu by Xiao Qiang along with a pistol and a bone spur dagger when he set out for the Black Wind Base. Unexpectedly, it has worked now.

"Give me the rockets." Seeing that the bullets could not even hurt Bai Lu, Lu Bai became even more anxious and shouted loudly.

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